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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Mr Burns said:

If I were international visitor and came to England to see England to meet and learn about the English way of life, and landed in one of the main Asian areas of the country, I'd probably be disappointed and move on.

But those Asian areas are now part of the 'English way of life' - that's the whole point. We've been enriched by several waves of immigrants and lots of visitors appreciate what they've brought us: whether it be curries, fish and chips or the events like the Notting Hill carnival (and I note that you ignore LI's point about your not being opposed to economic migration yet opposing it in NZ).

I can't believe that this thread is still going. Last time I checked, it was 18 pages long. I can't be bothered to check back but I hope it's just a couple of racists arguing over and over that's kept this going so long (sigh).

Mr Burns said:
I believe if the BNP got its house in order and dropped some of their extreme views, they would become a force in British politics.

As much as everyone in the world would like peace and harmony and everyone getting on, its just never going to happen. Races and regilions do not mix.

Mr Burns said:
I agree with the BNP.

Good morning Mr Burns. Although you may find it hard to believe I was not running scared from you last night, I just have to be at my desk by 7:30am. Above are a couple of quotes from you, notice I didn't bring up Asian plagues on the planet, Japs spoiling Aukland, sending genuine aslym seekers back to certain death or your contradictory points on economic immigration. Is that enough for you?




Gwylan said:
But those Asian areas are now part of the 'English way of life' - that's the whole point. We've been enriched by several waves of immigrants and lots of visitors appreciate what they've brought us: whether it be curries, fish and chips or the events like the Notting Hill carnival (and I note that you ignore LI's point about your not being opposed to economic migration yet opposing it in NZ).

A very good point. You only have to think of America as an example of other cultures enriching a place. When I went to New York I loved the mix of Irish, Hispanic and Italian influences, as there were so many things to do. I also think of Paris, and the various Jewish, Arab, African and even Portuguese quarters.

I think London would be a very boring place if we didnt have the various quarters. I always find the East End amazing as when I go record shopping I can walk down the same road and find an afro-caribbean hair salon, a mosque and a pie and mash shop.

Mr Burns, you dont have a leg to stand on. You have proved what you stand for and its not nice.I'd have more respect for you if you at least admitted your views like Oceanic or Algie.


Jul 7, 2003
Gwylan said:
But those Asian areas are now part of the 'English way of life' - that's the whole point.

No they are not and thats a large part of the problem. firstly there is the issue of Capacity and resources, although not relevent to your post, then there is the question of identity, ie culture.

Most English people do not identify with Asain ghettos thats why they move out on mass, neither do tourists come to see them.

People also resent being told what they should identify with them as well, their is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
London Irish said:
You should realise by now I couldn't give a toss whether an evasive racist takes me seriously, I don't waste a second's thought what people like you think. I am just here in this thread to expose your mealy-mouthed lies and hypocrisy.

So we'll try again.

You gave an earlier explanation about why you don't oppose immigration but only oppose asylum seekers. Yet now speaking out of the other side of your mouth, you've just given a lengthy explanation in your previous post about why you oppose immigration in seemingly every part of the world.

So which is it?

The reality is you argue something different whenever it's convenient to you, whenever you are cornered.

Isn't it the truth that you just irrationally hate immigrants? Here you are having a pop at our Asian communities, "disappointing" according to that lovely mealy-mouthed way of yours. You somehow see them as a threat to the English way of life, as if that way of life can, somehow, against all lessons of history, be frozen for all time and never evolve and change due to new cultural influences.

You adopt various rhetorical techniques taught to BNP members (although you may or may not be a member, I'm willing to bet you are a supporter/voter and have learnt from listening to their rhetoric). You carefully focus on the asylum issue, as the BNP tactically does, because that is the issue the British public is most confused about because of our shitty ignorant tabloid press.

You raise issues like housing shortage and OAP's fuel need and then argue that keeping out asylum seekers solves these issues, the classic fascist method of seizing on legitimate working class issues and then finding the black/jew/immigrant scapegoat as the final solution.

Then you use another new fascist trick that is becoming currently popular among BNP members, Orwellian double-think, the anti-racist is the new racist. This BNP technique you used against Enigma when he made some throwaway comment about white trash, your absurd, trivial muddying of the waters of the debate where a description of a chav is somehow equivalent to the decades of terrible racism that our immigrant communities have endured and still endure, from the Notting Hill white mob attacks of the 1950s to the recent murder of Anthony Walker in Liverpool.

