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I had a ticket, I didn't go and I didn't miss it [MERGED THREADS]


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I've been watching the Albion since the early sixties except for a 15 year gap early 70s to late 80s when I was in N. America (only game I got to see in that period was the Cup Final).

We've had plenty of ups and downs in that period. We've had worse teams than we have now and we've had better.

The single most depressing thing currently is Withdean. At times early in the game yesterday it had the atmosphere of a morgue. But Falmer is coming so there is a very definite light at the end of the tunnel.

We now have a Chairman who has done wonders in rescuing our club from oblivion. Hopefully he can continue to carry us forward to Falmer and beyond. If not I am sure he will step aside and let someone else take over the reins.

I agree with a comment I heard the other day that we could do with one or two "characters" in the team. Players the fans really want to turn up to watch. Bas was that person at times, but he's gone and Revell played better than Bas would have done yesterday and potentially will forge a better partnership with Forster. Nicky could in fact take on the mantle of the fans "hero". He certainly gives 100% (an absolute requirement), he has bags of skill and he scores goals. Another potential "hero" is Tommy Elphick, always encouraging the fans to get behind the team.

Anyway, my point is, what exactly is so very bad right now? What is there to despair about? Sure we lost a couple of games in succession, but that happens in football. We're above mid table with a game in hand over the teams above us. We're in the 3rd round of the FA Cup with a fairly easy tie. We're still in the paintpot cup.

The loss of O'Callaghan is not the end of the world. He was a classy footballer, but he also made mistakes. Personally I believe Paul Reid can step up to the plate and fill that role. The loss of Bas is a shame, but he turned down what apparently was a good offer. It happens. Anyway, Revell played better yesterday than Bas has of late and crucially scored two goals. The loss of Richards (assuming he doesn't come back) is a shame. Can Rents step into that position? Based on his recent performances there has to be a question mark. But we have Lynch who can play there with Elphick and Butters/ElAbd in the centre. Martot's loss if he goes is no big deal at all.

The transfer window is open. Barry Lloyd has been out scouting. I am confident he has unearthed some good players. Let's wait and see. And as I posted on another thread, why not try and sign Bowditch now he's fit and scoring goals for Northampton.

Personally I'm in no way dejected about the current situation at the Albion. I enjoyed the game yesterday. I will continue to support the team.

If you're a fair weather supporter then that's fine as long as you don't prevent me from getting a ticket to the big games!!


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
Good post goldstone.

No more attention-seeking threads from fans who want to be begged to come to Withers, eh? We had this last season too.

If you want to go then go, if you don't then't. Simple really. I hear that Churchill Square on Saturday afternoons is luvverly.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
Just far enough away from LDC
I fully understand why people feel this way sometimes - I havn't been to as many games this season as I would have done in the past. One of the main reasons for my loss of interest (beyond having a family to spend time with) is that I really cant stand some of the people who go to withdean and their constant wish to view everything negatively or with conspiracy theories in mind.

There are many reasons why people dont go and everybody has a right to that view and opinion. Dr bandler is quite right on that front.

However, I dont get how starting a thread about it on NSC actually makes the world a better place unless storer is using this as a cathartic process or is suggesting that we should all rally behind him and not go until the club changes in a way that makes him feel happier - whatever that might be as it's not clear from his post.


Jul 7, 2003
In a pile of football shirts
But if the Council waive or reduce the rent then that is a loss to the Council Taxpayers and the deficit will result in either higher council tax or cuts elsewhere in the City's services.

I know what you mean Oldman, but the Council coughs up money for projects and schemes all over the show. Waiving or reducing the rent on Withdean would benefit many more people than some of their schemes do.

We are led to believe that they support us fully in our quest to sustain a football team in the City, well that support doesn't seem to include financial support, for the rent of a stadium that ordinarily they wouldn't get anything for at all. And don't forget, the club have invested heavily in Withdean, and will hand it all over for no charge when we leave.

Perhaps I'm being simplistic, but I think they should reduce/scrap the rent.

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
I can understand why Storer is fed up, Withdean is an overpriced shithole with the atmosphere of a whist drive meeting. The football is up and down, but for many of us old lags it has always been that way.

Falmer is not the total answer to these problems, but it is a better alternative to what we have now. Those who went to Donny before Christmas know what it's like to sit in a brand new stadium that is only one-third full, and it wasn't pleasant.

There has to be a union between the fans, the board and the playing staff. I personally think that the club does make a sterling effort to attract kids with some of the schemes it has, but with an extra 17,000 extra seats to fill at Falmer will have to go much, much further. DK has made mistakes, too many perhaps, but the good things he has done far outweigh this.

Brighton is not a football town, never has been historically. People will come to watch a good team with exciting players, but they don't come along every year. Our models should be teams such as Ipswich, a mid table Championship club who manages to persuade fans to turn up every week. Even when Palace were in the bottom six earlier this season they were still getting 16,000, an attendance level we would cry out for at Falmer to begin with.

