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Jul 7, 2003
Oops. You actually want to keep Britain white, you forgot to check your post before sending it!

Technically, you are racist. You believe in one single race being supreme over the others, even if you confine that belief to this country. You don't want Black British, you say at the start you want White British - so you are also appealing for a minority "pure" strain of members of the race.

I have one of the BNP members on "the list" living near me. He wanders around in a lovely brown suit with hiking boots, his BNP tie and BNP badge. He is very polite, and actually not a real problem to anybody around here - he quite happily uses the shops run by the Asians, and can often be seen having an Indian or a Chinese meal. He is just educationally disadvantaged and has been taken advantage of by some others in the area. Any vote is a good one, huh?

Well I want to keep britain white, or to be more exact a christian anglo-saxon majority and techniclly you are an idiot.

Firstly the idea behind the nation state is the defence of peoples, not going stomping all over other others ala third riech which although nasty is the exception.

Now if you can get your head round this and the consept that minorities tend to be opressed to a greater or lesser exstent then it follows there is nothing wrong with wanting to maintain a majority.

The more interesting question is why would you wish to be rid of it? especially as the growing minority contains a large percentage of people who activley beleive in opressing non-beleivers.

Maybe I was going a bit OTT calling you an idiot, its not a question of logic, intelligence or education really. Its that the person you are berating and I have a survival instinct and you dont.

Most people do but in a lot its dormant, when it clicks in for most you and your ilk will be totally f***ed. Seriously, the best outcome you can hope for is parts of the UK like Ulster.

Labour has totally screwed up race relations that will take a generation or more to sort out.


Jul 7, 2003
You don't need to stop immigration or start repatriation to protect the interests of hard working citizens. you need immigration people to do their jobs properly.

Meaning British people are incompetent? Well i'm on page five so far and this is the first blatently racist statement.

Ninja Elephant

Doctor Elephant
Feb 16, 2009
Well I want to keep britain white, or to be more exact a christian anglo-saxon majority.

Seriously dude, ask yourself what you're saying there. You seem like an articulate and rational thinking person, but you say you want to "keep Britain white", there is no need for such statements. Britain is full of white and black people, black people are just as English as you or I. I am lucky, my family moved to England centuries ago from Ireland (one half) and Wales (the other), we're very British and so far I've not found any traces to any other roots from foreign countries. But even if I had found a very great ancestor who was German, or French or whatever, it would make me no less British. It would make me more in line with the rest of the country, actually, because most families have foreign roots.

I find myself sometimes supporting the BNP with what they want for this country, I think Europe is an unneccessary drain on resources and I do agree we don't need to be ruled by it, but I can't suppot the BNP because of the racism, the facism, the stupidity, the ignorance, the childish nature of the leaders and policies and for all the hatred they spout. If they weren't a bunch of nutters, they'd actually be getting a better amount of backing. But they won't, until they realise their hate campaigns are ignorant, petty and completely irrelevant.


Jul 7, 2003
We should also invest in people, through education and training. Prosperity is not created by working in call centres and Lidl, the former can be easily outsourced and the latter is low skilled and poorly paid. That is not to say that sticking people into university for the sake of it is the answer.

We have lost a generation of semi skilled tradesmen, and have been fortunate that there has been a migrant influx to address this void. Perhaps we should be asking WHY British teenagers don't want to become plumbers, joiners etc. The work is normally reasonably well paid, but too many look down their nose at such skills.

Problem is this rhetoric doesn't tally with the evidence.

Prosperity is not created by working in call centres and Lidl

there is over whelming evidence that is the route to prosperity, Quoting from memory a third of CEO's first jobs were Mcdonald type affairs. You see training and education come hand in hand with work as at the very least it establishes routine and increases opertunities via networking etc. This applies at every level including the lack of apprentaships for the semi-skilled tradesmen wannabes.

By flooding the market with cheap foreign labour you effectivley knock a rung out of the ladder as people use these low paid jobs to finance their educations or part of it. This is more true in the USA but has become increasingly true over here.


Jul 7, 2003
Seriously dude, ask yourself what you're saying there. You seem like an articulate and rational thinking person, but you say you want to "keep Britain white", there is no need for such statements..........

