I think our three big dogs barking and hurtling down the stairs would be enough.
We have shotguns in the house, but by the time I'd have got the keys, gone to the other bedroom, undone the gun safe, found some cartridges and loaded up, I think they would have been long gone!
News and shows like the One Show, where they sit pretty much on top of each other, introduce each other and say alternate lines.
Any "talent" show
All medical drama/documentaries. My missus loves them, but they are always on whilst I'm having my dinner and there's usually blood, gore and...
I tend to find that all horse riders say thank you when I move off the path when I'm out with the dogs (also put the dogs on a lead). The majority of cyclists I admit do the same, but there are always some, usually the "Hardcore" equipment freaks who just glare at you like you had no right to be...
Is the Honey Buzzard as hard as it's Badger namesake?
Not that its relevant for Sussex bird of prey enthusiasts, but we get loads of Red Kites over our office in N Leeds, that come down from the Harewood House Estate area. Fantastic sight.
Well our keeper is doing pretty well, 67 so far this year, dropped off a lot over the summer with the crops, but has ramped back up post harvest.
I don't have a big issue with fox hunting, it tends to be the older, sick foxes that tend to be hunted down, but i struggle to see how it is the most...
Regardless of the moral issue, they would have broken the law by simply threatening or pointing the shotgun at the burglers/intruders hence they would have been arrested anyway. Discharging the gun at them really then does ramp up the seriousness of the offence. At the very least I expect they...
Dunno why, just enjoy it. Most of it completely unbelievable, but I'll always watch if its on (if anything just for Helen Hunt in a tight white T shirt!)
Another for Bruce Springsteen (any of the gigs I've been to).
also Wonderstuff Cardiff University Students Union, 1988
The Levellers, Manchester Academy, 1993
Pop Will Eat Itself, Manchester Academy (1992/3?)
Love it, panders to the nerd/scientist in me.
Worried that it is becoming Friends-like filler to the schedules, but then again, its always on and always worth watching!!
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!!!!