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kicked off in LODZ

Dec 29, 2011
Give them a car park, forest or piece of waste ground and let them go at it, get their kicks and then get back to their normal lives.

At least if they get their buzz like this it stops innocent people getting caught up with it.

Sounds like a good film plot to me.

Feb 14, 2010
What a load of shite! Are you saying that because there are people worse off than me i shouldn't defend my profession against small minded ignorant attacks from the likes of you?

I think your post sums up the difference between Eastern Europeans and the teachers in the UK. You see an Eastern European welcomes the chance to have the freedom to set up a business, work hard, and succeed. All you are interested in doing is preserving your holidays, retiring in your 60s on a massive pension and doing as little as possible for as much as possible. That my friend explains why this country should be bloody grateful to Eastern European people who have fought to get away from communism. You and your friends in the staff room have so much to learn from them and yes, privatise schools for the good of the customer. The fees are paid by the state and then my friend you compete to be the best you can to win their custom. You are not a natural monopoly like water (which should not be private) and therefore your service will benefit from the service providers using their initiative to compete with each other. Your product is currently not good enough, and the first thing you have to do is accept that and change.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
As for 'oh i have it so hard' i don't I do the job I love but I work f***ing hard doing it (just put my laptop away at nine o clock on a saturday night, how's that for half a year off?) And i make a difference to peoples lives. I just think teachers deserve a little more respect than you showed in your post.

Privatise the education system????? You are a disgrace to your own username.

I don't think anyone really thinks that teachers work 8.30 - 3.30 and get 12 weeks holiday a year. They do work hard. But what teachers always seem to forget, is that so do most other professionals, and they get 20 days holiday a year. I have a stressful job where if I don't perform I'll get let go, very very quickly. Teachers don't have that hanging over their heads. And I don't get 12 weeks holiday a year for it. I wouldn't care how stressful my job was if I got that kind of holiday!

I think that in the grand scheme of things teachers have it fairly good.

Quite how a thread about fighting in Poland has turned into a debate about Teachers, I have no idea.[/QUOTE]

We have the best job in the world. What we don't have is respect. The quote that started this discussion suggests that someone does think that we work 8:30 to 3:30 and have 12 weeks holiday. We don't have the stress of many profession it is true and we do have more time off but we also don't get paid as much as other professions.

I know there are plenty of teachers who cruise through and don't put in the effort. These are the people that are stopping me from getting a long term contract (many teachers have this hanging over their heads every year and it is very stressful) and piss me right off.


speed of life
Jul 11, 2009
30 years ago their press was strictly controlled by the Communists, and the internet (where most of the wannabes these days get their info from) was not invented. Therefore where do you reckon the East European lads (who couldnt travel) got their education about West European hooliganism in 1982 from?

So they had to be 'educated' by western lads before they could be 'hooligans'? You make my point prefectly, they couldn't think of it themselves, and got leathered by English lads. Now, when the scene has died away to a few pissed up shirters throwing plastic chairs for the media, these bellends are suddenly ten foot tall titans of the terraces? Meh.

Presume you were in Katowice in 93 or 97

Nope, I wasn't

to be able to speak from such a position of authority?

Not a position of authority, just an opinion

Nor was I

Fair enough, so your opinion is as worthless - by your own criteria - as mine, but......

but had mates who were and was told liberties were not taken by England but that a number of our lads were lucky to get through the forest back to town alive!

A mate told you? Well 'mates' told me otherwise, looks like we're at a logical impasse here little fella

The bravery of the East European nations on the Eastern front during WW2 says more than enough for most of us to show how "hard" they were/are!

What eastern front was that? And what sides are we talking about? The Poles who fought against the Germans? Or the Poles who fought with the Russians against the Germans? The Poles who fought with the Germans against the Russians? Maybe the Poles who guarded the prisoners before extermination in Belzec or Chelmno? Or perhaps the Poles who grassed their Jewish neighbours up to the Einsatzgruppen of the SS? Or perhaps The Poles who kicked the German civilians out of Danzig, raping and killing them behind the victorious Red Army during 1944-45?

