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So, are you a Racist?



Pavilionaire said:
I agree Enigma that we should endeavour to keep a sense of balance, but so much of what I hold dear is being completely ignored by some of these "religious" clerics.

One of the most offensive things is their complete sexism. I watched the Sky Report tonight and the Muslim male speaker refused to name his fellow female guest, calling her repeatedly "that woman" and saying she wasn't a proper Muslim because she wasn't "covered up".

Yes, some muslims attitude towards women is disgusting. I agree with that fully.

But I think you have answered your questions almost "some of these religious clerics". I really dont think it is a majority.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: So, are you a Racist?

Mr Burns said:
What we need is a party inbetween, that will look out for the British people, without giving into Europe and the lefties.:glare:

UKIP surely? The party for people who have trouble admitting they are nasty uncouth racists like the BNP?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
I'm interested in the history of the NT and have done quite a bit of reading about the topic.

The Jesus Seminar, a global forum for expert academics in this field, concluded that Jesus was basically an enlightened popularist teacher with a pacifist, humanist message whose teachings and life have been distorted by vested religious interests into today's modern NT.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
You find 14-year-olds who do nothing but wank, rather than find out something about the world around them, as what we should be aspiring to? Fair enough, explains a lot :)

Did you wank over a lot of pix of gash of other races? Were they allowed to mix happily with your spunk? :)
Surprise. Surprise. Ignore everything else that been said about you and come back with that.

You do pick and choose what you reply to don't you.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
You find 14-year-olds who do nothing but wank, rather than find out something about the world around them, as what we should be aspiring to? Fair enough, explains a lot :)

So are you saying you've never wanked????
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Pavilionaire said:
I agree Enigma that we should endeavour to keep a sense of balance, but so much of what I hold dear is being completely ignored by some of these "religious" clerics.

One of the most offensive things is their complete sexism. I watched the Sky Report tonight and the Muslim male speaker refused to name his fellow female guest, calling her repeatedly "that woman" and saying she wasn't a proper Muslim because she wasn't "covered up".
Not all Muslim clerics are the same, any more than all Muslims are the same.

I was once privileged to be present at a small celebration where a Muslim cleric who was also on television this evening was kind enough to crack open a bottle of champagne and pour it out for the rest of us to enjoy.

He didn't, of course, drink any himself. But he was very tolerant of those of us who enjoyed it.

And he was the Brighton Imam who took Abu Hamza al-Masri under his wing when he was a student at the polytechnic.

His view today:-

"We don't want hate preachers on our soil in Britain, we want to deal with them robustly. He has nothing to do with the majority of British Muslims who are not only law abiding but also peaceful-loving Muslims."

chip said:
But you behave just the same. If you repeat your lies enough, you hope that they become the truth. It seems that this time you have been found out.

Tony Benn, the mad man of Chesterfield, some hero but it does explain your particular brand of lunacy. Your parents should be punished, no 14 year old should be reading that sort of nonsense, you should have been out playing sport, discovering the world and learning about real people. Its not too late - even for you :)

Disappointing effort this, your previous post was quite inventive red-baiting, unlike this tired dribble :)

One of the greatest things about growing up in a multicultural area of London is that I was able to play sport with a lot of great guys. My cricket club, Sudbury Court, contained two particular members called Phil de Freitas and Chris Lewis, and thanks to them I actually know what it's like to smack two England fast bowlers to the boundary.

I guess a young Mr Burns would have told them, sorry, races don't mix that well. But me, I just played cricket.
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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Glorious Goodwood
Pavilionaire said:
I'm interested in the history of the NT and have done quite a bit of reading about the topic.

The Jesus Seminar, a global forum for expert academics in this field, concluded that Jesus was basically an enlightened popularist teacher with a pacifist, humanist message whose teachings and life have been distorted by vested religious interests into today's modern NT.

Yep, I'd probably go along with that. It doesn't stop him being the son of God though does it?

I spend most of my days with expert academics, and I'm not sure their opinion on such matters is any better than any one elses :lolol:

Mr Burns said:
So are you saying you've never wanked????

Answer my question! Your most often repeated view on here is that you oppose immigration because races don't mix (among your evidence: The Nazis gassing the Jews).

So you want to take the debate down to the level of masterbation? Fine :)

Have you ever wanked over pictures of those "plague"-like Asian girls - and allowed your spunk to mix happily with them, at least on the sticky pages of a magazine.

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Maybe it's time for British Muslims to be more vocal in their condemnation of Abu Hamza and his ilk, LI?

Mr Burns said:
Surprise. Surprise. Ignore everything else that been said about you and come back with that.

You do pick and choose what you reply to don't you.

Hardly, I've just find you a perfect party for you, the UKIP. You are so ungrateful.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Well its nearly two pages ago now, I think London irish has done one of his dodges on answering about his true motives towards the BNP. I did try and get it out of him, but he obviously feels he doesn't want to go down that route.

It's okay LI the posts are in the past now and I doubt if people will go back to look at them, so by ignoring them seems to have managed to have got you avoiding the questions.

But thats what you do best.

I still can't believe you didn't wank when you were 14, and prefered reading politics. Do you feel in the minority there?:lolol:
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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
The likelihood is that Jesus never said he was the Son Of God, but that people writing afterwards decided to make him into something he never was.

