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Does anyone think we might be close to a revolution?


Legal Alien
Jul 7, 2003
In my computer
I certainly don't feel I have a God-given right to walk into anything, I've always been one to work hard to create my own opportunities - never exactly been blessed with huge amounts of brainpower, although certainly far from thick, all I did when in school was far from 'doss around', working my arse off to ensure I did as good as I can. Yes, a few youngers like to piss around, but all the ones I know at least put their all into their lives just to try and get a break. Even chances to be the bloke selling the hot dogs aren't there anymore.

I used a bad example with the bank loan thing, but my point remains - we're treated like shit by employers - the amount of times I've heard 'you need more experience' - well I won't get it without a job you dick.
Police treat everyone who walks outside in a hoody like scum - I can't even walk to the shop to buy a box of fags without the coppers asking what I'm up to.
When I'm in Bexleyheath at 3pm, there's more coppers outside checking the schoolkids get on the bus then there are in the early hours of a Saturday morning when everyone's staggering out the pubs. They want it to be a case of see a hi-vis jacket, shit yourself, and for most that's how it is.
Chances to move away from mummy and daddys house and fend for yourself are impossible, I've been trying to find a flat with my gf just so I can get away from my comfort zone so I can kick-start my life and fend for myself, yet it's just impossible, rocketing house/flat prices and rents, and no income or loans to be able to pay it.

Certainly living in an inner-city estate you genuinely can feel the tension rising, I'd love to see something take off, just to show we won't be f***ed around anymore.

BTW I have a one all over, no hair to take off chief :bigwave:

Ok fair points, but if "something does take off" what and or who are you blaming? Who is "f***ing you around"?

I aint no chief either - unless there is a female form the word! :lol:

Sep 28, 2011
Ok fair points, but if "something does take off" what and or who are you blaming? Who is "f***ing you around"?

I aint no chief either - unless there is a female form the word! :lol:

Who I'd personally go against would be -

The Police. They're supposed to aid and help you, yet do all they can to make it uncomfortable. They're no different to anyone else, for most of the public it's the same wage, live in the same area, yet once they put on that jacket they feel they can do whatever the Hell they like, and they know if they go too far, the bloke above them will have their back. They get petty nicks for smoking cannabis (I don't btw, just an example) or standing at football, yet when people get attacked they can't even spare a car to come and help out etc. All the coppers want are a few easy convictions so they look good and get their cushy desk job on double the money, telling everyone what to do. Vermin. Cowards, too - pepper spraying peaceful protesters in the face from point blank rage, very f***ing manly.

Government - Spend more money on trying to chum up with the power houses in the world and making donations then making sure people in their own country are above the poverty line, and being treated well. Pathetic new legislations giving Police new stop and search powers etc, then when something major comes up, they're nowhere to be seen.

Business + Corporation owners - As I said before, always too scared to give jobs to young people, to give them a chance, then go round saying how all youngsters would rather lay in bed on the PlayStation and shift the blame from themselves. I'd give my left arm to have a job and 'pay my way' as it were, but these wankers won't give me the chance.

But whilst we have a culture where too many people enjoy reading Hello magazines and the red-top papers, more interested in Katie Price's new haircut then new laws which will affect not only themselves, but also their future generations, nothing will change, people's ignorant and materialistic ways will continue.
Society in this country is utterly f***ed.

Apologies for the chief btw :D


New member
Mar 16, 2011
New Forest
I certainly don't feel I have a God-given right to walk into anything, I've always been one to work hard to create my own opportunities - never exactly been blessed with huge amounts of brainpower, although certainly far from thick, all I did when in school was far from 'doss around', working my arse off to ensure I did as good as I can. Yes, a few youngers like to piss around, but all the ones I know at least put their all into their lives just to try and get a break. Even chances to be the bloke selling the hot dogs aren't there anymore.