Let's not start on the behaviour of the Ukrainians during the war. Also, by your logic, the behaviour of Polish citizens in a conflict that occured 70 years ago translates into the bravery of Polish citizens fighting at football matches today?


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Thinking out loud but how about starting a new thread titled "Could Eastern Europeans teach better than The British?"

Interesting conversation that is currently being hidden in a thread about football violence at the Euros.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
All you are interested in doing is preserving your holidays, retiring in your 60s on a massive pension and doing as little as possible for as much as possible.

Successful fishing trip, I should have realised that no one really be so stupid. Well done you got me.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Thinking out loud but how about starting a new thread titled "Could Eastern Europeans teach better than The British?"

Interesting conversation that is currently being hidden in a thread about football violence at the Euros.

Could 'Eastern European working class tradesmen' teach better than The British?

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
I think your post sums up the difference between Eastern Europeans and the teachers in the UK. You see an Eastern European welcomes the chance to have the freedom to set up a business, work hard, and succeed. All you are interested in doing is preserving your holidays, retiring in your 60s on a massive pension and doing as little as possible for as much as possible. That my friend explains why this country should be bloody grateful to Eastern European people who have fought to get away from communism. You and your friends in the staff room have so much to learn from them and yes, privatise schools for the good of the customer. The fees are paid by the state and then my friend you compete to be the best you can to win their custom. You are not a natural monopoly like water (which should not be private) and therefore your service will benefit from the service providers using their initiative to compete with each other. Your product is currently not good enough, and the first thing you have to do is accept that and change.

1: The average teacher's pension is £9,806. Please explain how that is 'massive'?
2: Privatise schools? So that their aim is to make a profit instead of provide a service to society? How you have the gall to call yourself WCP is beyond me. I worked for a private sector college for 14 years, they did not give a flying f*** about their 'customers', all they were interested in was the bottom line. The great thing about educashun (sic) in this country is that traditionally it has been free, therefore allowing people from working class backgrounds (I come from a family of bricklayers and farmers) to educate themselves out of poverty, which has historically proven to be the most successful way for a country to grow (a comparison of post imperial Pakistan and India will confirm this hypothesis).
3: If you bothered to check your facts, you would see that private schools have longer holidays that public sector ones, so far from preserving holidays, privatisation would increase them.

I agree there are some shit teachers in the UK, but then there are plenty of shit accountants, lawyers, bricklayers, plumbers and so on.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
I often wonder what the hard of thinking 'teachers get too much holiday' types would have us do during the holidays assuming of course that they don't think the kids are lazy too and we should open schools all year.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I was there in 97.

Krakow was madness before the day of the match, I think we were attacked within an hour off getting off the train. It set the scene for the day, although it had been the same the day before in Warsaw.

The Pope was in town too so, you had the mental backdrop of nuns pilgrims etc. milling around the town whilst hundreds of English and Polish were brawling in the streets. I dont think the Police charged anyone, some fans were locked up for the night but paid a "fine" to get released.

The day of the game the Police stormed the Hotel in Chrozy where everyone was drinking peacefully to force the England fans out so we had to walk a mile or so through a park (forest) to the game with no escort. Poles were everywhere and definitely ready to fight. The Police made it clear they were not interested in what went on in the park.

Of the group we I was with we had some challenging moments, but we all looked out for each other. Two of the lads we came across had been stabbed by Poles BUT we got together with them and we ALL got to the game.

Much of the same after the game, but then that was the way it was in Eastern Europe...............actually all of Europe in the 90s with England.

Italy probably the worst.

Thanks for that eye witness account which is pretty much spot on what my mates experienced. Xenephon, will look forward to your mate's account of how we ran the Poles all over the shop!

Feb 14, 2010
1: The average teacher's pension is £9,806. Please explain how that is 'massive'?
2: Privatise schools? So that their aim is to make a profit instead of provide a service to society? How you have the gall to call yourself WCP is beyond me. I worked for a private sector college for 14 years, they did not give a flying f*** about their 'customers', all they were interested in was the bottom line. The great thing about educashun (sic) in this country is that traditionally it has been free, therefore allowing people from working class backgrounds (I come from a family of bricklayers and farmers) to educate themselves out of poverty, which has historically proven to be the most successful way for a country to grow (a comparison of post imperial Pakistan and India will confirm this hypothesis).
3: If you bothered to check your facts, you would see that private schools have longer holidays that public sector ones, so far from preserving holidays, privatisation would increase them.

