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EDL in Sheffield


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
I do not sympathise with them at all...I think they are twunts....but...look at the size of this TINY demo ffs? and this in an area with a very large muslim population... a few dozen march and talk bollocks, and people like you and the EDL shit yourselves about it.
I say I was in the RN...not the Army...served with a couple of muslims as it happens.
Youre a bit theatrical. When did you decide ALL muslims were the problem? Was it reading an EDL page?
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brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
I do not sympathise with them at all...I think they are twunts....but...look at the size of this TINY demo ffs? and this in an area with a very large muslim population... a few dozen march and talk bollocks, and people like you and the EDL shit yourselves about it.
I say I was in the RN...not the Army...served with a couple of muslims as it happens.
Youre a bit theatrical. When did you decide ALL muslims were the problem? Was it reading an EDL page?

& when exactly did you decide to lick muslims arse? oh ofcouse when you worked alongside a couple of them.
I decided "not all" but a very large percentage of muslims were a problem directly after 7/7, they had there big chance then to take to the streets in their thousands like they usually do when something upsets them to condem the actions of their fellow muslims cowardly act in 7/7 but they didn't. yet its weird how they can muster up thousands (& I mean litteraly thousands) at a dop of a hat in protest against a soppy cartoon yet they cant raise a single person amongst any of them to protest against the 7/7 killers?

im not shitting myself at all.. its the british government who are shitting themselves and who feel the need to pander towards all muslims encase of upsetting any of them.. not me!
theatrical?,,is it a ****ing wonder when im being made to look a 2nd class citizen in my own country & what I say don't count all because a spineless shitfaced government who are shit scared of all muslims cant or "simply don't want to" get a grip of things!!


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
lol@2nd class citizen?.... Like I said...THEATRICAL.....When have you been made a 2nd class citizen exactly? Im interested to hear your story. sounds facinating.

When did I decide to lick muslims arse?... What a ridiculous thing to say...the muslims I 'worked' with, as you say, SERVED GREAT BRITAIN..... I doubt if you have.

The Muslim Council loudly condemned the 7/7 bombings....maybe you were too wrapped up in your hysteria to notice.

Are you also suggesting it was just 'Christians' killed in the 7/7 attacks? I can assure you that is not the case.

Where were the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims demonstrating against the cartoons in the UK, or are you referring to demonstrations in other parts of the world? There were a few HUNDRED....not thousands outside the Danish embassy in London.
You really are being THEATRICAL.

For the record...Even though living in Prague...I can GUARANTEE, there are more muslims in my immediate area.
My a muslim...she also abhors terrorism...she has not tried to convert me, or kill me, despite provocation...she wears mini skirts. She drinks, she has eaten seem to assume, that unlike Christians...ALL Muslims are hard line fundamentalists. That is not the case.
Her family, are muslims...they abhor terrorism...
There are hundreds of Uzbek muslims, Kazakh muslims, Modavan Muslims, Tajik muslims here in many in Brighton? sure you will decide that as ive a muslim girlfriend thats why I defend the ENTIRE religion of Islam unlike your hysterical self, and not just hate the ****ers who bring terror to our streets.

As you are defending the EDL here....tell me about their 'achievements', and what they have done to 'fight Islam'.

In the video...the shock and horror of muslims saying 'British police burn in hell'..
How does that compare to the many EDL ****wits who have ACAB tattoos, and who throw bricks and bottles at the police on their demos?
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brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
lol@2nd class citizen?.... Like I said...THEATRICAL.....When have you been made a 2nd class citizen exactly? Im interested to hear your story. sounds facinating.

When did I decide to lick muslims arse?... What a ridiculous thing to say...the muslims I 'worked' with, as you say, SERVED GREAT BRITAIN..... I doubt if you have.

The Muslim Council loudly condemned the 7/7 bombings....maybe you were too wrapped up in your hysteria to notice.

Are you also suggesting it was just 'Christians' killed in the 7/7 attacks? I can assure you that is not the case.

Where were the 'thousands and thousands' of muslims demonstrating against the cartoons in the UK, or are you referring to demonstrations in other parts of the world? There were a few HUNDRED....not thousands outside the Danish embassy in London.
You really are being THEATRICAL.