I used a bad example with the bank loan thing, but my point remains - we're treated like shit by employers - the amount of times I've heard 'you need more experience' - well I won't get it without a job you dick.
Police treat everyone who walks outside in a hoody like scum - I can't even walk to the shop to buy a box of fags without the coppers asking what I'm up to.
When I'm in Bexleyheath at 3pm, there's more coppers outside checking the schoolkids get on the bus then there are in the early hours of a Saturday morning when everyone's staggering out the pubs. They want it to be a case of see a hi-vis jacket, shit yourself, and for most that's how it is.
Chances to move away from mummy and daddys house and fend for yourself are impossible, I've been trying to find a flat with my gf just so I can get away from my comfort zone so I can kick-start my life and fend for myself, yet it's just impossible, rocketing house/flat prices and rents, and no income or loans to be able to pay it.

Certainly living in an inner-city estate you genuinely can feel the tension rising, I'd love to see something take off, just to show we won't be f***ed around anymore.

BTW I have a one all over, no hair to take off chief :bigwave:

The chance to be the 'bloke selling hotdogs' is still there, it's just you don't want to do that kind of menial work. There are loads of job adverts out there for part time work of this ilk.

You're not treated like shit by employers. The employer isn't just going to hand you a job, you need experience and there are may ways to get that experience: Temp work, volunteer work. I had a friend that worked for free in two different organisations for 4 week periods. He then went to another organisation and was turned away, for lack of experience. He piped up and offered to work for free for more experience. 6 weeks later, he fully employed by that organisation. Are you willing to work for free? I know that I bloody well would in the current environment if I was in your position.
Police don't treat everyone like scum. Prehaps if you didn't wear your hood up and look like a pikey, you wouldn't have an issue! The police have little to no power nowadays, god knows what you'd have done in the years when they could give you a clip round the ear.
With regards to the flat, it's obviously not possible without an income, how about you get off your arse, get yourself a minimum wage job and start saving towards one? There is work out there, why not do cleaning? I have a friend that started by cleaning, he's 24, and now works for himself cleaning and living very comfortably.

Nothing will take off, there are plenty of powers out there that will ensure that.

Finally, you're not conveying a great image, shaven head, hoodies. I suggest you ditch the hoodies and grow the hair to a reasonable length. Image is everything.


Legal Alien
Jul 7, 2003
In my computer
Who I'd personally go against would be -

The Police. They're supposed to aid and help you, yet do all they can to make it uncomfortable. They're no different to anyone else, for most of the public it's the same wage, live in the same area, yet once they put on that jacket they feel they can do whatever the Hell they like, and they know if they go too far, the bloke above them will have their back. They get petty nicks for smoking cannabis (I don't btw, just an example) or standing at football, yet when people get attacked they can't even spare a car to come and help out etc. All the coppers want are a few easy convictions so they look good and get their cushy desk job on double the money, telling everyone what to do. Vermin. Cowards, too - pepper spraying peaceful protesters in the face from point blank rage, very f***ing manly.

Government - Spend more money on trying to chum up with the power houses in the world and making donations then making sure people in their own country are above the poverty line, and being treated well. Pathetic new legislations giving Police new stop and search powers etc, then when something major comes up, they're nowhere to be seen.

Business + Corporation owners - As I said before, always too scared to give jobs to young people, to give them a chance, then go round saying how all youngsters would rather lay in bed on the PlayStation and shift the blame from themselves. I'd give my left arm to have a job and 'pay my way' as it were, but these wankers won't give me the chance.

But whilst we have a culture where too many people enjoy reading Hello magazines and the red-top papers, more interested in Katie Price's new haircut then new laws which will affect not only themselves, but also their future generations, nothing will change, people's ignorant and materialistic ways will continue.
Society in this country is utterly f***ed.

Apologies for the chief btw :D

Its alright - I've been called worse before :lol:

To be honest what you;re saying isn't new, and isn't far from how many of us felt when we were teenagers, although I didn't put my hood up and put a scarf on and throw things at police, or sit in tents in public places - I went and got a job (not really a job I wanted but I did it), and worked hard, and had to live somewhere I didn't really like but I could afford, I didn't go out clubbing and drinking (as I couldn't afford it) but most importantly to me I worked flipping hard at what ever it was I was doing, to make sure people knew even though I was young I wasn't a flake! One of my school friends begged a local architect to hire her and even offered to work for free for a few months (she was living at home) to prove that she was good enough to get a part time job whilst she was at Uni. She ended up working their full time and being paid very well for quite a few years after she qualified. She now runs her own practice from her home.