It will be a long haul, there will be setbacks, we ALL have Falmer fatigue, it was a slow, painful process against impossible odds at times. For that we should be grateful for DK and Martin Perry, because let's be honest, we all thought it was dead in the water at times, but they kept plodding away non-stop, crossing the t's and dotting the i's.

I wouldn't swap the Albion for any other club, although I have Premiership football outside my front door all the time.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
Post-Falmer blues I reckon.

People are impatient for things to "happen" as we don't have anything to fight for any more.

On the ticket pricing front nothing will happen prior to the close season as the club aren't allowed to change their pricing structure by Football League regulations. They are allowed to do four specials like the Gillingham match, so expect to see more of those before the end of the season.

The stadium, people should stop expecting the diggers to move in instantly, for crying out loud potential contractors have still to formulate their bids yet!! And the detailed plans are still being drawn up (note the consultation article in the match programme regarding a social club anyone?). It will be built when it is time to do so.

And as for players, have people forgotten we forked out £75k for Forster in the summer, and had a fee agreed with Ipswich for O'Callaghan? It seems that money is available for players, and just because one player doesn't think a year and a half contract is long enough it doesn't mean we'll never sign another player ever again!

I don't know what some of you people's expectations are but we are an average team in an average league, and I for one am happy to tough out another couple of seasons in the shit-hole until our new ground is built... and am looking forward to the cup match on Saturday, which I'll be seeing with Dad and Little Sister.

:clap: :clap:


Scotty Mac

New member
Jul 13, 2003
The problem with the attitude of three of the replies (and others on this site) is that we have a dwindling band of supporters and you are hostile and dismissive of anyone who isnt 100% loyal to whatever crap is dished up by the club.

I am not often to moved to write but you are idiots. Some people - and I know many - used to go every match as recently as last season and cannot now be motivated to go. This is a serious problem. In the past these people would have been angry - now they have lost interest. This suggests something is wrong with the football and /or the way the club is run. Ask why people are turning away?

Ignore it and dismiss it at your peril - or you few who dismiss anyone with a different view will be sitting on your own watching conference football in a crowd of 1500. I, for one, do not want that and will still speak up (for now - soon maybe I will give up too.)

spot on - it seems to be that at times, anyone who hasnto got their head up the clubs rectum arent fans and should therefore 'clear off'


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
I've been watching the Albion since the early sixties except for a 15 year gap early 70s to late 80s when I was in N. America (only game I got to see in that period was the Cup Final).

We've had plenty of ups and downs in that period. We've had worse teams than we have now and we've had better.

The single most depressing thing currently is Withdean. At times early in the game yesterday it had the atmosphere of a morgue. But Falmer is coming so there is a very definite light at the end of the tunnel.

We now have a Chairman who has done wonders in rescuing our club from oblivion. Hopefully he can continue to carry us forward to Falmer and beyond. If not I am sure he will step aside and let someone else take over the reins.

I agree with a comment I heard the other day that we could do with one or two "characters" in the team. Players the fans really want to turn up to watch. Bas was that person at times, but he's gone and Revell played better than Bas would have done yesterday and potentially will forge a better partnership with Forster. Nicky could in fact take on the mantle of the fans "hero". He certainly gives 100% (an absolute requirement), he has bags of skill and he scores goals. Another potential "hero" is Tommy Elphick, always encouraging the fans to get behind the team.

Anyway, my point is, what exactly is so very bad right now? What is there to despair about? Sure we lost a couple of games in succession, but that happens in football. We're above mid table with a game in hand over the teams above us. We're in the 3rd round of the FA Cup with a fairly easy tie. We're still in the paintpot cup.

The loss of O'Callaghan is not the end of the world. He was a classy footballer, but he also made mistakes. Personally I believe Paul Reid can step up to the plate and fill that role. The loss of Bas is a shame, but he turned down what apparently was a good offer. It happens. Anyway, Revell played better yesterday than Bas has of late and crucially scored two goals. The loss of Richards (assuming he doesn't come back) is a shame. Can Rents step into that position? Based on his recent performances there has to be a question mark. But we have Lynch who can play there with Elphick and Butters/ElAbd in the centre. Martot's loss if he goes is no big deal at all.

The transfer window is open. Barry Lloyd has been out scouting. I am confident he has unearthed some good players. Let's wait and see. And as I posted on another thread, why not try and sign Bowditch now he's fit and scoring goals for Northampton.

Personally I'm in no way dejected about the current situation at the Albion. I enjoyed the game yesterday. I will continue to support the team.

If you're a fair weather supporter then that's fine as long as you don't prevent me from getting a ticket to the big games!!

Absolutely. Nice to read some good, positive posts at last.



Dr Bandler

Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005

I think I have an analysis of why some people are losing motivation.

In the past when things have been bad there has been a villian that most fans can rally together and unite against. On the manager front Barry Lloyd comes to mind. On the Chairman front we all know about Bill Archer. As Attila says a lot of people put in a lot of energy to save the club from these people.

So what is the situation now? Sure I think there is Withdean fatigue (and the pricing) but nobody can argue that the playing side is great either. We do not have the momentum and passion we had under, for example, Mickey Adams. But who is to blame? Dick Knight has done too much for the club for most people to feel angry at. Dean Wilkins - not a great manager, but a likeable guy doing his best; with a general feeling that nobody better would come if he was sacked.

