A lot of shoots also run "Cocks Only" days towards the end of the season, to ensure that there are not too many male birds around over the following year that harass the hens and disrupt their breeding/broods. The remaining hen birds would hopefully breed and add wild birds to the stock...
You're clearly not a vegetarian then by your last comment, so I would expect any pheasant or partridge reared in the usual way on a shoot (a little different to the conditions you describe) have better living conditions and are killed quicker than any of the meat ("organic" or not) you'd pick up...
What a mouthpiece for the RSPB, RSPCA and LACS. Countryfile glosses over the real issues affecting the countryside and concentrates in the fluffy/soft focus side of things that people who go out to the country once in a blue moon might find vaguely interesting. Any of the farming issues are...
The Green knife and fork!
Looking at some of the names, I think we have a cast for Marvels new superhero gang film "The Sex Worker Avengers" featuring:
The Pink Dildo,
The Blue Butt Plug
and The Grey Pouffe!!
Having lived in North Wales for 6 years, including a couple of places down the Conwy Valley, I'd be reticent to recommend it. If you're looking for somewhere isolated and "out of the way", either its going to be bl**dy expensive or a sh*thole. Heading west of the Conwy Valley and Llanberis area...
As usual, absolutely F'all.
can't see the point. If I really cared, I'd go to a organised display. Or look out the window down in to the valley at other peoples displays.
The Athena B
(ok a very short lived institution!)
Just out of interest, are the old illuminations still on the prom (haven't been to Brighton in years). i remember one looked a bit like Sputnik?
Not wanting people knocking on the door, as it sends the dogs apesh*t (a good detterent mid you), the missus put two pumpkins and a bucket of sweets at the end of the drive with a note saying help yourself, but don't knock the door. Suprisingly pnly about half had gone, suggesting we had had...
46" in the Lounge, a 20" (or something small like that) in the kitchen/Dining room, and a small portable in the garage for when on the exercise bike/rower.
Being a geologist there are many times (millions of years ago) that I would like to go back to and wander around and see what it was like, particularly when there were dinosaurs around.
On a history of mankind basis, I'd like to go back and ask the person/people who designed Stonehenge and ask...
Swindon, are they the same as the Bravo Delta models. I've seen them advertised in a couple of mags and they always look impressive. Like the look of the Vulcan!