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How much State benefit do you pocket every month?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
How gay.

The last goverrnemt got us into this reccession and are to blamed for rising unemployment.If that's not bad enough you have foriegn labour stealing jobs and compainies exploiting the system.
As for benefits i get plenty thanks.Pointless telling people like you who will sit there making comments without knowing facts.

(Awaiting p)

You know, I have to agree with this. I am in and out of work thanks to my age and my profession. My industry if full of non EEC people such as Australasians, South Africans and Zimbabweans to name a few. I travel further than many to stay in work and I know that all the jobs I apply for there's at least another hundred who have done the same. I have no kids so when I work and pay tax I subsidise other people's without complaint. Over the last forty odd years I have paid a fair bit of tax.

I get very bored with those people who think that the unemployed don't want to work. Save your ignorance and remind yourself how fortunate you are to have a job. Because of my age and profession I can't get a job outside of my area of expertise either, this is not just my opinion but also that of the Department of Employment. Whilst I cannot be legally told I am too old the usual line is that I am 'Too Experi Experienced', not a thing I can do about that.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
OH f*** OFF.

Foreign labour are not stealing jobs from the British. The British people are lazy. Back in 1997 the plumbing industry in this country was dire. There were no workers around to give good service because the British people did not want the work because it was low paid. Then came Polish people, people from East of Europe or wherever, like a good friend I know called Lukas. He did not come here to steal our jobs, he came here like many others because the jobs are available. They did not moan about it being low paid, they trained and they worked and now the plumbing industry is paid quite well above minimum wage. You think you have the right to throw people out because British people want the jobs back? That is disrespectful to people like Lukas who worked the butts off when the industry was not so good to work in.

Its the same with my Dad, in the 70s there wern't enough British workers in the dairy industry, because they did not want to do it. He did not take British jobs away from British people, he came here because their were jobs available in this country and it was cheaper to run a dairy farm than mainland Europe. I'm half Dutch, I was born in this country, to say I am not entitled to work is damn right bigoted. I have never earnt a penny from the state in benefits, all my student loan has to be paid back in time and I have received no grants. Nor has my Dad. He came to this country to work where British people were not interested in and has not claimed a penny in benefits. He collects grants from schemes run by Europe, but never from the state.

Had you ever began to engage brain that the people coming in to this country actually bring the money? Look at all the major building constructions being built, they are all run and financed by Arab businessman. If you stopped all those people coming in to this country, this country would stop, we would still be stuck in 1997 because there would be no money to build any of the construction complexes thus being no work for the builders in this country, because British workers are lazy, they don't know how to earn their money as long as they have enough for the pub in the weekend.

Do your research next time.

When you grow up (if you ever do) you might realise that your arse is for crapping through and not talking but then you spout crap on a regular basis so I doubt that you ever will. You really are the NSC retard, why don't you f*** off.


New member
May 9, 2004
Nothing. I've always believed that the more work you do, the better life you get.


New member
May 9, 2004
Very profound but it only works if you can get work, believe me it's not that simple.

I've had dozens of different jobs from emptying cess-pits to being a dustman. Perhaps you should lower your sights.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2003
Oi you bigoted retard


You cannot say foreigners are taking jobs from British workers when it is British people too lazy to do jobs that are available.

Do your f***ing research where the money comes from.

You send me one more pm like that you fat c.u.n.t and you will be researching your head at a hospital.


Evil Edna

Roll the dice!
Jul 15, 2007
Where poet's live.
I get nothing, been in minimum wage jobs now far too long, but this has made me want to better myself. I study in my own time after I finish work in the hope to earn more one day and to do something I like.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Totally opposed to child benefit. Why the hell should taxpayers who choose not to have children subsidize those who do?

Blatantly unfair.

If people can't afford to have kids they shouldn't have them.

Cos when you're dribbling in your wheelchair it will be someone elses child wiping your arse.

Exactly. Also, it will be the kids of today that are funding the state pensions of tomorrow. My only gripe about Child benefit is that, like all benefits, it should be means tested.