Mr Burns, my experience is that if it walks like a BNP-influenced racist, it talks like a BNP-influenced racist, it squawks like a BNP-influenced racist, then, guess what, it is a BNP-influenced racist.

As I told you before, hang around here on NSC as long as you want, peddle your shit and you know I'll always be here to keep you company :wave:
So Enimga comment is a throw away one, whereas mine is racists. Good way of thinking. I do oppose immargration in its current form. But not totally and agree with Australia's method, to be blunt, if you do bring skills we need, you cant come.

My issue on OAP and deaths through fuel, if we canafford to put up Asylum seekers and pay for 3 appeals, then how can we let old people die through cold. Surely its a case of look after your own first.

You mentioned earlier that there are no Japanesse asylum seekers. Why would there be, Japanesse would gain nothing from coming here which makes you yhink it may have to do with money, the reason we get so many.

You seem happy to let anyone come and live here, and pay for them to do so.

Does this mean then that if I could get over the millions of Africans who die each year through starving (one every 3 seconds isnt it) you would pay for them to have a home and feed and look after them?

Does this mean that every member of the Arab world who doesn't agree with their governments way, and in doing so is in danger of death because of it, shall we take all them?

Does it mean that we accept every person in China, as they have one of the worst human rights records in the world, so if they broke borders, and got to England, surely they would be in danger if we refused them.

So by your leftie argument, IF they could get themseleves to our borders we'd take them all. All 1-2 billion of them. Fine, just let us know how we pay for them and where we put them.

Again you add BNP in every sentance, yet I rarley mentioned them unless you do. Do you find it differcult to get a point across without labelling me BNP (which I'm not). If anyone is hatefilled its you.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Gwylan said:
But those Asian areas are now part of the 'English way of life' - that's the whole point. We've been enriched by several waves of immigrants and lots of visitors appreciate what they've brought us: whether it be curries, fish and chips or the events like the Notting Hill carnival (and I note that you ignore LI's point about your not being opposed to economic migration yet opposing it in NZ).

I can't believe that this thread is still going. Last time I checked, it was 18 pages long. I can't be bothered to check back but I hope it's just a couple of racists arguing over and over that's kept this going so long (sigh).
To repeat I am opposed to economic migration in its current form. I would adopt a system like they have in Australia.

I dont agree that some ASian areas are part of the English way of life. A lot of them dont even speak the language,

Do you agree then , that you can be British if you can't speak the national language.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
looney said:
No they are not and thats a large part of the problem. firstly there is the issue of Capacity and resources, although not relevent to your post, then there is the question of identity, ie culture.

Most English people do not identify with Asain ghettos thats why they move out on mass, neither do tourists come to see them.

People also resent being told what they should identify with them as well, their is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance.

Utter nonsense. The most popular meal in the UK is now Chicken Tikka Masala. It's not an authentic Asian dish but one tailored to British tastes, a perfect example of how we adopt 'foreign' influences for our own benefit.

Or listen to the speech of today's schoolkids and the way that they've adopted black and asian slang. If adopting their speech patterns isn't acceptance, I don't know what is.

We as a country have thrived on immigration, always have, always will.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
Lokki 7 said:

Originally posted by Mr Burns
I believe if the BNP got its house in order and dropped some of their extreme views, they would become a force in British politics.

As much as everyone in the world would like peace and harmony and everyone getting on, its just never going to happen. Races and regilions do not mix.

I still believe they would if they dropped some for there extreme racist views, ie mixed marriages.

I fail to see how the second quote make me racist. Look at the situation in Palenstine. Look at the the old Yugoslavia, look at the Jews in Germany in world war two. All acts of evil from one race towards another. I stand by saying races and regilions dont mix. They tolerate each other for a while, but it never lasts long term. Not racist its a fact. Sure you may have coloured friends etc etc, but I'm not talking about mixing with the Jones' down the road, I'm talking about the bugger picture. And history shows we dont mix.

Originally posted by Mr Burns
I agree with the BNP.

I've said on certain issues I do agree with the BNP. As much as I dont on others. So I'm not sure on what that quote is meant to mean.