It is difficult but nothing that we as a society haven't faced before. I just find it dissapointing that young people feel they are owed so much and feel violence is a way to resolve it, in my mind - its all there to take, you just need to go looking for it, it won't come to you.

Storer 68

New member
Apr 19, 2011
Blimey, someone's feeling sorry for themself.

Sep 28, 2011
The chance to be the 'bloke selling hotdogs' is still there, it's just you don't want to do that kind of menial work. There are loads of job adverts out there for part time work of this ilk.

You're not treated like shit by employers. The employer isn't just going to hand you a job, you need experience and there are may ways to get that experience: Temp work, volunteer work. I had a friend that worked for free in two different organisations for 4 week periods. He then went to another organisation and was turned away, for lack of experience. He piped up and offered to work for free for more experience. 6 weeks later, he fully employed by that organisation. Are you willing to work for free? I know that I bloody well would in the current environment if I was in your position.
Police don't treat everyone like scum. Prehaps if you didn't wear your hood up and look like a pikey, you wouldn't have an issue! The police have little to no power nowadays, god knows what you'd have done in the years when they could give you a clip round the ear.
With regards to the flat, it's obviously not possible without an income, how about you get off your arse, get yourself a minimum wage job and start saving towards one? There is work out there, why not do cleaning? I have a friend that started by cleaning, he's 24, and now works for himself cleaning and living very comfortably.

Nothing will take off, there are plenty of powers out there that will ensure that.

Finally, you're not conveying a great image, shaven head, hoodies. I suggest you ditch the hoodies and grow the hair to a reasonable length. Image is everything.

Chap, trust me, there isn't. Even up Bexleyheath they've got kind of a market thing opening, rides, attractions, stalls, food places etc. Asked near enough all of them - nope, no work.

I've done voluntary work before, but unfortunately that doesn't get money in the pocket. I'd happily work for free, but for over a month? Would be touch and go, can't live on nothing.
Police do treat you like scum, like it or not. I'd love one to give me a clump so I could give it back - and I'm NEVER in a confrontation, don't really like them. Just through experience I've learnt to hate them.
Mate, I'd honestly take anything that's going even if it's cleaning bogs, but like I say wherever I ask there's nothing there. I'd take literally anything pal!

Only wear hoodies if I'm popping to the shop and it's the first thing I grab, normally leather jackets for me! :)

Sep 28, 2011
Its alright - I've been called worse before :lol:

To be honest what you;re saying isn't new, and isn't far from how many of us felt when we were teenagers, although I didn't put my hood up and put a scarf on and throw things at police, or sit in tents in public places - I went and got a job (not really a job I wanted but I did it), and worked hard, and had to live somewhere I didn't really like but I could afford, I didn't go out clubbing and drinking (as I couldn't afford it) but most importantly to me I worked flipping hard at what ever it was I was doing, to make sure people knew even though I was young I wasn't a flake! One of my school friends begged a local architect to hire her and even offered to work for free for a few months (she was living at home) to prove that she was good enough to get a part time job whilst she was at Uni. She ended up working their full time and being paid very well for quite a few years after she qualified. She now runs her own practice from her home.

It is difficult but nothing that we as a society haven't faced before. I just find it dissapointing that young people feel they are owed so much and feel violence is a way to resolve it, in my mind - its all there to take, you just need to go looking for it, it won't come to you.

I don't condone violence, but if it's the only way to get our POV across, so be it.

Like I said above I've worked for free before, once, when I approached the boss at the end of my time about a part\full time job he said he'd email me, still waiting on the email - this was last summer!
Not a case of wanting the perfect oppurtunity to fall into my lap - more just wanting my hard work to create an opportunity tbh.

Solid at the back

Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
Glorious Shoreham by Sea
Who I'd personally go against would be -

The Police. They're supposed to aid and help you, yet do all they can to make it uncomfortable. They're no different to anyone else, for most of the public it's the same wage, live in the same area, yet once they put on that jacket they feel they can do whatever the Hell they like, and they know if they go too far, the bloke above them will have their back. They get petty nicks for smoking cannabis (I don't btw, just an example) or standing at football, yet when people get attacked they can't even spare a car to come and help out etc. All the coppers want are a few easy convictions so they look good and get their cushy desk job on double the money, telling everyone what to do. Vermin. Cowards, too - pepper spraying peaceful protesters in the face from point blank rage, very f***ing manly.

