My sister lives in MK and loves it. In fact nobody I know who lives there has a bad thing to say about it stay away from Bean hill and its all right same as any town good parts and bad. Villages are lovely and if you want somewhere nice have a look at Olney/Newport. Feel free to pm if you need...
Wages wages wages if he cant play for 6 moths of the year no point in having him if he can play and refuses to no point in him being here. Big talent yes but if hes not on the pitch then its irrelevent we need talant week in week out not just 2 matches a year
Kambis are excellent whenever I make it down to Brighton its my one "must have" I even get people to bring them up when they come up from the coast to visit.
QFT makes me laugh how Tories bang on about winning the last election. They DIDNT win the election they barley scraped a minority goverment and thats inspite of Gordon Brown heading up the labour party
It wont drive them out of the UK as its by far the biggest market in europe. Its also worth noting that errors by the DWP amount to £3.2 BN fraud was les than 1Bn still a lot of money but making the DWP do its job properly would solve this. Most of this is from pensions and not sky watching fag...