So we have a poor stadium, high prices, not great football and nobody to easily blame. This leads to a feeling of helplessness and eventually lack of motivation. I think those of you who are still positive are great, but not everyone is the same and that doesnt make them bad supporters. I think we need the momentum of the first building work happening at Falmer and more successful, attractive football. Is the latter possible under current circumstances? It was under Adams, Coppell, Taylor and part of the time under McGhee. Or were we spoiled then? I hope not....

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Not a bad summing up, Dr Bandler, but then it begs a supplementary question...

Given that everyone has seen the same things, suffered the same lows and enjoyed the same highs, why do we have such conflicting opinions as to whether things are going well or not? Why is Storer68 bothered about everything, and someone like, say, Goldstone, or myself not? I'm over-simplifying, and not trying to sound insensitive, but that is a pretty spectacular crash-and-burn.

Then there is a matter of mixing fact and fantasy. The perceived lack of information that comes from the club (personally I think that Brighton lets its fans know far more about the club than others do, and that the board are far more accessible than many others), leads people to create their own scenarios. You can read about it on here, and hear it on the phone-in.

I have been seen on here as someone who is not backward in coming forward when talking about Falmer. Seeing as pretty much everyone has access to exactly the same information regarding this project as everyone else, why do some say 'nothing is happening' and others (including me) appreciate that things are moving ahead?

We were told that the project will start building in the autumn. Has anyone heard anything to the contrary? Or do we need to be told on a regular basis that nothing, in that respect, has changed? We can't get hold of any money until the tender contracts are in (we need to know a final figure before we secure funding) - so why are people saying we're not going to get any money? If someone on here is in a position to enlighten us, can they do so?
Last edited:

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
I can understand why Storer is fed up, Withdean is an overpriced shithole with the atmosphere of a whist drive meeting. The football is up and down, but for many of us old lags it has always been that way.

Falmer is not the total answer to these problems, but it is a better alternative to what we have now. Those who went to Donny before Christmas know what it's like to sit in a brand new stadium that is only one-third full, and it wasn't pleasant.

There has to be a union between the fans, the board and the playing staff. I personally think that the club does make a sterling effort to attract kids with some of the schemes it has, but with an extra 17,000 extra seats to fill at Falmer will have to go much, much further. DK has made mistakes, too many perhaps, but the good things he has done far outweigh this.

Brighton is not a football town, never has been historically. People will come to watch a good team with exciting players, but they don't come along every year. Our models should be teams such as Ipswich, a mid table Championship club who manages to persuade fans to turn up every week. Even when Palace were in the bottom six earlier this season they were still getting 16,000, an attendance level we would cry out for at Falmer to begin with.

It will be a long haul, there will be setbacks, we ALL have Falmer fatigue, it was a slow, painful process against impossible odds at times. For that we should be grateful for DK and Martin Perry, because let's be honest, we all thought it was dead in the water at times, but they kept plodding away non-stop, crossing the t's and dotting the i's.

I wouldn't swap the Albion for any other club, although I have Premiership football outside my front door all the time.

I'll go along with that

Don't mean to be rude Storer68 but you do seem a glass half empty kind of chap. Your posts generally tend to be of the grumpy old man variety. Perhaps it's not just footie you're tired of.

You did miss a great game yesterday. I get fed up of BHA at times but it's walking away from Withers having witnessed a 1-0, 1-1,2-1,2-2 and then a 94th minute winner that really puts a big smile on my face.

Seeing all the crowd as happy as Larry is a great feeling.

Come on mate. Cheer up eh?

Glass half empty? probably. But that what comes I thnk of having the seen what the club CAN achieve, has achieved and at the moment is (IMHO) NOWHERE NEAR achiveing.

BHA has given me some of the most enjoyable times I have had, and I'm sure yesterday's game was most enjoyable - (bet some of you weren't thinking that before stoppage time) I felt the same when walking out of Priestfeild 10 years ago after a cracking 4-4 draw v Colchester. And a last gasp win against a team third from bottom who had lost 13 out of 23 games

But its the whole general atmosphere of malaise that surrounds the club at present. High prices being charged so substandard entertainment with the club pleading poverty at every opportunity. Of course we know why but that doesn't make it anymore palatable.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
Just far enough away from LDC
spot on - it seems to be that at times, anyone who hasnto got their head up the clubs rectum arent fans and should therefore 'clear off'

here is the paradigm. It seems to me that anybody who isn't slagging off the board or the club in general and who tries to view things in terms of the reality we currently face is seen as not real fans and having their heads up the clubs rectum!

El Presidente

The ONLY Gay in Brighton
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Pattknull med Haksprut
A lot of people have very polarised views, and too many are financially illiterate and couldn't tell a budget from a budgie.

We're doing ok for a club on gates of 5,000. The footie is occasionally good but mostly mediocre, and the facilities are woeful.

There are no sugar daddies out there to change things on the pitch.

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