Government - Spend more money on trying to chum up with the power houses in the world and making donations then making sure people in their own country are above the poverty line, and being treated well. Pathetic new legislations giving Police new stop and search powers etc, then when something major comes up, they're nowhere to be seen.

Business + Corporation owners - As I said before, always too scared to give jobs to young people, to give them a chance, then go round saying how all youngsters would rather lay in bed on the PlayStation and shift the blame from themselves. I'd give my left arm to have a job and 'pay my way' as it were, but these wankers won't give me the chance.

But whilst we have a culture where too many people enjoy reading Hello magazines and the red-top papers, more interested in Katie Price's new haircut then new laws which will affect not only themselves, but also their future generations, nothing will change, people's ignorant and materialistic ways will continue.
Society in this country is utterly f***ed.

Apologies for the chief btw :D

agree with this 100%

When I'm in Bexleyheath at 3pm, there's more coppers outside checking the schoolkids get on the bus then there are in the early hours of a Saturday morning when everyone's staggering out the pubs. They want it to be a case of see a hi-vis jacket, shit yourself, and for most that's how it is
Certainly living in an inner-city estate you genuinely can feel the tension rising, I'd love to see something take off, just to show we won't be f***ed around anymore.


A couple of points. The reason there are old bill and PCSO's all over the bus stops at school kicking out time is because of the delightful "future captians of industry" such as the toe-rags who have threatened to stab my 13yr old son unless he gives them his mobile (this has happened on 2 occasions).

Secondly, I am not aware of any "inner-city" estates in Bexleyheath. If you want inner-city, move to Elephant and Castle or somewhere like that. Bexleyheath is quite a prosperous suburb on the Kent border, not a f***ing ghetto!


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
The chance to be the 'bloke selling hotdogs' is still there, it's just you don't want to do that kind of menial work. There are loads of job adverts out there for part time work of this ilk.

You're not treated like shit by employers. The employer isn't just going to hand you a job, you need experience and there are may ways to get that experience: Temp work, volunteer work. I had a friend that worked for free in two different organisations for 4 week periods. He then went to another organisation and was turned away, for lack of experience. He piped up and offered to work for free for more experience. 6 weeks later, he fully employed by that organisation. Are you willing to work for free? I know that I bloody well would in the current environment if I was in your position.
Police don't treat everyone like scum. Prehaps if you didn't wear your hood up and look like a pikey, you wouldn't have an issue! The police have little to no power nowadays, god knows what you'd have done in the years when they could give you a clip round the ear.
With regards to the flat, it's obviously not possible without an income, how about you get off your arse, get yourself a minimum wage job and start saving towards one? There is work out there, why not do cleaning? I have a friend that started by cleaning, he's 24, and now works for himself cleaning and living very comfortably.

Nothing will take off, there are plenty of powers out there that will ensure that.

Finally, you're not conveying a great image, shaven head, hoodies. I suggest you ditch the hoodies and grow the hair to a reasonable length. Image is everything.

So it is okay for police to treat you like scum because of the way you are dressed? Just like it is okay for the police to treat you like a football hooligan just because you are at a football match?

The fact is that fif you grow up being victimised by the police because of what you are wearing, where you live or your cultural background you are going to f***ing hate them. I am a white middle class male who grew up in Hove and I have seen enough disgusting behaviour from the police to have a severe mistrust of them. So I can only imagine what others in less privileged situations feel about them.

Good luck with it all Holmsdale Lad, keep working hard and you will find success.

Seagull over Canaryland

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
If someone can be bothered to get off their lard arse there is work out there - sadly its just that many can't be bovvered. Yes there is minimum wage stuff that must be hard to stomach but also better paid stuff for those that can put a bit of effort in.

