Let's say you were an illegal immigrant. You get caught IN the UK. They try to deport you.
However, you refuse to speak - the UK authorities therefore have no idea what country you are from. What would happen?
I would say that many of us aren't that worried about the immigrants.
To be honest I more concerned about how the bigoted British public will react and how the wankers that pass as working class teenagers today will start behaving like they should be.
Spent years in a *cough* 'educated', pretty well paid job but got sick of it so quit and am currently doing manual agency work to keep myself going.
At the office, everyone was reasonably educated/well-off but now, at the warehouse, everyone is a racist, bigoted f*** and they spend half their...
Let's teach people not to kill by er.....killing others. Hypocritical, immoral and dangerously symbolic of what society has begun would be a good description.
Personally, I can never justify the taking of a life WHATEVER the circumstance. We are humans - we are not built to control...
The old best man one:
Give out a load of keys to some of the blokes at the do before hand and tell them to keep hush. When it comes to it, say that 'I know that <bride> likes her men; so much so that she gives a key to her flat to anyone who's been there before. The groom wants an armistice, a...
Yeah, I've indoctrinated them with far left propaganda from an early age so I imagine that he especially will have no such problems joining in my celebrations.
I can't say I will be mourning the death of this particular PM.
Incidentally, I voted against going into Europe at the time believeing it was more imperialist bollocks benefiting everybody except the poorest countries. How ironic that it's the right who want to pull out of Europe now...
For f***'s sake Yorkie. Why go and spoil the book for people who haven't read it yet?
EDIT - yeah, change your original post then just to make it seem like you haven't spoilt the story line. Bitch.