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Does anyone think we might be close to a revolution?

Mutts Nuts

New member
Oct 30, 2011

Yes we can behead any person who is a member of, or who believes in any religion starting with the Pope and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury ,once religion in all its forms has been wiped out the world will be a much better place.Africans can go back to there nomadic way of life instead of starving in there millions living in slums, the so called holy wars will also end leaving only greed for man to fight over.


Nov 22, 2010
did you have a point to make, or where you just wanting to highlight a group claiming to promote civil disobedience, anti-establishment actions and "hacktivism", are carrying out common theft? do you remember how they took Wall st offline as they threatened? no, neither does anyone else.

Did you read the link? I put it on as you have clearly written off these ' teenage Computer geeks' so therefore I'd thought posting todays news about how the these nobodies managed to steal from the rich and give to the poor was very relavent to your view on them, but still you try even harder to put them down. Whats your issue? never a fan of Robin hood were you?


Nov 22, 2010
No offence Falmer, but you come across as the archetypal naive student. You are doing what students are supposed to do, which is question - but you also need to read - ideally from many and disparate sources and not be led by a group like Anonymous which has more of a hidden agenda than any mainstream political party.

Yes innocent people get killed even in just wars. Justice is imperfect. Regulated market capitalism is flawed, but not as much as the other systems. And there aint going to be any revolution because most people recognise the truth of the three previous statements.

As to anonymous hacking Stratfor and stealing credit card details - how is Anonymous taking money from peoples accounts and spending it on the things they want to any different to a criminal enterprise doing it? Saying you are motivated by some altruisitic purpose doesnt make it so - especially if that altruistic purpose is to foment revolutions around the world (except in Libya) - even where legitimate election processes exist.

As an exposer of security weaknesses and publisher of material in the public interest Anonymous arguably had an important role. As a stealer of peoples money and pusher of frankly ridiculous political agendas - they dont.

I'm confused? So its the hacktivists who are the thieves? and it's the hacktivists who lie to win peoples trust?

Oh and by the way I'm not a student and never was. But thanks for the over-estimation, I'm actually just a scruffy little street runt with no opinion of any worth. I spend most of my days counting street slabs and work in a toilet roll packaging factory. You may now know I am not one of you but actually below you. This is my one chance to speak and i admit, it's a pretty rubbish one. But never the less as worthless and small and stupid as i am, it does seem it's the 'intellectuals' who are giving me all the raff.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Yes we can behead any person who is a member of, or who believes in any religion starting with the Pope and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury ,once religion in all its forms has been wiped out the world will be a much better place.Africans can go back to there nomadic way of life instead of starving in there millions living in slums, the so called holy wars will also end leaving only greed for man to fight over.

'kin 'ell. Its hard to get so much wrong in only three lines. To sum up - you will execute anyone who has any spiritual belief, no matter what it is and Africans can go back to hunter gathering - meaning around 90% of them need to die. Way to go.


Nov 22, 2010
'kin 'ell. Its hard to get so much wrong in only three lines. To sum up - you will execute anyone who has any spiritual belief, no matter what it is and Africans can go back to hunter gathering - meaning around 90% of them need to die. Way to go.

I think he's trying to tell you that most organised religion ie scientology, christianity, Judaism, muslim etc mainly focus their history and beliefs around executions, discrimination, war, law, lies, greed and bullshit. There is a god but why the f*** do we need others telling us who he is? lifes a mystery and the religions want you to not think that. Its called brainwashing. Just have a look at what happened to nigeria on xmas day!

the Church is full of dirty old peados, would you want your child looking for god on his own? f*** that I'm sticking to being unspiritual, not worth the wierd christian rituals. St Pauls Catherdal, house of God. Praise the law!
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New member
Apr 23, 2011
I'm confused? So its the hacktivists who are the thieves? and it's the hacktivists who lie to win peoples trust?

Oh and by the way I'm not a student and never was. But thanks for the over-estimation, I'm actually just a scruffy little street runt with no opinion of any worth. I spend most of my days counting street slabs and work in a toilet roll packaging factory. You may now know I am not one of you but actually below you. This is my one chance to speak and i admit, it's a pretty rubbish one. But never the less as worthless and small and stupid as i am, it does seem it's the 'intellectuals' who are giving me all the raff.

Bit of a chippy response imo. Im no intellectual, yes I went to university at 24 after leaving school at 16. I decided I really really didnt want to spend the rest of my working life packing Mr Kipling pies or carrying buckets of rubble around - much like you I'd guess.

