John Lees stating the bleeding obvious...."the best way to stop Adams scoring is to get him out".....thanks John I am sure the Sharks bowlers hadn't thought of that!
Your post and all your subsequent posts after seem to suggest it is a one way street in respect of bigotry and hatred within the Celtic/Rangers scenario i.e all Celtic and nothing from Rangers.
Do you agree with me that Rangers not signing Catholic players for 100 years is a sign of...
How do you know what the Rangers board aim was in 1873, where you around then, where you in that meeting, it is just your opinion. What I know is that Rangers for 100 years would not and did not play Catholic players, that to me is bigoted. It is prejuidicing against someone because of their...
So Celtic wasn't created as a football club then, it was created primarirly as a sectarian club from the start according to you?...................a sectarian club that could employ both Catholics and Protestants. As Jock Stein did? While all the time Rangers couldn't employ Catholics
Utter nonsence, Rangers did not have a Catholic player play from them until the late 80's/early 90's when Mo Johnston signed for them.
If Jock Stein (Celtics greatest manager of the 60's/70's) had a choice between an equally good Protestant or Catholic Glasgow player he would always choose the...