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The Inner Circle


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
What doesn't ring true, Buzzer, is your suggestion that I have frequent contact with people at the club. I don't.

And when I do have conversations, I tend not to come rushing on to NSC claiming to know something. I will, however, sometimes use such information as I have to counter what I see as misinformation being put out by other people. I don't take all information as gospel, though. As ROSM has suggested, there are folk out there who will brief mischievously.

I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm merely inferring from your comment that a) you are close to a person, namely Dick Knight.

and pointing out that
b) It appears that you don't continue to have impeccable sources as you have claimed today
c) that it seems incongruous to say that Tony Bloom's money did not surprise you at all when but a couple of months ago you were pleading ignorance on the very subject, openly doubting Tony Bloom's loan and of any inside knowledge of the business plans.

I don't appear to be the only one to have thought it either from the PMs I have subsequently received and other comments on here.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
How many people could tell you the name of the top 6 in the premiership's chairmen.

Everybody knows who owns most of them but who are their chairmen.

My point exactly Brian.

Lets have a properly professionally run club where all the supporters have to worry about is the playing side. Let the business be run by business men/women. Finally, has the steel been ordered then?

it seems incongruous to say that Tony Bloom's money did not surprise you at all when but a couple of months ago you were pleading ignorance on the very subject, openly doubting Tony Bloom's loan and of any inside knowledge of the business plans.
I did know that the Blooms were planning to "spunk money" on the club. And my source for that is not Dick Knight. I didn't know about the size of Tony Bloom's intended loan. I certainly had no inside knowledge of the business plan.

If that seems "incongruous", all I can do is apologise. It's how it is, though.


Well-known member
May 23, 2004
I would imagine the majority of people will thank Dick Knight for his efforts over the last 12 years, be happy that the stadium has funding and be hopeful for the Bloom era while praising and criticising as it progresses as they see fit.

Personally, other than people who work for the club, I have never seen evidence of this 'inner circle' some elements on NSC insist exists. Like the so called 'lickers' it would seem to be a lazy shorthand that saves the poster having to invest the time and effort in considering a view that is in the least bit club friendly and disagrees with one they hold.

I think we can all agree it is a new chapter in the story of Brighton and Hove Albion football club though.
Last edited:


In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
My concern isn't at all related to the funding side of things - although I think someone should be asking what might happen if Tony Bloom's business empire ever goes tits up.

If I have a concern, it's about the man's management style (which I have no knowledge of) and his lack of experience in holding together fragile things like a football club. We know nothing of this.

And we know nothing of how he will relate to the fans. An early marker might be whether or not he holds a fans' forum - and how he deals with the bread and butter issues that get raised at those events.

Dick Knight needed to court popularity - and mostly succeeded. Tony Bloom doesn't. Things may be very different in future.

When the time is right, I'll certainly celebrate. Meanwhile ... there are things to think about.
That's pretty much my view. To sum up yesterday:

1 - Falmer funding secured - Brilliant.

2 - No massive interest payments to banks thus freeing up more cash - Brilliant.

3 - Losses for the remainder of our stay at Withdean underwritten - Brilliant.

4 - One man once again in control of the club - Well not brilliant obviously but probably inevitable given the way modern football is funded. We were never realistically going to be a community-owned club AND well-funded. And I doubt if we could have found a group of altrusitic but slightly-poorer millionaires to all work together all owning a smaller, non-controlling element of the club.

5 - Tony Bloom as chairman - Exactly as per Lord B's comments. It's his club not ours and he can run it as he sees fit. Is he up to it? We've already seen at Newcastle that success in 'normal' business does not mean success in football. If he was behind the Wilkins/Adams changeover last year then he's already got his first football decision wrong whereas Knight got his first one right. Time will tell if he becomes a Dick Knight or a Mike Ashley. Also what happens if his business empire DOES go tits-up and he needs to lay his hands on a few million quid?

Having said all that I AM pleased that what was threatening to become a bit posionous has now been sorted out, and the money we'll be saving on the interest alone allows Bloom the odd dodgy, non-Knight moment.

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
When I started the Bring Home the Albion campaign I had not even met Dick Knight. I think he was wary of me and Nick Rowe was despatched to find out what my motives were.

A few weeks later I met Dick and Martin Perry and since that time I have often spoken to them at club functions or campaign events.

Having seen at close quarters the hard work, effort and attention to detail he puts into the football club you cannot fail to be absorbed by him. Have I always agreed with him? No, but I did and do trust him to have the right motives.

He always said that when the right investor who could guarantee the future of the club came along, he would stand aside. The fact he has, gives me hope that Tony Bloom can be trusted.