Anonymous said they hacked Stratfor and took money out of peoples accounts to give "over $1m to charities". So yes the hacktivists are thieves. Who chose the charities? What will Anonymous do with the money when the charities inevitably return the stolen cash? as they will. There really isnt going to be a revolution in the UK any time soon - if only because Anonymous as a loose collective of unfocussed individuals with different objectives would fall apart long as soon as they try and orchestrate a political movement.

If you want a revolution, do all you can to get out of the toiletpaper packing factory. Lie about your experience and qualifications if you need to (as long as its only to get a job you have the skills to do). Get a job you enjoy working for an organisation you believe in and I guarantee Anonymous won't seem anywhere near as attractive.
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Nov 22, 2010
If you want a revolution, do all you can to get out of the toiletpaper packing factory. Lie about your experience and qualifications if you need to (as long as its only to get a job you have the skills to do). Get a job you enjoy working for an organisation you believe in and I guarantee Anonymous won't seem anywhere near as attractive.

Why? what for? a house, a car, some children and a wife? are you missing the point?! I want a revoloution so we can all live a better life. Not working all the time. This 'better life' bullshit is what your forced to live for. A house is now a modern day prison. Everyone gets stuck in them via mortgages and high prices. Why cant i just build my own house, grow my own food and supply my own water? why do these natural options seem now almost unnatural ? Why do people with this exact same attitude in other countries (africa) get slayed and slaughtered for choosing this sort of life? TAX.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Why cant i just build my own house, grow my own food and supply my own water? Why do people with this exact same attitude in other countries (africa) get slayed and slaughtered for choosing this sort of life? TAX.
Simple. 60 million people live on this island which could support maybe 5 million living at the level of intensity of agriculture and density of population required. Shall we have a lottery to pick out the 55 million to die?

Very few Africans now live a hunter gatherer lifestyle. Most of them have been pushed out of land or killed by other tribes who are more successful at expanding population than them. The reason the dominant tribes numbers grew is more intensive agriculture and healthcare . Are you seeing a pattern here?

There are plenty of countries where you could buy land very cheaply, build your own house and live a subsistence life. Could you actually do it though? Would you be principled enough to stand by the consequences of your decision if you got kidney flukes or river blindness? or started to starve after two successive crop failures? or would you be straight down to the British consul?
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Nov 22, 2010
Lie about your experience and qualifications if you need to (as long as its only to get a job you have the skills to do). .

If David Cameron provides us with opportunity then why do i need to lie?
You said it not me, corruption is the key. I would rather live my life honestly thanks. cheers for your advice but I think i'll stick to anonymous than having to lie.
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Don Quixote

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2008
I think he's trying to tell you that most organised religion ie scientology, christianity, Judaism, muslim etc mainly focus their history and beliefs around executions, discrimination, war, law, lies, greed and bullshit. There is a god but why the f*** do we need others telling us who he is? lifes a mystery and the religions want you to not think that. Its called brainwashing. Just have a look at what happened to nigeria on xmas day!

the Church is full of dirty old peados, would you want your child looking for god on his own? f*** that I'm sticking to being unspiritual, not worth the wierd christian rituals. St Pauls Catherdal, house of God. Praise the law!

Don't the Atheists tell us what we should believe in and do too? There will never be no religion. I think people need to get over it.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
If David Cameron provides us with opportunity then why do i need to lie?
You said it not me, corruption is the key. I would rather live my life honestly thanks. cheers for your advice but I think i'll stick to anonymous than having to lie.

Everyone has the opportunity. The best jobs, land, houses (or building materials), best looking partners, shiniest taps go to the people who out compete the others around them. If you cant compete or refuse to play the game on any level you sink to the bottom of the heap and are reliant on the safety net each society puts in place. That fundamental dynamic wont change, no matter society or country you live in - unless you bomb everyone back to the stone age of course and reduce the global population to such a small level we arent competing for resources - maybe 50 million globally. Even then you'd have to stop the successful survivors breeding too fast. Perhaps you could lead successive rounds of culling every ten years or so?
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Nov 22, 2010
Simple. 60 million people live on this island which could support maybe 5 million living at the level of intensity of agriculture and density of population required. Shall we have a lottery to pick out the 55 million to die?

Very few Africans now live a hunter gatherer lifestyle. Most of them have been pushed out of land or killed by other tribes who are more successful at expanding population than them. The reason the dominant tribes numbers grew is more intensive agriculture and healthcare . Are you seeing a pattern here?