We will never know, but if you break down the first 5 books of the NT the contradictions, inconsistencies and gaps appear.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Glorious Goodwood
Pavilionaire said:
The likelihood is that Jesus never said he was the Son Of God, but that people writing afterwards decided to make him into something he never was.

We will never know, but if you break down the first 5 books of the NT the contradictions, inconsistencies and gaps appear.

Thats probably true, I'm more familiar with the OT, Shalom chaverim.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Mr Burns said:
Unfortuantely I agree with you.

People like Enigma and LI should try and explain why there views are correct and not label people that dont agree wiith them as pondlife, and vile BNP scum. Soon as someone makes a direct attack on you, your going to be against them, it human nature. Thats why they play straight into the hands on the BNP.

Not so much Enigma, but I definately believe London Irish has alternative motives.


But do you not see how your, and more to the point London irish's comments and attacks on people, for what ever reason, probably play more into the hands of the BNP, than if you kept quite. I think the BNP does a better job of keeping new members away than you ever could. But then is that what the likes of London Irish really want. I have my doubts.
Go on son. You've had an hour or two to think about it. Do you have other motives?

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
Answer my question! Your most often repeated view on here is that you oppose immigration because races don't mix (among your evidence: The Nazis gassing the Jews).

So you want to take the debate down to the level of masterbation? Fine :)

Have you ever wanked over pictures of those "plague"-like Asian girls - and allowed your spunk to mix happily with them, at least on the sticky pages of a magazine.

London Irish, I would say your running scared me old son.

Now your trying to turn it into some childish slagging match. If anyone read the whole thread from a couple of pages ago, they would see you are seriously doing all you can not to reply to certain points by trying to turn the thread into a childish rant.

Again you bring up the same points, which I've explained over and over, yet you seem to ignore. As you ignore most stuff you dont want to answer. Everything you throw at me I've answered. Whether or not you like it, I've tried to explain it.

But you can't answer a point. You ignore it, and try and throw something else back at the person having a go at you.

You really are one of the worst persons on here. At least everyone else will answer points thrown at them no matter how bad/good there answers make them look.

I don't really know how to discribe you anymore. I won't use childish name calling, because I really think you are a Pathetic, pitiful, excuse of a human being.

I really do pity you. Get off your soap box and put it away, unless you feel you can answer points people bring up without avoiding the issues, (you've only got to answer it once. I wont keep repeating myself a dozen times with the same points as you do (Asians, New Zeland, Jews etc etc) trying to get you to explain yourself in every thread because that just gets boring).

Let's not reduce the argument to wanking as you request. Let try and suss out if you really are on the side of the BNP?

Oh and LI try to quote the whole thing, and not pick off one irrelivant bits like you normally do, to avoid the rest.
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Mr Burns said:
I don't really know how to discribe you anymore. I won't use childish name calling, because I really think you are a Pathetic, pitiful, excuse of a human being.

Ah well done, taking the moral high ground I see :lolol:

I notice you are refusing to say if your wanking habits are multicultural? I'm willing to bet this is your GUILTY LITTLE SECRET! Denouncing races mixing by day, spilling your sack over the coffee-coloured mamas by night :)

My only regret is that I've spent so much time addressing the most racist organ in your body, your brain, when all along you've been stroking and pleasuring your most anti-racist organ with lots of pictures of Asian babes! :wave:
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Juan Albion

Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Pavilionaire said:
The likelihood is that Jesus never said he was the Son Of God, but that people writing afterwards decided to make him into something he never was.

We will never know, but if you break down the first 5 books of the NT the contradictions, inconsistencies and gaps appear.

Hardly surprising that there should be contradictions and inconsistencies, given the time between the events and when they were written down. You get yourself and your mates to write down your accounts of, say, the 1991 playoff final against Notts Co and you can bet your life there will be contradictions and inconsistencies. Doesn't mean you weren't there, it doesn't mean the final never happened. Despite the differences, you will most likely have the final score right - or at least the fact we didn't win. It is a bit of a jump to take those 'errors' in MMLJ&A and say they mean Jesus did or did not say anything, although personally I tend to agree with you to some extent. And, of course, even if Jesus didn't say he was the Son of God, that doesn't mean he wasn't!

The Jesus Seminar is very interesting, I like their work, but it is not a concensus opinion, nor does it represent those who do not attend necessarily (ask NT Wright).

Pavilionaire said:
Maybe it's time for British Muslims to be more vocal in their condemnation of Abu Hamza and his ilk, LI?

They are very vocal in their condemnation - it's just the British media would prefer to spend their time reporting on a hundred fanatics demonstrating and some clown dressed up in combat fatigues.

The sad thing is that there are a thousand moderate statements issued by the various national Muslim organisations, yet they will get blown off the front page by one picture of Hamza and his hook.

The sensationalist agenda of news reporting is doing us all a grave disservice at the moment.

At the weekend, there is a big Muslim demonstration planned in London which will dwarf that recent pathetic demo. It is has been called to peacefully protest against the Mohammed terrorist cartoon and also to call for calm across the Muslim world.

Let's see if thousands upon thousands of British Muslims expessing the real voice of their community get as much press coverage as the idiot hundred, eh, Pavilionaire?

It is this Saturday in Trafalgar Square and I would go but for our six-pointer with the Foxes.

Here is the Muslim Association's take on the recent controversy:

Or the Muslim Parliament of Britain's take:

I wonder if any sensible, rational-minded person could object to their reasoned views.

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