Was on a project in conjunction with the Met Police for a time and the number of bellends there would... well it wouldn't surprise you at all to be honest.
One in particular was so bad that we had 2 printed A4 pages of Stanisms. Stan was a 50ish yr old, over weight man with gout, who regularly drank pints of Bovril. I've forgotten most of the Stanisms (and some only work if you know the context) but a few stick in the memory;
He didn't see like "normal people" as his peripheral range of vision was greater than ours.
He invented the Automatic Number Plate Recognition system.
He hacked into a bank when he was 16yrs old and stole £500k, but felt guilty and transferred it to a charity
His regular, run of the mill, fishing vest wasn't that at all. You couldn't buy these, you had to be issued them. By whom he wouldn't say, but "safe to say you don't want to mess with them".
His gammy hip wasn't because he was an overweight 50yr old with a terrible diet, it was because he was gored by a stag...
He isn't theistic, agnostic or atheistic, but when pressed he sighed and sadly said we wouldn't understand.
He could understand and speak 7 languages, English (he could), Welsh (I think he could, but to be fair can anyone understand Welsh?) French, Italian, (he absolutely couldn't) and three others "which should be obvious."
He once went on a date with Tilda Swinton, but he didn't fancy her so he dumped her there and then.
Walter Mitty ain't got shit on Stan.
One in particular was so bad that we had 2 printed A4 pages of Stanisms. Stan was a 50ish yr old, over weight man with gout, who regularly drank pints of Bovril. I've forgotten most of the Stanisms (and some only work if you know the context) but a few stick in the memory;
He didn't see like "normal people" as his peripheral range of vision was greater than ours.
He invented the Automatic Number Plate Recognition system.
He hacked into a bank when he was 16yrs old and stole £500k, but felt guilty and transferred it to a charity
His regular, run of the mill, fishing vest wasn't that at all. You couldn't buy these, you had to be issued them. By whom he wouldn't say, but "safe to say you don't want to mess with them".
His gammy hip wasn't because he was an overweight 50yr old with a terrible diet, it was because he was gored by a stag...
He isn't theistic, agnostic or atheistic, but when pressed he sighed and sadly said we wouldn't understand.
He could understand and speak 7 languages, English (he could), Welsh (I think he could, but to be fair can anyone understand Welsh?) French, Italian, (he absolutely couldn't) and three others "which should be obvious."
He once went on a date with Tilda Swinton, but he didn't fancy her so he dumped her there and then.
Walter Mitty ain't got shit on Stan.