While travelling back into the UK earlier this week it was apparent just how many punters arriving at the UK Border control were foreigners who when challenged about the purpose of their visit produced their paperwork evidencing jobs here in catering, offshore engineering, plumbing etc. Meanwhile on the screen above the same Border control were the flight announcements for outbound offshore industry flights which carried lists of vacancies in loads of roles!

Clearly the foreigners are happy to get off their arses and come to the UK.

Meanwhile chatting with two Brits in the same queue who said they were returning home from doing plumbing in Kazakstan and engineering in Denmark. Four weeks on/four weeks off. They are happy to follow the work and push their horizons.

My youngest brother experienced years of being bounced from job to job then saw the light, got himself qualified as an electrician then gained experience on big projects like Terminal 5. Now he is the main engineer for a Dutch employer in Kent.


Jun 17, 2011
There is certainly a lot of ill feeling out there, I haven't had any experience with struggling to find work although unemployment figures dont lie. I got made redundant 7 months ago and didnt have a single day out of work, as soon as i was told about it I got searching and finished my old job on the friday and started in the new place monday.

Even in this climate I feel confident that if i lost my job and needed money i could go round the agencies and say 'ill take anything as long as it pays' and be in work in short order, while there are alot of people too proud to take shit jobs out there i also think alot of people actually dont understand how to properly look for work and register with agents, chase opportunities and make yourself employable.


Nov 22, 2010
Oh my God. The world must be about to end!

Sent by yolk folk

13 May 2011: The murder of 11 Muslim Imams in Brega.
30 April 2011: The bombing of the Downs Syndrome School in Tripoli
30 April 2011: The bombing of a Gaddafi residence, murdering Saif Gaddafi, his friend and 3 Gaddafi children.
12 June 2011: The bombing of the University of Tripoli. Death toll not yet established.
22 July 2011: The bombing of the Great Man made Waterway irrigation system, which supplies most Libyans with their drinking water.
23 July 2011: The bombing of the factory which makes the pipes for the water system, and the murder of 6 of its employees.
8th August 2011: The bombing of the Hospital at Zliten. Resulting in the murder of a minimum, of 50 human beings, many of them children. The bombing of hospitals is against all international laws, and a most grievous crime.
9 August 2011: The bombing of the village of Majer, resulting in the murder of 85 civilians. 33 Children, 32 women and 20 men.
The persistent on going bombing of the civilian population in Zliten and Tripoli, death toll not yet established. NATO are committing genocide and I DEMAND that the ICC address this matter with urgency.
David Cameron has admitted that UK special services have assisted the terrorists on the ground, this is against the UN mandate which allowed NATO to intervene in Libya, and is a war crime.
Many of the rebels have been identified as Al Qeada members, NATO working with known terrorists is a war crime, and against all international laws.
It is also my belief that NATO lied about their reasons for invading Libya, I demand that the ICC investigate these lies, and hold the NATO alliance responsible.
I also charge the ICC with working with NATO to spread propaganda and fear among the Libyan people, namely by announcing that the NTC had in their custody Saif al Islam Gaddafi and Muhammad Gaddafi, the night the terrorists (NTC) entered Tripoli. This was lies, and clearly shows collusion between the TNC terrorists and the ICC.
Libya is not Afghanistan or Iraq, and NATO will be held accountable for their crimes in Libya.
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New member
Apr 23, 2011
No offence Falmer, but you come across as the archetypal naive student. You are doing what students are supposed to do, which is question - but you also need to read - ideally from many and disparate sources and not be led by a group like Anonymous which has more of a hidden agenda than any mainstream political party.

Yes innocent people get killed even in just wars. Justice is imperfect. Regulated market capitalism is flawed, but not as much as the other systems. And there aint going to be any revolution because most people recognise the truth of the three previous statements.

As to anonymous hacking Stratfor and stealing credit card details - how is Anonymous taking money from peoples accounts and spending it on the things they want to any different to a criminal enterprise doing it? Saying you are motivated by some altruisitic purpose doesnt make it so - especially if that altruistic purpose is to foment revolutions around the world (except in Libya) - even where legitimate election processes exist.

As an exposer of security weaknesses and publisher of material in the public interest Anonymous arguably had an important role. As a stealer of peoples money and pusher of frankly ridiculous political agendas - they dont.
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