I wrote a month or or so ago that I felt he should step down as the amount of briefing against him this season had become ridiculous. I dont blame Tony or Ray Bloom for that, but some close to the Blooms had a tendency of play bertie big bollocks in pubs and clubs and will need to curb that now they have power.

Yes I am sad to see him go before the stadium opens - but to get one, it seems we need the other. So be it.

For those who think that now Knight's gone then Wilkins would be back need to bear in mind that the only people who were shareholders that I ever heard criticise Wilkins publicly were the Blooms. It seems only Martin Perry spoke out against ousting Wilkins. maybe Ernest is wrong and he's not a lapdog?

Bloom has been on board (if not on the board) for at least 3 years. I suspect he had agreed to underwrite the stadium project for much of that time. I also suspect that even though banks were interested, the actual terms available were not to his or the clubs liking so he has now formalised his position as stadium funder. He clearly now feels the time is right to take public control of not just the stadium but the football club too.

As Clapham says - today is the day we become another club.

But back to Knight. His (as with many people) strengths were his weaknesses. he was single minded, passionate and beligerent. That in the balance of things was what we needed to get here today and still have a club.

I can honestly say that I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with Dick Knight who in my opinion has been an Albion legend.

Well said that man. And by someone who, off his own bat, has done a lot more than most for this club of ours.

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
As I posted last week in regard to the release of players etc. This club has for a number of years been run like an old boys club or like your typical committee run football/cricket club. Basically not very professional. This so called inner circle or arse lickers call them what you like but they have been an integral part of the scene. Knight did not stop them as they offered him support when he needed it and also took flak away from him when shit & bullets were flying.

They helped in pushing awareness over the stadium and doing the ground donkey work. As far as I'm aware no other football club has seen this type of help from its supporters. I do feel though in the last few years the general perception of these people in regard to the normal supporters has been one of waning interest and apathy to the super supporter. I always have a vision in my head of these types as "village fate organisers", extremely pleased with themselves and wanting their pictures with the Mayor taken by the local press, so they put them in their little scrap book. The club with its genial little set up, pampered somewhat to this.

Brighton has always been a friendly run club, apart from the dark years, and most people felt able to freely talk to the likes of late and great Ron Pavey however times are a changing. Clubs now need a profession business approach and this is what is beginning to happen. Slade has made it clear that many things need to change on the playing side, more on the infrastructure side than on the pitch.

With Bloom he appears to me to be a relatively quiet man who will not seek attention, allow the day to day business to be run by the Chief Executive and his/her staff. Some have mentioned that the Chairman's role is high profile,why? Going back a few years you never heard the likes of Liverpool's, Arsenal's, Man Utd's chairmen on telly. Its only since the high profile takeovers by egotistical billionaires that the boardrooms have become paper talk. You never heard Bamber and alike on a daily basis so why should you hear Bloom. Knight was different, high profile and he needed a message put out.

In the future I believe the club will become more secretive, business like, professional and the inner circle will be disbanded. The club will retain its friend exterior, a community club approach but will not need to have this circle surrounding it. Well I hope anyway!

I agree with the general theme of this - but the people who I know of that get called "inner circle" are called that because they have got off their arses and worked bloody hard for the club. I have nothing but respect for the time and expertise they have put into the club - I sometimes wonder at what personal and domestic cost. I know that I could not have devoted the time and energy. And not just as a one-off - but consistently over a flamin decade.

The way that some people on here sneer at their efforts is not NSC at its finest.

And when one of them gives some snippet of info gleaned during their efforts, I am grateful because I know that it has come from a person that has earnt our respect.

I should think it will be run differently in the future - and there will be a new inner circle. These people will get info from social contacts - not from having worked for our club.

And I also understand the analogy with the garden fete - but some of these people, from what I can see, are highly qualified in their own fields and bring these skills to help our club. So the club was tapping into a skilled resource which has greatly helped our club get into the position where TB feels he is able to put his financial clout into the club.

This has been a strange era in the history of our club. The "inner circle" will be able to look back and say they did their bit. And a lot of us are grateful for that.

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
Having said all that I AM pleased that what was threatening to become a bit posionous has now been sorted out, and the money we'll be saving on the interest alone allows Bloom the odd dodgy, non-Knight moment.

I'd like to think TB will have earnt himself a lengthy honeymoon period. Five years at least - so the stadium is built and we have a couple of years in the new place.

For some it will probably end if he don't sign Owusu.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
I agree with the general theme of this - but the people who I know of that get called "inner circle" are called that because they have got off their arses and worked bloody hard for the club. I have nothing but respect for the time and expertise they have put into the club - I sometimes wonder at what personal and domestic cost. I know that I could not have devoted the time and energy. And not just as a one-off - but consistently over a flamin decade.

