No disrespect intended Sheebo, & I have the utmost sympathy for anyone that’s been through the two scenarios described, I don’t think it’s about ‘winning’. I also think it’s about the bigger picture for climate activists, to their mind the attempting to halt the undoubted (if you’re a person of...
Funny how everyone that plays alongside Lewis, improved immeasurably (actually it is measurable, and it’s a lot)
Edit - Lewis should get the sell on clauses
I mean, how does this shit not boil your piss to 1000 degrees.
The energy charter treaty (ECT) is a system of secret courts that enables companies to sue governments over policies that would cut their future profits. Companies have sued over phasing out coal-fired power stations, ending...
I suppose the thing that bothers me, is the level of vitriol and energy directed at the protesters, whilst the thing they are protesting about is greeted with a shrug*
*not everyone of course.
Which isn’t to say im all for all of JSO’s actions, but I have huge sympathy for their aims & share their fury at the lack of action by government. I don’t really understand, why everyone isn’t a bit more concerned and on the side of the activists. But, y’know, different strokes and all that.
It’s not about Gorgeous George though is it? He’s inconsequential. It’s about people desperately trying to draw attention to the fact our Gov’t couldn’t give a flying f*** about Green New Deals or Net Zero. They have missed every single target they set. They have issued new oil and gas licences...
Not strictly true that. According to polls and a quick Google search. Polling shows that 77 per cent of people say they would support a new onshore wind farm being built in their area.
Politicians claim the majority are dead set against it. I call bollocks. As a matter of interest would it...
Insulate Britain have been proved right and were ahead of the curve. Properly insulated homes in Britain would have saved many people a significant amount of money. They are people who are trying to make a difference for the greater good.
Yes, solar, wind farms, tidal energy etc. The technology is there - the political will is not. Look at the roadblocks oil companies put in the way, take a read of the legislation they’re trying to pass on a California and the naked, blatant disruption big oil is throwing in the way, We’re being...
Investment in renewables - ffs were being rinsed, no new gas and oil licences. It’s not f***ing difficult. - the Saudis sit on climate change advisory boards, oil companies spend millions upon millions on law suits and lobbying govt’ - we’re drowning in plastic, it’s in our bloodstreams ffs. But...