For the record...Even though living in Prague...I can GUARANTEE, there are more muslims in my immediate area.
My a muslim...she also abhors terrorism...she has not tried to convert me, or kill me, despite provocation...she wears mini skirts. She drinks, she has eaten seem to assume, that unlike Christians...ALL Muslims are hard line fundamentalists. That is not the case.
Her family, are muslims...they abhor terrorism...
There are hundreds of Uzbek muslims, Kazakh muslims, Modavan Muslims, Tajik muslims here in many in Brighton?

but please tell me, your tragic tale of feeling a 2nd class citizen in the UK. sure you will decide that as ive a muslim girlfriend thats why I defend the ENTIRE religion of Islam unlike your hysterical self, and not just hate the ****ers who bring terror to our streets.

As you are defending the EDL here....tell me about their 'achievements', and what they have done to 'fight Islam'.

where did I mention ALL as im sure there are a lot of good muslims about im not disputing that, my gripe is with the government who pander to their every needs & people like you who accept it as being the norm & don't think of it as a problem & who also think that anyone who is against it is either is racist or an out & out thug.
no you are right I haven't served for my country & fair play to you for serving in it but my grandparents did and I know they didn't fight in a war to be then later over run & dictated to by muslims, they fought in a war for freedom "freedom of what you may ask" freedom of not letting anyone else dictate to us and that our own voices should be heard but unfortunately by the evidence ive seen today they had both sadly died in vain.
you are referring to brighton in how many muslims we face down here, not a lot at the moment than **** but have you ever been to places like luton Leicester Bradford London Birmingham etc etc where you do have shit loads of them breeding faster than a plaige of rats and turning areas in to no go areas for whites?
im defending the edl because as much as most of them are a bunch of mugs and haven't got a clue in what they are marching for they are making a stand against our pathetic government & pushing the word out to them that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and us as british people aint prepared to sit back any longer & tolerate ***** such as choudry & his likes on our streets promoting vile nonsence.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
but they dont pander to them...

No go areas for whites?... Are these areas that white people would want to go to in the first place? Come on...
I agree with you that there are some Islamic ********s.... you would think there was only one, as its only one name that comes up ALL the time..
Guess thats the press for you... but yes, there are some ********s out there...and the police, and security services have their work cut out dealing with them.
No muslims have dictated anything to the British like to see an example?
Anyway, my point has been...there are problems in the Islamic community, but the bollocks that comes from groups like the EDL doesnt help, in fact, dont you think that a couple of hundred drunk, racist EDL members marching (sic) through an Islamic area, chanting threatening, and offensive chants is going to make the local people more radical or less radical?
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brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
but they dont pander to them...

No go areas for whites?... Are these areas that white people would want to go to in the first place? Come on...
I agree with you that there are some Islamic ********s.... you would think there was only one, as its only one name that comes up ALL the time..
Guess thats the press for you... but yes, there are some ********s out there...and the police, and security services have their work cut out dealing with them.
No muslims have dictated anything to the British like to see an example?
Anyway, my point has been...there are problems in the Islamic community, but the bollocks that comes from groups like the EDL doesnt help, in fact, dont you think that a couple of hundred drunk, racist EDL members marching (sic) through an Islamic area, chanting threatening, and offensive chants is going to make the local people more radical or less radical?

its a free country "or atleast it is supposed to be" so we as british white people should be allowed to roam just about anywhere we want in Britain freely without the fear of being chivved to death, after all it is our country not theirs. I say its not theirs because a hell of a lot of them show no loyalty whatsoever to a country that is one of the most tolerant in the world & if they don't show any loyalty towards a country who bends over backwards to suit their needs then at the end of the day it simply "no matter what racist slant you throw my way"aint theirs! they cant show any loyalty towards britain otherwise they wouldn't feel the need to promote sharia and the Koran in to british society which is supposedly a C of E country & has been for centurys old & long before they had arrived. they've already got the banning of xmas lights in places such as bradford etc etc as it offends their stupid religion, what comes next ffs! that is not enough for them, they wont stop untill sharia is apllied & when they are firmly in control of parliment..something my grandfather didn't fight and loose his life for in the second world war.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Yes, you can roam anywhere you want to....why would you want to roam around a heavily muslim populated area particularly?
Seriously, you have to remember that these communites have experience of some white people, aggressive racists coming into their community...and there have been plenty of white areas where I have lived, that have scared the crap out of me...
I agree...some of them, do not show any loyalty, however, most do...and many musliims are in the British armed services.
Cof E country, well, I dont particularly believe that. A lot of christians...the same as muslims as it goes...are Christians, and muslims in name only...they dont go to church or prayer....are you a regular church goer, or christian in name only?
Ive never had anybody promote sharia to me, and I know a LOT of muslims, here, and in the UK.
Have you experienced it?

