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[Politics] Is Woke a significant factor in any upcoming General Election?

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
I do worry that being a self proclaimed 'woke', and aware of social and political issues, I really should stop winding up Gammons©Charles Dickens as I shouldn't pick them out as a group and highlight their inadequacies and lack of political understanding . This I'm sure, is at odds with my stated position as a 'woke'.

I actively try to avoid calling thick people thick as it appears the most obviously thick posters are also the most ardent of snowflakes and get so upset by being called thick that they want to cancel me and my views.

Who knew :laugh:
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Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
The term 'get woke' began being used online to mean 'understand the historic institutional disadvantages that certain minority groups face,' with particular reference to race in America. It is now used only by those who want to pretend that these disadvantages don't exist.

Boiled down to the most common usage, 'Get Woke' meant 'understand that, statistically, your life chances, like those of all of your ancestors are impacted by things that you were born with and have very little control over.' 'Anti woke' has come to mean 'lets deny this obvious truth because otherwise we might have to do something about it.'

It plays very well to an audience that hates to think that it enjoyed any advantages, but instead is solely responsible for any success it has enjoyed. The American national psyche that anyone can make it to the top makes it a fruitful place for this kind of argument. In the UK, proponents have tried to use the general distrust and irritation with political correctness to try to turn it into a wedge issue, but it doesn't chime so well with a national psyche slightly more connected to community rather than individuality, Its made a few inroads, but its not going to get British people het up in the same way.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
When I first heard/read woke, I had to look it up . . . Then just dismissed it. it's normal isn't it, just normal.

Assuming you'r not a ukip/fascist/racist/tory/****. (Combinations are common) Which has been sold by the press as normal for some years now.

Can you see the problem?

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
I think that Reform UK will now attract the vote of the rabid Tory right wingers, giving Lab / Lib Dems a shoo in. The result of next GE is a forgone conclusion. From a personal point of view I wouldn’t trust any right wing populists as they’re all a bunch of self serving bastards without a single Statesman (no gender input here) amongst them. What a sorry state of affairs, yet it seems to be a worldwide issue, look at the problems they’ve had in the USA and Brazil where ‘opinion’ is given more weight and trust than ‘fact’. Right wing populists politicians seem to be people incapable running a bath let alone a country.
Corrected for you to remove the gaslighting right-wing media narrative “they are all the same”. They are not at all. I’m sure you didn’t mean that though. It reads a lot better now. 👍🏻


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
The term 'get woke' began being used online to mean 'understand the historic institutional disadvantages that certain minority groups face,' with particular reference to race in America. It is now used only by those who want to pretend that these disadvantages don't exist.

Boiled down to the most common usage, 'Get Woke' meant 'understand that, statistically, your life chances, like those of all of your ancestors are impacted by things that you were born with and have very little control over.' 'Anti woke' has come to mean 'lets deny this obvious truth because otherwise we might have to do something about it.'

It plays very well to an audience that hates to think that it enjoyed any advantages, but instead is solely responsible for any success it has enjoyed. The American national psyche that anyone can make it to the top makes it a fruitful place for this kind of argument. In the UK, proponents have tried to use the general distrust and irritation with political correctness to try to turn it into a wedge issue, but it doesn't chime so well with a national psyche slightly more connected to community rather than individuality, Its made a few inroads, but its not going to get British people het up in the same way.

Interesting post.

In the UK we do now have a very sizeable minority of male and female Karen’s (apologies everyone for another slang term), who all seem; to deny mankind caused damaging climate change, Trump he’s alright, Putin … well the EU/Nato/Biden are warmongers so just as bad, mental illness is over-egged …. man up, females have become overly sensitive to being raped and assaulted, I suspect most consented at the time, no I won’t wear a face mask in an indoor environment during a pandemic …. civil liberties innit.

Winding themselves up on social media. Not necessarily Tories, many consider themselves :D off-gridders:D, betrayed by the Tories for pandemic laws.

Yes I know it’s freedom of speech, but it’s quite frightening on how this army of idiots have grown. Some are keeping GCHQ busy and we know what happened to Jo Cox.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
Where as the term Gammon has a wonderful nigh on 200 year history with no change to the meaning of the word whatsoever. English Literature at it's best, makes you proud to be English doesn't it :wink:

He was a tough, burly, thick-headed gentleman, with a loud voice, a pompous manner, a tolerable command of sentences with no meaning in them, and, in short, every requisite for a very good member indeed.

'Now, gentlemen,' said Mr Gregsbury, tossing a great bundle of papers into a wicker basket at his feet, and throwing himself back in his chair with his arms over the elbows, 'you are dissatisfied with my conduct, I see by the newspapers.'

