Er...I am well aware of b. So why is it ok in one election and not another?

Er...I am well aware of b. So why is it ok in one election and not another?
Liam Fox: We can't have any of our own trade deals if we are in a customs union.
People: Have you made any trade deals for after Brexit?
Liam Fox: No.
People: You must have some preliminary trade deals ready in waiting?
Liam Fox: No.
People: Has anyone confirmed they would replicate the EU trade deals for the UK?
Liam Fox: No.
People: Have you got anything at all lined up post Brexit whatever that may be?
Liam Fox: No.
That's reassuring then.
Also in the news, Boris Johnson, with no sense of irony whatsoever, claims there is an 'elite conspiracy' over Brexit.
There must be some version of leave that you would find less desirable than remaining though.
So leave no deal, leave May's deal and remain would be ok on a referendum. Glad you agree.
There must be some version of leave that you would find less desirable than remaining though.
I'll repeat no remain option should be on the paper.
If leave was stay in the customs union as Labour is proposing then I support remain.
Of course it should. Why should it not be!?
God it's like Groundhog Day ..... because as a nation we've already decided to leave. Now the options should be how.
I'm not sure what is so confusing to you :
1. I don't beleive there should be a second vote
2. If there is one then it should only be leave options
3. If the options were only Leave but stay in the customs union or remain full members I'd select remain under protest
There is one, but the EU can't make us sign it. The best that the EU can do with what is on the table, is say the UK can leave the backstop arrangement unilaterally, but if it did so, everything would revert to WTO arrangements, which is in fact, what the situation is.
"You have to be clear about what it's all about: Great Britain is the fifth largest export market in Germany. More than 750,000 jobs in Germany depend on exports to the UK." - DIHK (German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) President Eric Schweitzer.
Yesterday: Chaotic Brexit would shake German business, industry group warns
December: Germany's BREXIT PANIC: Trade unions WARN of drastic consequences of ‘CHAOTIC’ no deal
Yesterday: German industry 'looking into the abyss' as Brexit fears mount
Two days ago: German business warns of Brexit 'chaos'
October: German Industry Warns of ‘Massive Crisis’ From No-Deal Brexit
They are arguing, quite forcefully, and sensibly, for a deal.
For exactly the same reasons, in the event of No Deal they will argue even harder for an FTA and other voluntary arrangements on trade, and as quickly as possible.
& They will be right to.
God it's like Groundhog Day ..... because as a nation we've already decided to leave. Now the options should be how.
If members of the public have a problem with members of parliament then, as you have many times observed, they can vote them out. The formal accountability of MPs to voters has not changed - it remains as it always has done in our representative democracy. What has changed in recent days is that the mother of parliaments has regained some of the powers that have been lost over the years to an overweening executive - the bullying patronage of our political parties has been going on for decades but May's contemptible (literally) regime has been the worst.
If Brexit was reversed there would doubtless be some public disturbance. I understand that. Some MPs who feel that Brexit is not in the national interest may well have voted for May's deal on the basis that any such disturbances would be even less in the national interest. I understand that as well - although it does come dangerously close to mob rule acquiescence.
The latest YouGov poll shows that Remain's lead over Leave is now an historically high 11 points. That cannot be irrelevant surely. You have often said you have only contempt for those in favour of a further consultation but with the same poll implying that well over 20 million people want one surely most sane people will find it difficult to loathe a majority of the voting public. Perhaps the rioting would be less than some fear. Or hope.
If leave was stay in the customs union as Labour is proposing then I support remain.
Liam Fox: We can't have any of our own trade deals if we are in a customs union.
People: Have you made any trade deals for after Brexit?
Liam Fox: No.
People: Has anyone confirmed they would replicate the EU trade deals for the UK?
Liam Fox: No.
People: Have you got anything at all lined up post Brexit whatever that may be?
Liam Fox: No.
That's reassuring then.
Also in the news, Boris Johnson, with no sense of irony whatsoever, claims there is an 'elite conspiracy' over Brexit.