Britain is full of white and black people, black people are just as English as you or I. .

I did add or to be more exact anglo-saxon christian.

Now to your last sentence, if true why do you need to promote "Multi-culturalism" if there is no difference and they are just the same? Why does the government need to fund diversity.

You cant have it both ways. Either they are the same and we need to scrap funding for diversity projects and multi-culturalism or there is a need for these philosophies so we are not the same.


I will be voting UKIP again. I see labour and the BNP as mirror images of each other, both feeding of each others rhetoric.

I am an athiest, I dont mind Christianity rulling the UK as they let me practise my non-beleif and give me no shit.

The same cannot be said for Sharia law and Islam.

Now if you think thats no big deal as we dont have many muslims even though their population is doubling every decade please bare in mind that.

Leftwingers openly advocate Sharia Courts which act as civil bodies in the UK.

Lefties refuse to set a top limit on immigration or any limits which is the other exstreme.

They dont support assimilation as, multi-culturalism, diversity funding and chain immigration is a bar to it.

Chain immigration was how north America was conquored by Europeans, purely by weight of numbers.

Given all these factors what is wrong with being concerned about the future?

Racism, culturalism, secterianism is all Tribal them and us.

It would be nice to rise above it but there are to many with an agenda for it to end in anything else but tears imo.


Jul 7, 2003
People will always turn to extreme parties in times of economic hardship, let's just hope that they don't in large numbers.

If true then the left isn't guilty of failing to anticipate it as "its happened so often before", and to be honest even Government comitees have issued warnings. This leads to the question are they either endulging in Utopian politics or trying to stir up racial conflict?

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
Meaning British people are incompetent? Well i'm on page five so far and this is the first blatently racist statement.

No it means what it says that Border controls have to do their job. And thats across the world.

Its not just the UK that have a problem lots of countries do. Thats why the whole BNP thing is a load of arse. It politics relates back to the 60's & 70's when most peoples world related to their country and solely immigration.

No one had really heard of Islam, terrorism, political asylum or even illegal immigrants. These are all modern problems.

To get your christian anglo-saxon majority via the BNP you have to pull out of Europe, consider forced repatriation, civil war and find a way for the UK to survive as a small country without an empire or natural resources this time round.

To get your christian anglo saxon majority any other way is impossible now unless you have some way of changing everyone back to going to church and religious beliefs. Or do you mean Christianity with out the religious bit? Mind you even then its not very Christian not to except immigrants so you seem to be at conflict with your own beliefs. Also as Christ was an immigrant as he had no homeland as well as being Jewish its a bit wierd you want to follow him in any case?

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
I did add or to be more exact anglo-saxon christian.

Now to your last sentence, if true why do you need to promote "Multi-culturalism" if there is no difference and they are just the same? Why does the government need to fund diversity.

You cant have it both ways. Either they are the same and we need to scrap funding for diversity projects and multi-culturalism or there is a need for these philosophies so we are not the same.


I will be voting UKIP again. I see labour and the BNP as mirror images of each other, both feeding of each others rhetoric.

I am an athiest, I dont mind Christianity rulling the UK as they let me practise my non-beleif and give me no shit.

The same cannot be said for Sharia law and Islam.

Now if you think thats no big deal as we dont have many muslims even though their population is doubling every decade please bare in mind that.

Leftwingers openly advocate Sharia Courts which act as civil bodies in the UK.

Lefties refuse to set a top limit on immigration or any limits which is the other exstreme.

They dont support assimilation as, multi-culturalism, diversity funding and chain immigration is a bar to it.

Chain immigration was how north America was conquored by Europeans, purely by weight of numbers.

Given all these factors what is wrong with being concerned about the future?

Racism, culturalism, secterianism is all Tribal them and us.

It would be nice to rise above it but there are to many with an agenda for it to end in anything else but tears imo.

Ok I see now you want to be an athiest in an anglosaxon christian country fair enough.

There is lots of truth in what you write save for a couple of things.

For instance
You can practice Christianity in Islamic countries, but what you can't do is promote it. I think we should/should have taken the same line.

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
If true then the left isn't guilty of failing to anticipate it as "its happened so often before", and to be honest even Government comitees have issued warnings. This leads to the question are they either endulging in Utopian politics or trying to stir up racial conflict?