Good morning Mr Burns. Although you may find it hard to believe I was not running scared from you last night, I just have to be at my desk by 7:30am. Above are a couple of quotes from you, notice I didn't bring up Asian plagues on the planet, Japs spoiling Aukland, sending genuine aslym seekers back to certain death or your contradictory points on economic immigration. Is that enough for you?
Mention point of immaration many times, as I have with the Auckland issue you all seem to love to bring up. If one you makes a quip, its tongue in cheek, I do it its hateful. And no one has answered my point on certain death, you lot are just as clever at avioud issues.

Why would they face certain death??
Last edited:

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
MOH posted this on another thread.

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

I think this thread opitomises the above.

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
enigma said:
A very good point. You only have to think of America as an example of other cultures enriching a place. When I went to New York I loved the mix of Irish, Hispanic and Italian influences, as there were so many things to do. I also think of Paris, and the various Jewish, Arab, African and even Portuguese quarters.
A VEry good point. The only reason there is such a mix in America, becuase nearly the whole population are immargants. Look what happened to the natives in America. As soon as they become the minority they we killed off. So much for races mixing!!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Mr Burns said:

Do you agree then , that you can be British if you can't speak the national language.

What on earth....?

What's the national of language of Britain? Do you really think there's a language called British? :lolol:


Jul 7, 2003
Gwylan said:
Utter nonsense. The most popular meal in the UK is now Chicken Tikka Masala. It's not an authentic Asian dish but one tailored to British tastes, a perfect example of how we adopt 'foreign' influences for our own benefit.

Or listen to the speech of today's schoolkids and the way that they've adopted black and asian slang. If adopting their speech patterns isn't acceptance, I don't know what is.

We as a country have thrived on immigration, always have, always will.

That is an unprooven claim made by a grandstanding politician, yes things are adopted over time when people get used to them. What people resent is having opinions like that rammed down there throat.

Poor speech is nothing to be proud of, it will hamper there chances getting a job and is devisive, it is also a symptom of a failed immigration policy, ie assimilation. Even the black commediane Bill Cosby has railled against it and I think our chum Trevor Phillips has as well.


Rising Damp
Aug 29, 2003
Hove, f***ing ACTUALLY.
Wouldnt it be nice in this country if we could get a balanced view as to whether immigration (and the completely different issue of Asylum seekers) really is a problem or not.

The more I hear right wingers bang on about it just makes me think they are racist, the more I hear the left wing view it seems like they are trying to hide something.

Sid James

New member
Nov 14, 2005
looney said:
That is an unprooven claim made by a grandstanding politician, yes things are adopted over time when people get used to them. What people resent is having opinions like that rammed down there throat.

Poor speech is nothing to be proud of, it will hamper there chances getting a job and is devisive, it is also a symptom of a failed immigration policy, ie assimilation. Even the black commediane Bill Cosby has railled against it and I think our chum Trevor Phillips has as well.

What's 'devisive' a symptom of then ?


Jul 7, 2003
dave the gaffer said:
MOH posted this on another thread.

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

I think this thread opitomises the above.

Exactley who is comming for who? The only group I see being attacked by the powers that be are poor whites, which have been labelled chavs.


The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
But they say Chicken Tikka Masala was founded in the UK.How true this is noboby can be 100% certain

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
looney said:
Exactley who is comming for who? The only group I see being attacked by the powers that be are poor whites, which have been labelled chavs.

Chavs are not necessarily poor, but they are ignorant and ill educated.


Jul 7, 2003
Rougvie said:
Wouldnt it be nice in this country if we could get a balanced view as to whether immigration (and the completely different issue of Asylum seekers) really is a problem or not.

The more I hear right wingers bang on about it just makes me think they are racist, the more I hear the left wing view it seems like they are trying to hide something.

This is an excellent post. On the right you have a range of veiws of why there should be limits on immigration including racists.

Look for the migrantwatch site for a more balanced veiw of opposition to open immigration.

There are also a range of reasons why people want more immigration and there is a political agenda behind it. To supress/destroy Western/British culture to make people more agreeable towards alternatives.

The originators of this had Communism in mind, its the origins of political correctness and was developed by the Francfurt school in the 1930's. Put PC and Origins and Frankfurt in google.

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