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Film 2009


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NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
Not really when their 'foil' is a CGI giant wave.

Blast. I watched Redbelt yesterday and it reaffirmed my opinion that Chiwetel is a fantastic actor who doesn't get the recognition he deserves. Whether it's Kinky Boots, Serenity, Love Actually or Inside man he is always tremendous. I may have a man crush on him.


Jul 5, 2003
Revolutionary Road - quite enjoyable take on 50's American suburbia. Certainly not Di Caprio's strongest performance but I enjoyed Winslet's role very much. Nice, dark ending too.



We're in the pipe, 5 by 5
Oct 27, 2008
Still in Brighton

atrocious film. every idea was one nicked from a better movie, after it ended i felt like i'd just watched a tv repeat for the umpteenth time. not even bad enough to be good fun.

one hilarious cameo by a chicken (out acting all those around it) was the only saving grace.


edit: on a side note did anyone see Beaufort on BBC4 last night? a great war film.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2003
I went in with low expectations of 2012 but I thought at least it was entertaining in a totally brainless kind of way.

It has all the big waves, earthquakes, explosions and famous buildings falling down that you would want to see from a disaster movie as well as some outrageous action scenes that everyone seemed to enjoy in the screening I was in.

And while it's too long it does at least get on with the death and destruction early on and not keep it all for the last half and hour like some disaster movies (Deep Impact).

Furthermore it's all played out to the theory that the world ends not because of our greed or misuse of the planet but a big ol' solar flair that we could do nothing about. No point recycling then.



Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
With the bad comments on here, I went in with very low expectations. However I didn't think it was "bad" it was simply dull. Because of the CGI there was no peril in the stunts so there was no concern for the people involved. I wouldn't say the acting was bad, but the material was definitely bad.


I've asked for soup
Jul 2, 2008
New Moon
...I want to beat Stephanie Meyer round the head with a stick for putting this misery on us...
...also Melissa Roseberg for actually writing the Script and Chris Weltz for directing it...

That is all...

No one forces you to watch these rubbish films do they?


Sports sports sports!
No one forces you to watch these rubbish films do they?

Hah, you'd be surprised. It's the peril of hanging out with a bunch of girls who think Twilight is the most amazing love story on the face of the planet.

I've actually been told I'm not allowed to hate Twilight, to which I usually reply f*** off I'll do what I damn well please.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
No one forces you to watch these rubbish films do they?

I have a friend who any time we hear about god awful films insists we go see them (we've seen all the '... movies' date movie, epic movie etc). We're currently planning a double bill of 'The Box' and 'New Moon'.


Sports sports sports!
I have a friend who any time we hear about god awful films insists we go see them (we've seen all the '... movies' date movie, epic movie etc). We're currently planning a double bill of 'The Box' and 'New Moon'.

I don't think I'd mind if my friends made me watch The Box, that may be alright.
But New Moon just made me want to cry in frustration just like Twilight. The premise is really shit, and Stephanie Meyer has turned Vampire's into complete pussies...
which I don't like.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
I don't think I'd mind if my friends made me watch The Box, that may be alright.
But New Moon just made me want to cry in frustration just like Twilight. The premise is really shit, and Stephanie Meyer has turned Vampire's into complete pussies...
which I don't like.

I watched the first twilight last week. I wrote comments while watching for a friend.:

Just over ten minutes in, and I'm already regretting it, I don't like bella I think I might possibly think she's pretty in a not trying too hard way, but character wise I can't stand her. I can't explain it, it might be her negative moodiness despite what seems to be an idealistic reception, it might be that she is seemingly so breathtaking everyone wants to be friends with her, the boy want to ask her out etc. I don't know, I just know she annoys me. The narration is bugging the hell out o me and the less said about robert pattison and his stupid pouting face the better. She was just in a diner with her dad and some old man showed up and he seemed quite like a pervy old man with his "hig bella, remember me?". I suspect her fascination with death has something to do with being abused as a child by this man.

Oh dear... this conversation (in class after he hasn't shown up in a while) is painful, and not in a cute awkward conversation way, in a diabolically written, poorly acted, stupidly conceived way.

Now the entire school are there to help her to her feet after the car incident? Have the writers ever met real people?

The more edward talks the more I dislike him. This whole "I love you but we can't be together so I'm going to push you away" thing is not just a cliché, it's just so lacking in subtlety.

This feels so bad that even making fun of it feels wrong.

