Ah the "Nightingale" hospitals. The ones we couldn't have used them if we'd needed them due to staff shortages.
But they proved an incredible positive photo op for the scum didn't they..... China can do it, look what we can do....
Shamefully we'll move on as if this whole sorry case didn't happen, and we will continue to be fed lies and treated like the idiots they believe we are.
One rule for the elite, another rule for the plebs.
And this from Natalie Dean, assistant professor of Biostatistics, University of Florida (from the FT article);
“I was very surprised by the delayed response in the UK. Given what we were observing in Italy at the time and that the UK was on the exact same trajectory, had the same very steep...
Succint and to the point. The Guardian nails BoJo's performance in front of the Liaison committee;
How anyone can continue to believe this man, and his party, are nothing short of utter...
Not at all, but you've decided to lump teachers and the unions in the Coronavirus **** List. They really can't be lined up with the likes of Branson et al.
Given the decidedly vague direction from the government on how schools are supposed to open up and maintain a safe environment for the...
And then you read articles like this;
So DfE admit that opening schools are likely to fuel coronavirus spread :ffsparr: They've also admitted that it wasn't a department...
Wow - so you think teachers are just working 20% of their hours? She's "in" school around 2 days every 2 weeks to teach the kids of keyworkers and the vulnerable. The other 8 days are teaching her year group remotely.
Sweet Christmas, is it any wonder that the majority of us are worried...
Speaking on behalf of myself and my family, I'm not particularly "shitting" myself about a virus which could kill me (I'm most likely to have had it way back in February), but it's the worry about who I could pass it on to if I carry it. The testing fiasco in this country is appalling. If you...
So the government advice for education establishments provides this scientific advice;
"What does the latest scientific advice say?
We have been guided by scientific advice at every stage. The latest scientific advice to government is that:
there is high scientific confidence that children of...
They are but it's limited. They're in on a shift basis dependent on the needs of the key worker kids - so for instance my wife (Year 3) at a single form entry school, is in around 2 days every 2 weeks (around 19 kids max from the whole school). If you look at 1st June regs, it could mean c90...
I don't see a particular view on here from the Teachers. Be interesting to hear what they have to say as they'll be putting their lives and the lives of their families at the front of it. NHS workers have been isolating themselves from the rest of their families because of the risks. Should...