I can't believe anyone is annoyed at Labour by child tax credits. It's all well and good saying 'people that can't afford kids shouldn't have them' but it's not that simple. Some people either don't realize how expensive children are, or are just too stupid to care. What do you propose we do? Leave the child to suffer a life of constant struggle and pain through no fault of their own?

Just because a government expenditure doesn't benefit us it doesn't mean we shouldn't care about it. That's like saying 'I haven't been serious ill before so why am I paying for other people to use the health service? Lets close it down.' Have some compassion.

Don't worry, the new government will have them removed and we'll instead pay people because they're married and VAT & NI will increase.

Well said although I would add to 'too stupid or didn't realize howe expensive' the fact that peoples circumstances change.

You know, I have to agree with this. I am in and out of work thanks to my age and my profession. My industry if full of non EEC people such as Australasians, South Africans and Zimbabweans to name a few. I travel further than many to stay in work and I know that all the jobs I apply for there's at least another hundred who have done the same. I have no kids so when I work and pay tax I subsidise other people's without complaint. Over the last forty odd years I have paid a fair bit of tax.

I get very bored with those people who think that the unemployed don't want to work. Save your ignorance and remind yourself how fortunate you are to have a job. Because of my age and profession I can't get a job outside of my area of expertise either, this is not just my opinion but also that of the Department of Employment. Whilst I cannot be legally told I am too old the usual line is that I am 'Too Experi Experienced', not a thing I can do about that.

What line of work are you in?

I don't think anyone is suggesting that all the unemployed are lazy but there are jobs that Brits don't take on. Take for example the low paid seasonal work at harvesting time in lincolnshire. Large amounts of immigrants come in to do the work, probably live in cramped conditions then go home.


Deleted User X18H

I recently discovered that as I live on my own and don't have any savings I am entitled to help with my rent. This means the council pay the majority of my monthly rent now, which is very handy.

I found a useful website the other day that asks you a load of questions and then tells you what, if any, benefits you are entitled to. There are a good deal more than you might think and a significant portion of the population are not claiming all they could.

Having paid out a very sizeable sum in various taxes over the years I don't feel any guilt on claiming what's mine

Sorry I am not sounding off but I really don't get that. Obviously if you pay taxes you work so why should you receive a benefit which should be exclusively for those affected by real poverty. I have not had not regular work for almost two years yes I took a career break for a year but can I claim even though I have 21 years of class 1 contributions, can I fcuk! Why? Because we do have savings so we are entitled to nothing. Just because you have paid in doesn't necessarily mean you should take out, that is the domain of those who really really need. I hope call me Dave overhauls the benefit system and fast.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
I've had dozens of different jobs from emptying cess-pits to being a dustman. Perhaps you should lower your sights.

I'll tell you what happens as it has to me several times. They see that I have been in IT for thirty seven years and say, without exception, that I will take the first IT job that I get offered which is a fair comment. Most won't even read past the first paragraph on my CV. That is, as they say, FACT. I can tell you that there are a lot of ageing IT people in the same boat as me along with accountants and a lot of other so called 'professional' people. It's not so much a question of me lowering my sights as much as potential employers raising theirs. I know from some abortive interviews that some employers are intimated by the fact the person they are interviewing knows more than they do, I had one a week ago, a total waste of my time and money in fact.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Exactly. Also, it will be the kids of today that are funding the state pensions of tomorrow. My only gripe about Child benefit is that, like all benefits, it should be means tested.

Well said although I would add to 'too stupid or didn't realize howe expensive' the fact that peoples circumstances change.

What line of work are you in?

I don't think anyone is suggesting that all the unemployed are lazy but there are jobs that Brits don't take on. Take for example the low paid seasonal work at harvesting time in lincolnshire. Large amounts of immigrants come in to do the work, probably live in cramped conditions then go home.

See above for what I do. As far as immigrants go that would depend on your definition of same. Most Australasians come here because we pay a lot better than they do. We do't have the same options to get work visas there either which I find astonishing. South Africans and Zimbabweans come here as it's no longer such a good idea to be white in their countries, it's a pity so many of them bring their attitudes with them.

