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[Politics] Brexit

If there was a second Brexit referendum how would you vote?

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Is it PotG?

Thrifty non-licker
Feb 20, 2017
Sussex by the Sea
Tipical snowflake. You drone on and on about things such as having a 7 million waiting list for operations, economic growth, a cohesive transport and educashun strategy, dentists that take on NHS patience and free trade, but you ignore the FACT that this is all caused by people in big rubber rings who eat funny food. Everything will be fine once we all have blue pasports and then who will be eating humble pie (with no tofu in it obviesly) you wokie?




Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly
So, -4%, +0.14%

Still 3.86% more growth to find before we hit the point where we’re in the same place as if we’d just done nothing except carry on as we were in the EU.

Still, as I look around the high street of the towns I visit in England, I note that it’s a great time to gamble, vape, get your nails done (at least 50% of which must be money laundering operations for drug money) or be a charity.

Lots of shut up restaurants, clothes shops, and a fair few “everything must go” signs about though.

What a success.
Rejoin to EU Customs Union ASAP, we need to stop the rot

Yet not even the LD's has the bottle to say its in our interests to do so....


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003

The Brexit betrayal is now complete​

How’s Brexit working out? There have been some marginal positives, but in terms of the economy, it’s been mainly downside, and on the issues that really matter to voters – particularly immigration and a better functioning health service with more money behind it – Brexit has so far manifestly failed to deliver.

Bloody woke remoaner lefties at the Telegraph :rolleyes:

Seeing the complete and utter incompetence and dishonesty of the current cabal and their advisors that the COVID Inquiry is highlighting on a daily and hourly basis, could you imagine what a BREXIT inquiry would highlight about this same bunch of narcissistic chancers ???

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
Brexit has been a disaster not one positive has it produced and certainly none as promised

Yes we have had Covid and wars since and yes our growth has been faster than many other countries but it’s from an incredibly low point which means we are still way behind other comparable economies.

Immigration has gone through the roof partly because of wars we were involved in and partly due to global warming which is partly due to the ongoing Industrial Revolution, again we started it and it’s now making parts of the world uninhabitable which will likely only get worst.

Are I hear the leavers say what about making our own laws! Well yes we have done that, take for example two the 2021 immigration Act and the 2022 Boarders and security Act which between them make entry into the UK illegal Let me explain.

A person obtains a tourist visa, then they get on a ferry for the uk and at Dover and claim asylum they will have broken the law and will be deported.
Arrive with any visa and the same will apply, the very act of having been issued with a visa means you cannot claim asylum In the UK.
So logically this person would go to a UK Embassy that can be found in nations around the world and claim asylum and you will be told this can only be done once you reach the UK.

This leaves only by means of illegal entry can anyone ask for asylum In the UK.

When did we become this selfish cruel country I can answer that it started when Nigel Fararge made fascism appear main stream and it was completed when this nation turned its back on the family of European nations.

The worst democratic decision ever made in the UK and one our children and grandchildren will have to live with long after we are gone.
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Eric the meek

Fiveways Wilf
NSC Patron
Aug 24, 2020
An updated asylum deal with Rwanda, emergency legislation to prevent it being blocked again in the courts, and UK lawyers stationed in Rwanda are all on the agenda.
Dystopian doesn't seem adequate as a description.

'British lawyers could be sent to Rwandan courts as part of asylum plans'


Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
An updated asylum deal with Rwanda, emergency legislation to prevent it being blocked again in the courts, and UK lawyers stationed in Rwanda are all on the agenda.
Dystopian doesn't seem adequate as a description.

'British lawyers could be sent to Rwandan courts as part of asylum plans'

£140M already given to Rwanda, millions spent on legal fees, and now further bribes to Rwanda using tax payers money.

That wasn’t on the side of a bus.


Staring at the rude boys
May 23, 2009
An updated asylum deal with Rwanda, emergency legislation to prevent it being blocked again in the courts, and UK lawyers stationed in Rwanda are all on the agenda.
Dystopian doesn't seem adequate as a description.

'British lawyers could be sent to Rwandan courts as part of asylum plans'

The Rwanda plan is like a bloke in a basement flat getting planning permission for a loft extension.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
And even if all the boat people are sent to Rwanda, immigration is still hundreds of thousands more per year than it was before Brexit. That wasn’t how taking back control was sold.
Absolutely. Any trade deal done includes immigration ie India.

Eric the meek

Fiveways Wilf
NSC Patron
Aug 24, 2020
The Rwanda plan is like a bloke in a basement flat getting planning permission for a loft extension.
I would liken it to the bloke in the basement trying to sell the airspace above that building in Battersea, in the hope it will have some future value in the event that planning for another storey gets approved at some unspecified point.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly
£140M already given to Rwanda, millions spent on legal fees, and now further bribes to Rwanda using tax payers money.

That wasn’t on the side of a bus.
Even if they send a few hundred to Rwanda it is in no way a deterrent, it will fail.

A returns agreement with the French may be more effective but Lord Rothermere wouldn't approve

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
Even if they send a few hundred to Rwanda it is in no way a deterrent, it will fail.

A returns agreement with the French may be more effective but Lord Rothermere wouldn't approve
We had that before Brexit. Oh, the irony.

Eric the meek

Fiveways Wilf
NSC Patron
Aug 24, 2020
Even if they send a few hundred to Rwanda it is in no way a deterrent, it will fail.
This is one of the things I really don't understand about the whole idea. What evidence is it based on? Being a brand new scheme, it is without precedent, so is obviously untried and untested. How does the government know (and I mean know) that it will work as a deterrent? The obvious answer is that they don't know, and that it is baseless hope behind the drive to plough on with it, even despite the small matter of the Supreme Court, the highest court in the country, ruling it illegal anyway.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
I am STILL waiting for the Brexiters on here to either make out a case for their continuing support of this self inflicted wound or simply acknowledge that they have made a mistake. If any of them had the courage to do either I for one would appreciate the move; any takers out there?

Thanks in anticipation of the thumbs up Is it PotG?

Now can you meet the challenge set out above? No?

Disappointing but predictable.....
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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
Go go global Britain indeed, ratifying that deal is most welcome and must come as a welcome surprise to all those who said it would take several years to replace the EU deals with third countries. Phase two, starting and improving on the deal beginning this year too ... [emoji636]
This didn't age too well, did it?

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