One of her friends was in 'Camp' indie musical film I have mentioned before. She was also in Viva Laughlin (the american remake of Blackpool)

Is there a male in this town that doesn't like Bella? She's not all that.

Ooh sparkly! Almost as ridiculous as the effects of him running fast with her on his back. I think the fast running in 'Superman' was better than this, and that was back in 1978.

This isn't even giving me a feeling that it is just a bad interpretation of a good book, it's awful, and it exposes the source material as equally awful.

Now even the score is annoying me.

Oh dear, this sparkly skin thing is just complete and utter tosh. It is ridiculous, and not even funny enough to take the mickey out of.

I just laughed. Edward's 'sister' just cracked a bowl when bella said she'd already eaten. Made me laugh.

Remind me again, why am I watching this?

Oh. dear. god. They've just had their baseball interrupted and they smelled a human and had the most ridiculous stand off in history. This includes children in playgrounds and probably stand offs with the toys I played with as a kid.

Now she has to hurt her dad to protect him from the people hunting her. Sigh. Did Stephanie Myer just pick random clichés from the big book of hackneyed storylines and mash them all together.

Seeing the trailer for new moon made me think it was hilariously bad, this one is just bad.

How best to end a film about vampires? A school prom, of course! That squeaking you hear is the rolling of my eyes.

Yawn! That was just a steaming pile of awfulness. I can't believe I made it through.

Oh look, black and white pictures in the credits. See? it's art!

Ok, who do I see about regaining the last two hours of my life?

I hear the box has received some of the worst scores ever on its preview test screenings, completely slaughtered..

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
saw Angels and Demons over the weekend and really enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty near to the book and flowed very well. I am a Tom Hanks fan so I suppose that helped, but all in all it was good.

I also saw The Day After Tomorrow on Friday. As with a lot of these disaster type movies, I think the good bits tend to be the action as opposed to the " I know he/she is alive I can feel it in my heart so I am going back" type stuff which tends to punctuate them. Having said all of that I thought the film was ok.


Sports sports sports!
I watched the first twilight last week. I wrote comments while watching for a friend.:

Just over ten minutes in, and I'm already regretting it, I don't like bella I think I might possibly think she's pretty in a not trying too hard way, but character wise I can't stand her. I can't explain it, it might be her negative moodiness despite what seems to be an idealistic reception, it might be that she is seemingly so breathtaking everyone wants to be friends with her, the boy want to ask her out etc. I don't know, I just know she annoys me. The narration is bugging the hell out o me and the less said about robert pattison and his stupid pouting face the better. She was just in a diner with her dad and some old man showed up and he seemed quite like a pervy old man with his "hig bella, remember me?". I suspect her fascination with death has something to do with being abused as a child by this man.

Oh dear... this conversation (in class after he hasn't shown up in a while) is painful, and not in a cute awkward conversation way, in a diabolically written, poorly acted, stupidly conceived way.

Now the entire school are there to help her to her feet after the car incident? Have the writers ever met real people?

The more edward talks the more I dislike him. This whole "I love you but we can't be together so I'm going to push you away" thing is not just a cliché, it's just so lacking in subtlety.

This feels so bad that even making fun of it feels wrong.

One of her friends was in 'Camp' indie musical film I have mentioned before. She was also in Viva Laughlin (the american remake of Blackpool)

Is there a male in this town that doesn't like Bella? She's not all that.

Ooh sparkly! Almost as ridiculous as the effects of him running fast with her on his back. I think the fast running in 'Superman' was better than this, and that was back in 1978.

This isn't even giving me a feeling that it is just a bad interpretation of a good book, it's awful, and it exposes the source material as equally awful.

Now even the score is annoying me.

Oh dear, this sparkly skin thing is just complete and utter tosh. It is ridiculous, and not even funny enough to take the mickey out of.

I just laughed. Edward's 'sister' just cracked a bowl when bella said she'd already eaten. Made me laugh.

Remind me again, why am I watching this?

Oh. dear. god. They've just had their baseball interrupted and they smelled a human and had the most ridiculous stand off in history. This includes children in playgrounds and probably stand offs with the toys I played with as a kid.

Now she has to hurt her dad to protect him from the people hunting her. Sigh. Did Stephanie Myer just pick random clichés from the big book of hackneyed storylines and mash them all together.

Seeing the trailer for new moon made me think it was hilariously bad, this one is just bad.