I agree there are some shit teachers in the UK, but then there are plenty of shit accountants, lawyers, bricklayers, plumbers and so on.

1. That is £9000 more than a self employed Eastern European, and no doubt includes part time staff and is not a true statistic of a teacher that worked for 25 years.
2. Yes competition is good. There is a reason why those that can afford it send them to private schools. All schools are private then different schools will emerge and poor kids will get the advantages that private schools have. A school should be allowed to run itself as it wants, but they at the end of the day have to justify themselves to the customer. Holidays for schools were brought in so kids could help out on farmns (hence they dont work during harvesting and summer). Schools should be free to say to their staff that those days are gone and they are required at their place of work at 9.00 / 930 sharp over the summer.
3. I know and that is their business as they are attracting customers.
4. A teacher with some initiative, drive and ambition that I see with Eastern European people that have moved here and opened businesses would welcome this. Sadly our public sector just have a protectionist mentality that is actually no good for their customers, the tax payer or indeed a teacher with an ounce self get up and go.
5. How you expect to ask an Eastern European person who works 6/7 days a week, with no paid holiday to fund a teachers lifestyle and pension is frankly beyond me. Its immoral and has to stop.
6. When will the public sector learn that change is good not "necessary", that the private sector pays for them and that business is not a dirty word and is fact freedom - just ask people from ex communist Eastern Europe.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
1. That is £9000 more than a self employed Eastern European, and no doubt includes part time staff and is not a true statistic of a teacher that worked for 25 years.
2. Yes competition is good. There is a reason why those that can afford it send them to private schools. All schools are private then different schools will emerge and poor kids will get the advantages that private schools have. A school should be allowed to run itself as it wants, but they at the end of the day have to justify themselves to the customer. Holidays for schools were brought in so kids could help out on farmns (hence they dont work during harvesting and summer). Schools should be free to say to their staff that those days are gone and they are required at their place of work at 9.00 / 930 sharp over the summer.
3. I know and that is their business as they are attracting customers.
4. A teacher with some initiative, drive and ambition that I see with Eastern European people that have moved here and opened businesses would welcome this. Sadly our public sector just have a protectionist mentality that is actually no good for their customers, the tax payer or indeed a teacher with an ounce self get up and go.
5. How you expect to ask an Eastern European person who works 6/7 days a week, with no paid holiday to fund a teachers lifestyle and pension is frankly beyond me. Its immoral and has to stop.
6. When will the public sector learn that change is good not "necessary", that the private sector pays for them and that business is not a dirty word and is fact freedom - just ask people from ex communist Eastern Europe.

Ha ha you are good.


Deleted member 22389

I often wonder what the hard of thinking 'teachers get too much holiday' types would have us do during the holidays assuming of course that they don't think the kids are lazy too and we should open schools all year.

I can completely understand what you are talking about. It's a shame that the only two things that are mentioned when people talk about teachers is the pension and holiday entitlement.

They will never understand or appreciate what a teacher does day to day unless they experience it.


speed of life
Jul 11, 2009
Come on, the bad mouthing of teachers is probably a hangover from unhappy schooldays. I f***ing hated teachers, eventually they got me expelled. That was great, because my real education started from that day forward.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003


speed of life
Jul 11, 2009
Thanks for that eye witness account which is pretty much spot on what my mates experienced. Xenephon, will look forward to your mate's account of how we ran the Poles all over the shop!

Correct, because I got all my information about WWII from the ONE eyewitness account of Private Jimmy McFucknut of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Pot and Pan Regiment, he landed in Normandy 4 months AFTER D-Day you know :thumbsup:


Habitual User
Oct 18, 2006
I,ve just finished a week at a large West Sussex college on a maintenance contract. I flipping love the teachers there. They couldn,t give a monkeys about how the kids look after the place so I get all this lovely well paid work all at the tax payers expense.
No teachers popped in at any stage for any prep work for next week btw.

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