'Yes, Mr Gregsbury, we are,' said a plump old gentleman in a violent heat, bursting out of the throng, and planting himself in the front.

'Do my eyes deceive me,' said Mr Gregsbury, looking towards the speaker, 'or is that my old friend Pugstyles?'

'I am that man, and no other, sir,' replied the plump old gentleman.

'Give me your hand, my worthy friend,' said Mr Gregsbury. 'Pugstyles, my dear friend, I am very sorry to see you here.'

'I am very sorry to be here, sir,' said Mr Pugstyles; 'but your conduct, Mr Gregsbury, has rendered this deputation from your constituents imperatively necessary.'

'My conduct, Pugstyles,' said Mr Gregsbury, looking round upon the deputation with gracious magnanimity--'my conduct has been, and ever will be, regulated by a sincere regard for the true and real interests of this great and happy country. Whether I look at home, or abroad; whether I behold the peaceful industrious communities of our island home: her rivers covered with steamboats, her roads with locomotives, her streets with cabs, her skies with balloons of a power and magnitude hitherto unknown in the history of aeronautics in this or any other nation--I say, whether I look merely at home, or, stretching my eyes farther, contemplate the boundless prospect of conquest and possession--achieved by British perseverance and British valour--which is outspread before me, I clasp my hands, and turning my eyes to the broad expanse above my head, exclaim, "Thank Heaven, I am a Briton!"'

The time had been, when this burst of enthusiasm would have been cheered to the very echo; but now, the deputation received it with chilling coldness. The general impression seemed to be, that as an explanation of Mr Gregsbury's political conduct, it did not enter quite enough into detail; and one gentleman in the rear did not scruple to remark aloud, that, for his purpose, it savoured rather too much of a 'gammon' tendency.

'The meaning of that term--gammon,' said Mr Gregsbury, 'is unknown to me. If it means that I grow a little too fervid, or perhaps even hyperbolical, in extolling my native land, I admit the full justice of the remark. I AM proud of this free and happy country. My form dilates, my eye glistens, my breast heaves, my heart swells, my bosom burns, when I call to mind her greatness and her glory.'



Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
Why would any racist vote other than Leave? Seriously?
Because lots of people have lots of different reasons for voting how they do/did. If you can find definite proof that not a single racist voted remain (for whatever obscure reasons he or she had) go for it!
Any 'woke' (however you choose to define it) has a definitive meaning.
More of a definitive meaning than that sentence. WTF?
Only the likes of Farage and other unsavoury characters see it as something to be derided.
:facepalm: I have no idea whether Farage derides it or not (although he probably does). Many people (who are not necessarily fascists, racists, mysoginists, homophobic etc.) do not agree with every woke belief (see for instance the hostile reaction in Scotland to gender identification laws - they weren't all fascist, racist, etc., reactionaries - let alone unaware of the legislation - they just thought the legislation was bollocks).
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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
Because lots of people have lots of different reasond for voting how they do/did. If you can find definite proof that not a single racist voted remain (for whatever obscure reasons he or she had) go for it!

More of a definitive meaning than that sentence. WTF?

:facepalm: I have no idea whether Farage derides it or not (although he probably does). Many people (who are not necessarily fascists, racists, mysoginists, homophobic etc.) do not agree with every woke belief (see for instance the hostile reaction in Scotland to gender identification laws - they weren't all fascist, racist, etc., reactionaries - let alone unaware of the legislation - they just thought the legislation was bollocks).
1. Of course they do, but you still can't tell me why any racist would vote otherwise, and if there was at least one - why?
2. If you have no idea whether Farage derides it or nor, I fear for your sanity.
3. You still haven't managed to give your interpretation of 'woke'.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
It will be subconsciously about a geography teacher at school. Your therapist can help draw it out.
At a macro level it will actually be because common sense doesn’t work with the selfish desires of most people. No one actually wants a meritocracy with a safety net for the most vulnerable or centre based parties would win every democratic election.

At a micro level it will be because LDC and Bellotti proved that these “reasonable” people are actually more ****ish than your standard ideologues


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Interesting post.

In the UK we do now have a very sizeable minority of male and female Karen’s (apologies everyone for another slang term), who all seem; to deny mankind caused damaging climate change, Trump he’s alright, Putin … well the EU/Nato/Biden are warmongers so just as bad, mental illness is over-egged …. man up, females have become overly sensitive to being raped and assaulted, I suspect most consented at the time, no I won’t wear a face mask in an indoor environment during a pandemic …. civil liberties innit.