Bradford havnt banned xmas lights.
Sharia isnt fully applied in most muslim countries, why do you imagine, it would ever be in the UK?
Your grandfather fought and died for the country, and one of the things about our country is the 'freedom of religion act'...its one of the freedoms he fought, and tragically died for.
My mothers side is jewish east Europeans. I imagine quite a few of them died...for being jewish, and practicing their religion.
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New member
Jan 5, 2012
A Northern Outpost
how you can sit there & sympathize with the pile of shite behaviour shown in that footage is absolutley beyond me. you are ****ing shamefull.
its simple if muslims don't like the british way of life then why don't they **** off back to a country which accommodates their needs better, somewhere such as saudia Arabia where the Koran & vile bollocks they preech is widely accepted.. we all know why but do you? or are you that thick that I need to spell it out for you.
you say you were in the army, **** sharing a trench with traitorous **** like you.

What a bloody angry person you are.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Yeah, im lucky to be here, away from the horror of living in terror and fear, in Sussex...
Please, for me, carry on the counter-jihad in Sompting.

I live here but have worked/lived in the Midlands, iv'e worked in London, Crawley, Manchester, Blackpool, Birmingham etc etc. In fact i'm a damn site nearer jihad than you are....aren't i.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Yeah...keep protecting Sompting....
Ive lived, and worked in London....the midlands...the north...big deal.
I know lots of muslims here..I know lots of muslims in London...
A lot more muslims leaving near me right now than what point are you making about
jihadists..if youre nearer them, and you know where they are, id report them if I were you.

You KNEW for a fact that a muslim had been arrested for setting fire to a told me to wait when I questioned you on it...
Any news yet? its been about 4 or 5 months.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Yeah...keep protecting Sompting....
Ive lived, and worked in London....the midlands...the north...big deal.
I know lots of muslims here..I know lots of muslims in London...
A lot more muslims leaving near me right now than what point are you making about
jihadists..if youre nearer them, and you know where they are, id report them if I were you.

You KNEW for a fact that a muslim had been arrested for setting fire to a told me to wait when I questioned you on it...
Any news yet? its been about 4 or 5 months.

You are the silly one going on about jihadists in Sompting, keep protecting Sompting etc. Have i mentioned that there is a problem in Sompting....nope.
Like many i do not like part of this 5% disrespecting our flag, our troops, our poppy, our lifestyle, whilst trying to ignore our laws and setting up Sharia courts.
I do not like the teaching at some mosques where the children that are born in this country are taught to hate the country and most of the people that live in it.
I do not like an ideology that sends many of their female children abroad in the school holidays, to undergo female genital mutilation. I'm not keen on people that treat women as second class citizens.

"A lot more muslims leaving near me right now than you." your quote:.......Why are they leaving? are they being hounded out or causing trouble.

"Any news yet? its been about 4 or 5 months." your quote: Of course there is no news. If it had been a member of the EDL or other you can bet your bottom dollar that it would have been splashed all over the BBC and Guardian.

Strange how the burning of churches in Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan etc, and the persecution of Coptic Christians etc, gets little or no coverage in the UK press. Yet this country is pandering to 5%, and to hell with the other religions/cultures that rub along quite nicely in this country.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
So thats your assessment of all muslims? Really?
Ok...there is a minoroity of ********s in Islam..theres a minority of ********s in Christianity, the jewish faith, etc etc..

You should watch the bbc world news..ive seen coptic churches burning in Egypt...iv e seen Nigerian churches burning...
How are we 'pandering'?

Sorry for the should have read.. a lot more muslims living near me..


New member
Oct 22, 2012
For the record...Even though living in Prague...I can GUARANTEE, there are more muslims in my immediate area.
My a muslim...she also abhors terrorism...she has not tried to convert me, or kill me, despite provocation...she wears mini skirts. She drinks, she has eaten seem to assume, that unlike Christians...ALL Muslims are hard line fundamentalists. That is not the case.
Her family, are muslims...they abhor terrorism...
There are hundreds of Uzbek muslims, Kazakh muslims, Modavan Muslims, Tajik muslims here in many in Brighton?