The way that some people on here sneer at their efforts is not NSC at its finest.

And when one of them gives some snippet of info gleaned during their efforts, I am grateful because I know that it has come from a person that has earnt our respect.

I should think it will be run differently in the future - and there will be a new inner circle. These people will get info from social contacts - not from having worked for our club.

And I also understand the analogy with the garden fete - but some of these people, from what I can see, are highly qualified in their own fields and bring these skills to help our club. So the club was tapping into a skilled resource which has greatly helped our club get into the position where TB feels he is able to put his financial clout into the club.

This has been a strange era in the history of our club. The "inner circle" will be able to look back and say they did their bit. And a lot of us are grateful for that.

I concur with what you say. Some people from the inner circle in an odd way must be feeling that whilst the battle has been won there's now an emptiness in their lives as the "animal" they have helped has dramatically evolved. I hope that makes sense. I for one would like to say a big thank you to all who gave up their time, effort and money.


VERY part time moderator
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Aug 8, 2005
Well three things.

2) Secondly, perhaps more directed at you. There is a distinct lack of celebration about yesterdays development.

This is the crux as to why I started this thread in the first place.

This is the best news the club has had for over twenty years and yet a number of people such as LB are clearly not celebrating. And I find this very curious. These guys have worked so hard over the last 12 years to ensure that we have a new stadium and I genuinely have complete respect for them but the "perception" that comes across to many normal supporters is that this is bad news for them as it prevents their football club from being run in the way they like, i.e. a local, small football club where the board listen to those unelected supporters close to them. But because those supporters were too close to the board this consulting was arguably not always representative of the views of other supporters and particularly those supporters disenfranchised by the current regime.

For the club to go forward this had to happen. And the whole point of a football club is to move forward win more matches, atract more support and develop in the community.

Without this news yesterday we would not be doing that, and yet a number of people appear cheesed off that their close knit club is changing. Just all seems at odds at what is so clearly great great news.

the "perception" that comes across to many normal supporters is that this is bad news for them as it prevents their football club from being run in the way they like, i.e. a local, small football club where the board listen to those unelected supporters close to them. But because those supporters were too close to the board this consulting was arguably not always representative of the views of other supporters and particularly those supporters disenfranchised by the current regime.

As far as I am concerned, this is absolutely NOT the case. Such reservations as I have about Tony Bloom amount to not much more than "let's wait and see how he runs the club" - see the quote from me in Brovion's post above.

As a matter of interest, though, why do you think we were "too close to the board"? What damage was ever done by getting supporters involved with all the campaigning that went on?


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2003
Worcester England
I agree with DK Mum
Personally I think some gratitude should be shown to "the inner circle" who cares who knew what information blah blah and released what and thought what, certain people put an unthinkable amount about time and effort over a lot of years helping with the planning process, campaigns, whatever, relaying complex planning issues in laymans terms for the rest of us, loads of stuff. kudos to them I say

Mr Blobby

New member
Jul 14, 2003
In a cave
Without the so called inner circle Falmer would not be happening.

Who held set up the Bring home the Albion campaign? Who spent hours delivering leaflets for the reforendum on Falmer? Who kept a check on what Archer and colleagues were getting up to? Who has made sure people write in support of every planning application? Who kept pressure up on local MPs?

I spoke to a mate last night and he said I feel I should be celebrating BUT........its how I feel. Yes its brilliant news that Bloom has stepped in and saved the Falmer project so all the hard work put in to get planning permision wasnt wasted. However we now have one person how controls 75% of our club and can do what he wants without consultation to anybody. Yes its probably harking back to Archer, but he was the last man with money to control our club.

I am looking forward to Falmer getting built, investment in the playing side etc, I am sure Bloom with the family connections to the history of the Albion will do the right thing. But I reserve the right to be a little hesitant about popping the Champage corks until I see how one man running our club works out. Call me a cynic, call me sceptical, call me what you want but all I want is to be able to know that the future of our club is in safe hands.

Some people seam unable to accept that people such as Liz Costa, Paul Samarah etc etc have been central to helping this club to survive. Yes times have now changed, but all this venom aimed at certain people is totally out of order. Just accept these people did what they saw as best for OUR football club.


In London village.
Without the so called inner circle Falmer would not be happening.

Who held set up the Bring home the Albion campaign? Who spent hours delivering leaflets for the reforendum on Falmer? Who kept a check on what Archer and colleagues were getting up to? Who has made sure people write in support of every planning application? Who kept pressure up on local MPs?

