I went to Watford alone on Tuesday, but given that I'm based in London and it was after work it was a bit of a no-brainer. I'm not sure I'd travel to distant away games alone.
At home games though, there are a couple of people near me in the north stand that come along alone - if you get on...
Am I the only person that likes maps? The 3D is superb - zoom in/out, and up/down for height - and the full-3D satellite modelling in central London is unbelievable (though I realise this is probably of little interest to those of you not in London...)
Oh, I'm sure you're right. It's the principle damnit - lie to me about guaranteeing a phone on release date and you don't get my custom for the next 24 months...
(Actually, more to the point - lie about guaranteeing the phone on release date and you, smug Mr Sales Assistant who should still be...
Indeed, and also that iPhone autocorrects adjusts as you use it, and will replace real words with others if you use them regularly. E.g. "if" is regularly changed to "of", "your" to "you're" regardless of context etc etc. Obviously they could be fake, but they're not impossible.
Pre-ordered on Tuesday. Went to pick up... "Sorry, we haven't got one for you. No, you can't have your deposit back - we should have one for you buy Monday".
Thanks Orange, thanks a f*cking lot.
Downloaded quick as a flash (well, 2 minutes). Now stuck on "Preparing Update" - and has been about 2mm from the end of the status bar for 15 minutes...
What a ludicrous circular argument. "Religion doesn't cause war, therefore Hitler must have been atheist. Hitler was atheist, therefore look we have more evidence that Religion doesn't cause war."
It's commonly claimed that the current Pope was a member of the Nazi Youth, and the counter is...
Foolishly just started downloading... can't now leave the office until it has finished as I need the wireless network. Come on iPhone, do your thing...
What? NEITHER enquiry blamed the fans. This seems to be a regular statement by those desperate to pin some blame on the fans; I have no idea if it's because they (you) don't actually have a scooby what the reports say, or because you're just trying to mislead & misrepresent the reports.
It can...
Genuine question - why do you think the review cleared the fans of all blame if that's true? As David Cameron said 'This report is black and white; the fans are not to blame'.
Given what had preceded the report, surely if there was ANY chance that the fans could be blamed, they'd have grabbed...