I don't work in an industry that can be called unskilled so the immigrants who the BNP get upset about are no bother to me. Oh, I might add that this assumption that 'British' people won't do certain jobs is a myth. You'll find that the majority of refuse collectors and street cleaners are British as are transportation workers. It's a line that gets trotted out by arch Tories who haven't got a clue.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Sorry I am not sounding off but I really don't get that. Obviously if you pay taxes you work so why should you receive a benefit which should be exclusively for those affected by real poverty. I have not had not regular work for almost two years yes I took a career break for a year but can I claim even though I have 21 years of class 1 contributions, can I fcuk! Why? Because we do have savings so we are entitled to nothing. Just because you have paid in doesn't necessarily mean you should take out, that is the domain of those who really really need. I hope call me Dave overhauls the benefit system and fast.

Sorry Tim but that is a bit disengenuous. Thought you were made redundant and got a hefty pay off. If it wasn't for that, would you still have taken the career break?

My own view is that all benefits should be means tested, including many of those for pensioners. There are plenty of pensioners benefiting from good final salary schemes who are nowhere near the poverty line but get winter fuel payments, free bus passes and TV licences and the like. If everything was means tested then those at the bottom might benefit more and poverty thresholds raised.

As for tax credits, the best solution would be to raise the tax allowances which would give those at the bottom rung more money to spend.

Adam Virgo's Shirt

I took Adam's shirt off!
Oct 7, 2006
IOW ex Worthing
Bens Grandad - the site referred to above is You enter your income details in and it points you to any additional benefits you may be entitled to

I get about £500 a month Disabaility Living Allowance (higher rate care and mobility) That isn't money to live on, it pays for things to make my life easier and give me the means of independence to a degree. I work part time, and the DLA pays for taxis to and from work as I am unable to use the bus services up here.


New member
Jun 30, 2009

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
£167 per month tax and credits for two kids


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Sorry I am not sounding off but I really don't get that. Obviously if you pay taxes you work so why should you receive a benefit which should be exclusively for those affected by real poverty. I have not had not regular work for almost two years yes I took a career break for a year but can I claim even though I have 21 years of class 1 contributions, can I fcuk! Why? Because we do have savings so we are entitled to nothing. Just because you have paid in doesn't necessarily mean you should take out, that is the domain of those who really really need. I hope call me Dave overhauls the benefit system and fast.

Granted the Benefits System does need an overhaul. Personally I am fully in favour of Means Testing. What you need to remember some people don't earn enough to save which is something some people don't understand. By all means get the unemployed into work but if you do it'll cost. It'' take years for a well paid Civil Service committee to decide what is needed and if it's anything like their policies for training it'll be utterly useless. It will also be overseen by a bunch of deadbeat civil servants who, only being interested in a fat pension and lots of leave, won't give a shit.

I find it amazing how so many people know so much about being unemployed when so many never have been.


Deleted User X18H

Sorry Tim but that is a bit disengenuous. Thought you were made redundant and got a hefty pay off. If it wasn't for that, would you still have taken the career break?

My own view is that all benefits should be means tested, including many of those for pensioners. There are plenty of pensioners benefiting from good final salary schemes who are nowhere near the poverty line but get winter fuel payments, free bus passes and TV licences and the like. If everything was means tested then those at the bottom might benefit more and poverty thresholds raised.

As for tax credits, the best solution would be to raise the tax allowances which would give those at the bottom rung more money to spend.

I don't deny that Andy but I have also paid thousands in taxes but don't feel I am entitled to claim benefits just because of this. Yes ALL benefits should be means tested and I wouldn't be surprised if Dave did just that. Might eat into to the £159 Billion a fraction. Disingenuous has got an I in it. Bloody Oathall:laugh:

Adam Virgo's Shirt

I took Adam's shirt off!
Oct 7, 2006
IOW ex Worthing
Bens Grandad - the site referred to above is Benefits Search
. You enter your income details in and it points you to any additional benefits you may be entitled to

I get about £500 a month Disabaility Living Allowance (higher rate care and mobility) That isn't money to live on, it pays for things to make my life easier and give me the means of independence to a degree. I work part time, and the DLA pays for taxis to and from work as I am unable to use the bus services up here.

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