Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Calling someone cretinous is on a par with spastic. A cretin is a baby born without a functioning thyroid gland, which, if it isn’t found within a week of birth, results in a brain damaged child.Although it's been tremendous fun reading the days heartfelt contributions and searing political analysis ..from the Europhile community on NSC I must highlight one particular nugget of monumental, cretinous, cluelessness in your post ... Ursula von Der Leyen was a failed German defence minister mired in scandal who ended up getting the job after much horse trading behind closed doors to push her candidacy followed by a vote by the European Parliament to endorse the least worse option. She follows in the footsteps of numerous other failed national politicians ending up with cushy jobs in Brussels (see N Kinnock, P Mandelson).
It‘s why new born babies have their heel pricked for the blood test.