How best to end a film about vampires? A school prom, of course! That squeaking you hear is the rolling of my eyes.

Yawn! That was just a steaming pile of awfulness. I can't believe I made it through.

Oh look, black and white pictures in the credits. See? it's art!

Ok, who do I see about regaining the last two hours of my life?

I hear the box has received some of the worst scores ever on its preview test screenings, completely slaughtered..

It's a little frightening that I was feeling exactly the same as I watched the first film. Especially at the end. I watched it with my best mate, and we were just continually slaughtering it all the way through, at the end we did even ask how we would get those 2 hours of our life back. It was tragic.

I would neccessarily go out of my way to watch the Box, it would just be preferable to New Moon. Then again I'd probably sit there the whole time being annoyed that they'd destroyed yet another short story by Richard Matheson.


Aug 5, 2003
The democratic and free EU

No, not New Moon, I mean the excellent sci-fi pic with the equally excellent Sam Rockwell in it. Great to see proper science fiction again, instead of "cowboys 'n' injuns in space" like Star Wars/Trek etc. Even with its very obvious nods to other classics like 2001 and Solaris (and a bit of Dark Star I thought), and with basically only one actor on screen for almost the whole running time, it still manages to engage and surprise throughout. The perfect structure too: Act 1 gets you involved and sympathetic with the lead character, Act 2 leaves you scratching your head wondering just what the f**k's happening, Act 3 tells you what it is and brings it all to a very satisfying conclusion. And it doesn't outstay its welcome either, getting you out of the door again in little more than 90 minutes.

Oh yes, and Clint Mansell's soundtrack is nearly as good as his efforts for Requiem for a Dream.

My favourite movie of 2009 so far. And I say that having recently loved (500) Days of Summer.



Sports sports sports!

No, not New Moon, I mean the excellent sci-fi pic with the equally excellent Sam Rockwell in it. Great to see proper science fiction again, instead of "cowboys 'n' injuns in space" like Star Wars/Trek etc. Even with its very obvious nods to other classics like 2001 and Solaris (and a bit of Dark Star I thought), and with basically only one actor on screen for almost the whole running time, it still manages to engage and surprise throughout. The perfect structure too: Act 1 gets you involved and sympathetic with the lead character, Act 2 leaves you scratching your head wondering just what the f**k's happening, Act 3 tells you what it is and brings it all to a very satisfying conclusion. And it doesn't outstay its welcome either, getting you out of the door again in little more than 90 minutes.

Oh yes, and Clint Mansell's soundtrack is nearly as good as his efforts for Requiem for a Dream.

My favourite movie of 2009 so far. And I say that having recently loved (500) Days of Summer.


Now that is a film I want to see.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
The sparkly skin thing in Twighlight was utterly ludicrous.
"This is why we can never come out in the sun - people will see we're different"

Oh pur-lease. So they only go to school on CLOUDY days, lest a sunbeam expose their bling-skin. Gee, I hope their weather forcasts are more reliable than ours.


Sports sports sports!
The sparkly skin thing in Twighlight was utterly ludicrous.
"This is why we can never come out in the sun - people will see we're different"

Oh pur-lease. So they only go to school on CLOUDY days, lest a sunbeam expose their bling-skin. Gee, I hope their weather forcasts are more reliable than ours.

Apparently Stephanie Meyer claimed in one of her first interviews she didn't know what the vampire lore was and that's why she completely f***ed it over...

...then in a later one she said they weren't supposed to be vampire's anyway.

Really don't like that woman.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2003
Apparently Stephanie Meyer claimed in one of her first interviews she didn't know what the vampire lore was and that's why she completely f***ed it over...

...then in a later one she said they weren't supposed to be vampire's anyway.

Really don't like that woman.

Erm, you do know that vampires don't really exist don't you?

Saying that, I thought Twilight was dull and really can't be bothered to see New Moon. The trailer seems to tell the whole story anyway: girl loses boy, girl meets werewolf, werewolf fights boy, girl meets boy again. The same 'ol story :bla:


Sports sports sports!
Erm, you do know that vampires don't really exist don't you?

Saying that, I thought Twilight was dull and really can't be bothered to see New Moon. The trailer seems to tell the whole story anyway: girl loses boy, girl meets werewolf, werewolf fights boy, girl meets boy again. The same 'ol story :bla:

Oh really don't they? Well thank you for that bit of information there :glare:

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