Here we have it then. Your in laws are living in a country that has a low percent of Muslims. Like the UK and many Western countries, they can if they wish, live peacefully and get on with their lives, integrate and respect the country they live in, laws and all.
Luckily they do not live in countries such as Nigeria, Yemen, Somalia and the well known ones, who have over 90% Muslim population.
There are many decent Muslims in the UK, but the ones who disrespected our troops (Luton, where the EDL was spawned) and many other homecomings, like my Dads regiment at Dagenham, and the ones who burn our poppy/flag and supposedly hate our country.

I'll tell you what, instead of the soundbites that come out from the Muslim Council etc, re their apparent anger at the extremists in their about, if as expected, this "minority" try to spoil Remembrance day, they actually get the rest of the 5% and run them out of the area. Will that happen, no chance, just more soundbites.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
and those people are a small, very small minority, and their group (MAC) has been banned by the government.
When was the last time it happend?
Serously, I understand the fears of militant Islam...the same as everybody does..Christians, and the biggest victims, fact, ive no idea why we side with them in Syria, as its the perfect opportunity for the lulu's to go and get fight their crap elsewhere...but again..its a minority/
What has EDL achieved? Anything? They are more likely to turn moderate muslims towards the lulu's dont you think?
If and when the EDL try to do a 'national' demo...go to their pages, and read the comments of people planning to attend...its feck all about Islam...its more about football hooliganism without the will see 'going to smash the reds'..or 'smash the muzzies'...they are a joke, and frankly, I consider anybody who supports them as a joke.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Yes, you can roam anywhere you want to....why would you want to roam around a heavily muslim populated area particularly?
Seriously, you have to remember that these communites have experience of some white people, aggressive racists coming into their community...and there have been plenty of white areas where I have lived, that have scared the crap out of me...
I agree...some of them, do not show any loyalty, however, most do...and many musliims are in the British armed services.
Cof E country, well, I dont particularly believe that. A lot of christians...the same as muslims as it goes...are Christians, and muslims in name only...they dont go to church or prayer....are you a regular church goer, or christian in name only?
Ive never had anybody promote sharia to me, and I know a LOT of muslims, here, and in the UK.
Have you experienced it?

Bradford havnt banned xmas lights.
Sharia isnt fully applied in most muslim countries, why do you imagine, it would ever be in the UK?
Your grandfather fought and died for the country, and one of the things about our country is the 'freedom of religion act'...its one of the freedoms he fought, and tragically died for.
My mothers side is jewish east Europeans. I imagine quite a few of them died...for being jewish, and practicing their religion.

my late mothers side were also jewish who had fleed the Russian za before finally settling down in Scotland, my fathers side were catholic irish/Italian. whilst you would be right to suggest that this is a country made up of all religions & excepts almost anything "and believe me I am truelly thankfull for that as otherwise I wouldn't be here today" wouldn't you agree some integrate better than others hense why I have an issue with muslims. others haven't apart from the odd exception like the irish gone out on all out killing sprees plus taking to the streets in mass numbers for demos etc etc in quite the same manner as the muslims have, others have been relatively quiet up to now & have gone about their daily lives like.. quote.. normal civualized human beings whereas the muslims haven't.
the problem started way back.. inviting every possible faith going might have been a good thing but to allow them to build cynigogs mosques etc for them worship in weren't the wisest move ever made.
also faith schools weren't a good move either.
when in rome do as the romans do & certainly don't expect them to cater for your beleifs otherwise **** off. simple as that.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
and those people are a small, very small minority, and their group (MAC) has been banned by the government.
When was the last time it happend?
Serously, I understand the fears of militant Islam...the same as everybody does..Christians, and the biggest victims, fact, ive no idea why we side with them in Syria, as its the perfect opportunity for the lulu's to go and get fight their crap elsewhere...but again..its a minority/
What has EDL achieved? Anything? They are more likely to turn moderate muslims towards the lulu's dont you think?
If and when the EDL try to do a 'national' demo...go to their pages, and read the comments of people planning to attend...its feck all about Islam...its more about football hooliganism without the will see 'going to smash the reds'..or 'smash the muzzies'...they are a joke, and frankly, I consider anybody who supports them as a joke.