I spoke to a mate last night and he said I feel I should be celebrating BUT........its how I feel. Yes its brilliant news that Bloom has stepped in and saved the Falmer project so all the hard work put in to get planning permision wasnt wasted. However we now have one person how controls 75% of our club and can do what he wants without consultation to anybody. Yes its probably harking back to Archer, but he was the last man with money to control our club.

I am looking forward to Falmer getting built, investment in the playing side etc, I am sure Bloom with the family connections to the history of the Albion will do the right thing. But I reserve the right to be a little hesitant about popping the Champage corks until I see how one man running our club works out. Call me a cynic, call me sceptical, call me what you want but all I want is to be able to know that the future of our club is in safe hands.

Some people seam unable to accept that people such as Liz Costa, Paul Samarah etc etc have been central to helping this club to survive. Yes times have now changed, but all this venom aimed at certain people is totally out of order. Just accept these people did what they saw as best for OUR football club.

Spot on, Mr R. Well said.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Without the so called inner circle Falmer would not be happening.

Who held set up the Bring home the Albion campaign? Who spent hours delivering leaflets for the reforendum on Falmer? Who kept a check on what Archer and colleagues were getting up to? Who has made sure people write in support of every planning application? Who kept pressure up on local MPs?

I spoke to a mate last night and he said I feel I should be celebrating BUT........its how I feel. Yes its brilliant news that Bloom has stepped in and saved the Falmer project so all the hard work put in to get planning permision wasnt wasted. However we now have one person how controls 75% of our club and can do what he wants without consultation to anybody. Yes its probably harking back to Archer, but he was the last man with money to control our club.

I am looking forward to Falmer getting built, investment in the playing side etc, I am sure Bloom with the family connections to the history of the Albion will do the right thing. But I reserve the right to be a little hesitant about popping the Champage corks until I see how one man running our club works out. Call me a cynic, call me sceptical, call me what you want but all I want is to be able to know that the future of our club is in safe hands.

Some people seam unable to accept that people such as Liz Costa, Paul Samarah etc etc have been central to helping this club to survive. Yes times have now changed, but all this venom aimed at certain people is totally out of order. Just accept these people did what they saw as best for OUR football club.

I am getting really pissed off the way you put things in a succinct and well argued fashion. This is certainly not the place for such filth

I think you should be banned or made to write out the word " binfest" a hundred times in French.

I think your point about Liz, sarah, paul etc is 100% spot on....but not necessarily what people on here want to hear ( or read)

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
Without the so called inner circle Falmer would not be happening.

Who held set up the Bring home the Albion campaign? Who spent hours delivering leaflets for the reforendum on Falmer? Who kept a check on what Archer and colleagues were getting up to? Who has made sure people write in support of every planning application? Who kept pressure up on local MPs?

I spoke to a mate last night and he said I feel I should be celebrating BUT........its how I feel. Yes its brilliant news that Bloom has stepped in and saved the Falmer project so all the hard work put in to get planning permision wasnt wasted. However we now have one person how controls 75% of our club and can do what he wants without consultation to anybody. Yes its probably harking back to Archer, but he was the last man with money to control our club.

I am looking forward to Falmer getting built, investment in the playing side etc, I am sure Bloom with the family connections to the history of the Albion will do the right thing. But I reserve the right to be a little hesitant about popping the Champage corks until I see how one man running our club works out. Call me a cynic, call me sceptical, call me what you want but all I want is to be able to know that the future of our club is in safe hands.

Some people seam unable to accept that people such as Liz Costa, Paul Samarah etc etc have been central to helping this club to survive. Yes times have now changed, but all this venom aimed at certain people is totally out of order. Just accept these people did what they saw as best for OUR football club.

Absolutely BANG ON.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
The Dick Knight inner circle is presumably in tears at the moment?

Will this mean the club will now listen to all fans rather than just the likes of Liz Costa, Sarah Watts etc.

I can't help but feel the Knight clan will be feeling unhappy that the club is now forward which says a lot.

Without the so called inner circle Falmer would not be happening.

Some people seam unable to accept that people such as Liz Costa, Paul Samarah etc etc have been central to helping this club to survive. Yes times have now changed, but all this venom aimed at certain people is totally out of order. Just accept these people did what they saw as best for OUR football club.

You're absolutely right BUT I don't think it's Liz Costa, Paul Samrah etc that anyone is irritated by. All right-thinking albion fans know these people do a fantastic amount for our club for little reward. It's the clowns on this website with their "in the know" bollocks and superior attitude that I would think are the target of this thread, not genuine people who don't hog the limelight.

I understand your point Tom, but whilst yes there are a couple of people on here who get up a lot of noses with their self-important attitude, the thread starter DID specifically attack, Liz, etc by name.

And he's very wrong.

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