Their not really left though are they? more centre right.

Left wing policies would be far more protective of jobs especially against foreign financial institutions and business. If we had a left wing government we would have nationalised the whole of the Uk banking system by now and probably taken back utilities in to state control and away from foriegn control.

User removed 4

New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
the usual clueless nobs are out in force tut tut ing from their all white villages, wanting to buy the world a coke from Littlehampton, while London creaks under the strain of accomodating everyone who can get here, whilst communities constantly fail to form in any coherent sense.

I think the BNP is the refuge of a lot of thick c unts and nasty people, but if it wasnt for the suburban divs who just hate, f*** me plenty of black british people would be voting for them too. The same ones who find the sort of daft well meaning people on here hilarious, who cannot divide immigration and racism, or take a stance based on a morality or principles that are never tested.

If you are a black British father of small kids in a street where Kosovan criminal gangs are running amok and have committed a murder in broad daylight (my street for example, and my neighbour), then you think very similarly to your white neighbour. Not like some plum from Sussex who believes everything in the Guardian and watched too much Ben Elton as a kid, and mistakenly believes all 'immigrants' empathise with each other and need protecting.
pretty much sums it up.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
50% of all kids now born in the Netherlands are Muslim.

The Southern part of France is now majority Muslim.

Barrack Obama has a Muslim agenda, hence his desire for Turkey to be part of the EU.

1. For a country with over 16.5 million people, to suggest that at least a quarter are Muslim (a Muslim marries a non-Muslim) and then have on average at least an extra child, sounds laughably false to me. Indeed, to suggest Muslims make up at least 4 million of the population is pure propaganda fantasy.

2. What constitutes "the southern part of France"? Are we talking a village down south? Tens of major cities? Or just a street some BNP member happened to be in one summer?

3. What is a "Muslim agenda"? To secretly hand over the world to the Taleban? Or engage with Islamic countries rather than lumping them in with Islamist nutters?

We have to ask questions of these people, to expose their scare-mongering, for that is what it is.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
pretty much sums it up.
Yup, I agree with him too. Surprisingly lefties don't have a blanket view on racism and immigration! I was as appalled as anyone at 'left wing' attitudes (especially in the 1980s) which simply divided the world into two groups: white and non-white and then insisted that racism was a one-way street and it was impossible for non-whites to be racist as they were always the victims. It was a nice, neat theory with only one tiny flaw - it was total bollocks.

I actually have a lot of sympathy with cov, because if you're white working class and want to vote for a party that represents 'me' - who else is there? If the BNP DO open their doors to include all British people (as cov keeps insisting they're going to) they could well clean up in working class areas for the reasons stated by The Spanish

Jan 30, 2008
No it means what it says that Border controls have to do their job. And thats across the world.

Its not just the UK that have a problem lots of countries do. Thats why the whole BNP thing is a load of arse. It politics relates back to the 60's & 70's when most peoples world related to their country and solely immigration.

No one had really heard of Islam, terrorism, political asylum or even illegal immigrants. These are all modern problems.

To get your christian anglo-saxon majority via the BNP you have to pull out of Europe, consider forced repatriation, civil war and find a way for the UK to survive as a small country without an empire or natural resources this time round.

To get your christian anglo saxon majority any other way is impossible now unless you have some way of changing everyone back to going to church and religious beliefs. Or do you mean Christianity with out the religious bit? Mind you even then its not very Christian not to except immigrants so you seem to be at conflict with your own beliefs. Also as Christ was an immigrant as he had no homeland as well as being Jewish its a bit wierd you want to follow him in any case?
couldn't the above problems be all about illegal immigrants entering the country years ago


In London village.
Page 16 already?

I see Puny has been let out of his gimp box so probably good for another dozen pages yet.


Jul 8, 2008
From the above quote about terrorism being a modern problem. Wow. You almost said that 911 was the first ever terrorist act.

remember remember the 5th of November. 1605 i beleave.

Have you heard of Budocia.

Imigration is not amodern problem either.

When the French decided to chop everyones head off, alot of French people wanted to, and did, come to Britian. Some people said that too many where heading this way then.

No one had heard of Islam......Cursades???

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