One question..... could that be Happy valley on the other side of that wall?
The wall is on the wrong side of the road to be Bear Road
Not if it's the top end.
what do you meanit's not a bad shout!
There's houses on the left casting a shadow on the wall
I think it might be Wakefield Road which is off Upper Lewes Road. I seem to remember there was a big house or mansion up there that had a big wall around it . It was demolished some time in the 50's I believe although I'm not that old!
I think it might be Wakefield Road which is off Upper Lewes Road. I seem to remember there was a big house or mansion up there that had a big wall around it . It was demolished some time in the 50's I believe although I'm not that old!
The houses casting a shadow from the left say otherwise.
I think it might be Wakefield Road which is off Upper Lewes Road. I seem to remember there was a big house or mansion up there that had a big wall around it . It was demolished some time in the 50's I believe although I'm not that old!
But that wasn't your argument. I was merely pointing out the wall is on the other side at the top end of bear road.
Besides, TLO has already confirmed it's not bear road.