Except that the Reform Party also appears to be very popular among many working-class ex-Labour or Red Wall voters who think Starmer is too posh, Establishment, and pro-European (at heart). I've encountered quite a few of these people on social media.
So I envisage that the Conservatives and...
About 41% of people receiving Universal Credit are in paid employment, but receive this welfare top-up because their wages are too low to live on.
Never see the Seig Mail castigating employers who pay poverty low wages knowing that the tax-payer will support their workers via top-up benefits...
I've always said that a lot of Tory voters are absolutely tribal in their loyalty, which is one of the reasons why this government can behave as corruptly as it does. Many of its supporters will excuse or turn a blind eye to all of its incompetence, lies and corruption, but if a Labour...
Yet they have the arrogance and audacity to claim that they are "the patriotic Party" while accusing Labour of "hating Britain" - and there are millions of morons who swallow this nonsense.
Someone sacked for criticising the government - I thought the Tories and their press poodles disapproved of Cancel Culture; where is the Ministerial and media outrage at this suppression of free-speech, and someone's career being abruptly terminated?!
Call me paranoid, but I can readily envisage this shower of shambolic shite postponing the 2024 election if they are still languishing in the opinion polls and facing a heavy defeat - they'll justify it on the grounds that the economic or international situation urgently need continuity and...
If they carry on voting for this corrupt shower-of-shite because they don't like the comments of people like me on a message-board, then that proves my point about how dumb they are - as you say, f*** 'em.
Let them carry on voting Tory and suffering economically 'cos some Leftie offended them...
In the Hartlepool by-election a couple of years ago, someone interviewed on their way to the polling station said they were going to vote Conservative for the first time ever "because Labour want to get rid of food-banks." :facepalm:
LOL! An example from over 15 years ago to divert attention from the same problem, and on a much larger scale, being perpetrated currently and recently.
Typical Tory Whatabouttery?
Be careful you don't get splinters in your fingers scraping the bottom of the barrel :tosser:
I'm an academic who has done some research into the 1978-79 winter-of-discontent, and without denying the inconvenience and grief that many people suffered, a lot of the hardships were predictably exaggerated, for political reasons, by the Tories and the press.
For example, a notorious tabloid...
And the tribal Tories will continue voting for them by pathetically claiming that "All parties and politicians are corrupt and dishonest, so neither Liebour nor the Lib Dumbs would be any different or better, so we may as well continue voting Tory."
That's the gutter-level of intellectual and...