Of course the EDL attracted the thugs and morons. If the extremists in this country were dealt with, then the EDL would never have got off the ground.
Perhaps answer me this. Why are countries that are predominately Muslim, like Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria (all over 90%) Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan etc, killing each other, bombing each other. They have been killing each other for years, yet they all follow the Religion Of Peace. It's kicking off again in Iraq, it will do once we get out of Afghanistan....Why do they kill each other.
Your GF and family can practice their religion and integrate as well, sounds like they have done. So why are these extremists in the UK hell bent in turning this country into countries thousands of miles away. Why do they want their laws and lifestyle from over there, over here.....surely it would be easier to just move to these countries and join in with the mass killing.
Hopefully this government will get a grip, so that when we see grooming reported as ASIAN, instead of Muslim, the other Asian people who have not caused any trouble, can live without being stereotyped.
Surely the decent Muslims, who prefer to just get on with life, will be glad to see the back of these barbaric acts that seem to be acceptable thousands of miles away, but not here.

Jan 30, 2008
Of course the EDL attracted the thugs and morons. If the extremists in this country were dealt with, then the EDL would never have got off the ground.
Perhaps answer me this. Why are countries that are predominately Muslim, like Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria (all over 90%) Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan etc, killing each other, bombing each other. They have been killing each other for years, yet they all follow the Religion Of Peace. It's kicking off again in Iraq, it will do once we get out of Afghanistan....Why do they kill each other.
Your GF and family can practice their religion and integrate as well, sounds like they have done. So why are these extremists in the UK hell bent in turning this country into countries thousands of miles away. Why do they want their laws and lifestyle from over there, over here.....surely it would be easier to just move to these countries and join in with the mass killing.
Hopefully this government will get a grip, so that when we see grooming reported as ASIAN, instead of Muslim, the other Asian people who have not caused any trouble, can live without being stereotyped.
Surely the decent Muslims, who prefer to just get on with life, will be glad to see the back of these barbaric acts that seem to be acceptable thousands of miles away, but not here.
also SOME OF THEM like raping young white girls :angry:

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Of course the EDL attracted the thugs and morons. If the extremists in this country were dealt with, then the EDL would never have got off the ground.
Perhaps answer me this. Why are countries that are predominately Muslim, like Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria (all over 90%) Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan etc, killing each other, bombing each other. They have been killing each other for years, yet they all follow the Religion Of Peace. It's kicking off again in Iraq, it will do once we get out of Afghanistan....Why do they kill each other.
Your GF and family can practice their religion and integrate as well, sounds like they have done. So why are these extremists in the UK hell bent in turning this country into countries thousands of miles away. Why do they want their laws and lifestyle from over there, over here.....surely it would be easier to just move to these countries and join in with the mass killing.
Hopefully this government will get a grip, so that when we see grooming reported as ASIAN, instead of Muslim, the other Asian people who have not caused any trouble, can live without being stereotyped.
Surely the decent Muslims, who prefer to just get on with life, will be glad to see the back of these barbaric acts that seem to be acceptable thousands of miles away, but not here.

very good post, im not sure you are going to get a good answer though.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
So thats your assessment of all muslims? Really?
Ok...there is a minoroity of ********s in Islam..theres a minority of ********s in Christianity, the jewish faith, etc etc..

You should watch the bbc world news..ive seen coptic churches burning in Egypt...iv e seen Nigerian churches burning...
How are we 'pandering'?

Sorry for the should have read.. a lot more muslims living near me..

As iv'e stated a few times, iv'e no doubt that when in the minority the Muslims are no problem. I daresay that the Czech Republic has a small percentage of Muslims.
So as i asked before, how come if the Religion Of Peace is so peaceful, you have the countries that i mentioned (over 90% Muslim) killing, raping, stoning, cutting off hands, marrying juveniles, having many wives etc......if they are all of the same "peaceful" religion.
I think you will find that when a country or area, such as Tower Hamlets, Malmo Sweden, Southern Thailand, parts of other European countries, becomes over 20% Muslim.......the trouble and erosion of said countries laws and culture is there for the changing.
Or am i wrong.

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