Winding themselves up on social media. Not necessarily Tories, many consider themselves :D off-gridders:D, betrayed by the Tories for pandemic laws.

Yes I know it’s freedom of speech, but it’s quite frightening on how this army of idiots have grown. Some are keeping GCHQ busy and we know what happened to Jo Cox.

My belief is that conspiracy theory moved from the left to the right in recent years. If we put the problems they have had in the Labour party aside for a second.

The right are far better at gaining control politically and learnt to use conspiracy theory to their advantage, learning (obviously) from history.

The other major factor (of course) is not the internet directly, but it has been able to join up people with extreme views.

The British version is quite strange though. On one hand climate change is a conspiracy, but the NHS generally isn't. Except vaccines of course.

UFOs and crop circles appear to off the table these days. More "great reset", anti NATO and Climate Change.

I really can't abide Stephen Fry (one of irrational dislikes) but I remember a Room 101 he did where he put in people who make their own religion / spirituality up by "cherry picking" bits of other peoples.

I find modern conspiracy theorists exactly the same. It's a menu you can tick off to conform to your confirmation bias.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
At a macro level it will actually be because common sense doesn’t work with the selfish desires of most people. No one actually wants a meritocracy with a safety net for the most vulnerable or centre based parties would win every democratic election.

At a micro level it will be because LDC and Bellotti proved that these “reasonable” people are actually more ****ish than your standard ideologues

No, definitely geography teachers.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Going back to the original premise, one of the big ideas many anti-woke people have is “Go woke and go broke” where they boycott anyone they deem to have “gone woke”. To this day I have never heard of anyone ever “going broke”, which suggests that most people at best simply don’t care.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
At a macro level it will actually be because common sense doesn’t work with the selfish desires of most people. No one actually wants a meritocracy with a safety net for the most vulnerable or centre based parties would win every democratic election.

At a micro level it will be because LDC and Bellotti proved that these “reasonable” people are actually more ****ish than your standard ideologues

Actually, what the f*** do they believe in ?

Do they get up in the morning and think..... mmm, hopefully my day will be social and if it's really good.... democratic.

I've known two people in my life who were card carrying members, who can only be described as unselfishly selfish. They were generally nice people, but god help them if someone told how, where and when to be nice. Both genuine oddballs you could never pin down. Just spent their time slagging off the other parties as an "alternative".

What was the alternative ? They could never tell me. I'm not sure they actually know.

Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
I see anti-woke as the emergence of ignorance as an acceptable character trait, and ignorance should be treated in equal measure to intellect in a skewed form of equality. In the same way in the post 2016 political landscape, you can have on one side experts, intellects, scientists, facts and research. and on the other, scepticism, conspiracy, denial, ignorance, duplicity, and opinion. and both sides are treated in equal measure.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I see anti-woke as the emergence of ignorance as an acceptable character trait, and ignorance should be treated in equal measure to intellect in a skewed form of equality. In the same way in the post 2016 political landscape, you can have on one side experts, intellects, scientists, facts and research. and on the other, scepticism, conspiracy, denial, ignorance, duplicity, and opinion. and both sides are treated in equal measure.

What about off shore drift and hanging valleys ?


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I see anti-woke as the emergence of ignorance as an acceptable character trait, and ignorance should be treated in equal measure to intellect in a skewed form of equality. In the same way in the post 2016 political landscape, you can have on one side experts, intellects, scientists, facts and research. and on the other, scepticism, conspiracy, denial, ignorance, duplicity, and opinion. and both sides are treated in equal measure.

Can I give you some advice ?

Throw in the word "narrative" and you've lost a bunch of traditional Labour voting seats in the North of England..

..just saying.

Kinky Gerbil

Im The Scatman
NSC Patron
Jul 16, 2003
Going back to the original premise, one of the big ideas many anti-woke people have is “Go woke and go broke” where they boycott anyone they deem to have “gone woke”. To this day I have never heard of anyone ever “going broke”, which suggests that most people at best simply don’t care.

I think Disney are suffering a bit from it, but it's hard to nail it down to one thing, you could put the failure of larger recent films and Disney + to superhero fatigue/poor scripts etc

Bud light didn't exactly have a good fall out either, but Dylan Mulvaney is a ridiculous human.

Edit - I know Virgin Atlantic have, to the point they decided to stop advertising certain policies.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly
When I first heard/read woke, I had to look it up . . . Then just dismissed it. it's normal isn't it, just normal.

Assuming you'r not a ukip/fascist/racist/tory/****. (Combinations are common) Which has been sold by the press as normal for some years now.

Can you see the problem?
Most Brits are woke and proud these days. Tough times ahead fox your average UKiP (Tory) racist

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