Ironically, given the earlier thread on Subbuteo, I got one of the balls from the much poorer version Striker, stuck up my nose when I was a kid. they were much smaller than Subbuteo balls. Don't know why I was putting it up there in the first place, but it took some serious, eye bulging blowing...
Get to go to India about once every three months, Delhi and Mumbai mostly, but have been to conferences in Goa and Kajurahao I think its a great place, totally crazy, and one of extremes, complete oppulence (e.g. Imperial Hotel Delhi) to possibly the worst poverty I have ever seen. Its not for...
I've got a 2:1 from Aberystwyth University, and MSc with distinction from Royal Holloway (University of London) and a PhD from Manchester University ....
However, i'm f***ing useless at those IQ tests (such as the annoying Test the Nation) and usually rate only as slightly above average/good...
Mine isn't, he loves em (and sardines etc), good for his coat as well!!
Useful back-up when we run out of tripe, theres always a can of pilchards/sardines in the cupboard. Then again I guess anythings better than tripe!!:sick: :sick:
Newcastle is a great club, and the supporters I've encountered both home and away are very friendly and enthusiastic. Go along, you can even have a beer whilst your watching the match.
With Andrew gone, Newcastle are going to struggle (particularly if Wilkinson gets injured again), and are many...
Christ, when I got my A level results, they came by post (I think we even had to supply the bloody envelope), none of this collecting them from school, being filmed by god knows what news channel celebrating their A*'s in media studies and tourism or whatever.
Personally I think the modular...
Used to spend three months of the year down in southern Italy in the early 90's doing research, and the drive down was one of the fun parts of the trip. In those days less 4x4's but there did seem to be a bit of a heirachy, in those days bloody great Lancias (usually rusty!)and Alfas. Always a...
Berkshire born (Reading ..:-( ), W Sussex from the age of 2 till 18 (parents and rest of family still there), Gloucestershire now, after various other places.
Reason for supporting Albion ... my local club when I started watching footie at age 5