There are plenty of countries where you could buy land very cheaply, build your own house and live a subsistence life. Could you actually do it though? Would you be principled enough to stand by the consequences of your decision if you got kidney flukes or river blindness? or started to starve after two successive crop failures? or would you be straight down to the British consul?

The reason why indigenous tribes have been wiped out in Africa is mainly because of guns. These guns just by coincidence are brought in by governments from places like the UK and US. They will feed you in the media with all the bullshit in the world but in truth we are wasting more food than ever. so in just using your common sense you'll see it's so obvious there is enough land on earth to feed the wolrd. If we can fit the whole population of earth inside of texas, then we can definetly learn to use the garden properly.
ps Why is the population increase such a dilema anyway? where in the world right now is there a place overspilling with people? I haven't seen anyone crushed to death yet? I haven't seen people unable to even move for sheer numbers of people. It's bullshit. We're getting population increase issues shoved in our face left, right and centre. Its an excuse to start a war on innocent civilians. There will be a revolution and it wont be televised.

in the words of Isaac Newton-"Think for yourself"


Nov 22, 2010
Don't the Atheists tell us what we should believe in and do too? There will never be no religion. I think people need to get over it.

What are the laws and rules of Atheism then?

religion is law, law causes war. So f*** religion, it needs to go.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Did you read the link? I put it on as you have clearly written off these ' teenage Computer geeks' so therefore I'd thought posting todays news about how the these nobodies managed to steal from the rich and give to the poor was very relavent to your view on them, but still you try even harder to put them down. Whats your issue? never a fan of Robin hood were you?

??? no, i said "bunch of nerd hackers overstretching themselves", which you quoted. did you not understand this? i dont believe a bunch of nerds hackers are capable of inspiring a meaningful revolution. if they are now turning to common theft actions, it hardly helps their supposed cause. btw Robin Hood discriminated who he would rob, hacking a website stealing the CC details is not the same thing, you have no idea who those subscribers are.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
The reason why indigenous tribes have been wiped out in Africa is mainly because of guns

Total crap. The nomadic San people used to dominate southern africa. They have almost been exterminated by the Xhosa and other tribes moving down from central africa over the past 2,000 years.

Your posts are full of contradictions. You should be able to live where you want - but there arent too many people. There should be intensive agriculture to feed people, but people should be nomadic. There shouldnt be any wars - what happens when someone else decides they want to live where you want to live? because clearly a piece of fertile land next the river is more sought after than a barren desert.
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Nov 22, 2010
??? no, i said "bunch of nerd hackers overstretching themselves", which you quoted. did you not understand this? i dont believe a bunch of nerds hackers are capable of inspiring a meaningful revolution. if they are now turning to common theft actions, it hardly helps their supposed cause. btw Robin Hood discriminated who he would rob, hacking a website stealing the CC details is not the same thing, you have no idea who those subscribers are.

How is stealing off a load of rich greedy selfish plump indivduals and giving it all to charities, common theft? If thats common then I wanna live like common people do.


Nov 22, 2010
What happens when someone else decides they want to live where you want to live?

You stand up for yourself and show whoever wants to control you that you are an equal and you'll stand your ground. If you fail you'll learn next time to be stronger, if you win you'll earn greater confidence in yourself and with your ability to tackle life. Again this is what you should learn to do in life, become something better than you are. Instead we just ring up fat bullied policeman who sort it out for you. Your independance becomes reliant on them rather than yourself. We are living like zombies and have almost lost all survival skill which we once had learnt and taught in education. Now we are walking calculators and machines. Put us in a scenario where we are physically tested and we fail. This is as much of a worry as worrying about someone taking your land. A vicious circle really?
Personally it's human nature to live with people, I'd probably share the land and the load. Less work if you got someone there anyways.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
The reason why indigenous tribes have been wiped out in Africa is mainly because of guns. These guns just by coincidence are brought in by governments from places like the UK and US. They will feed you in the media with all the bullshit in the world but in truth we are wasting more food than ever. so in just using your common sense you'll see it's so obvious there is enough land on earth to feed the wolrd.

you really are quite ignorant. the reason why many idigenous tribes are wiped out is because they've spent centuries warring and the advent of the gun meant one had the ability to fullfill their ancient bloodlust. we are naturally a territorial creature and as populations enlarge and resources become scarce we be come violent. doesn't matter if its West St over a bird or the serengeti over grazing pasture. if you did really want to live away from trappings of the western world, why havnt you gone off to join some south american or african community?
you might also want to look up what has happened to argicultre in the past 50 years, the current population could not have been sustained two generations ago. also look up the amount of resources that went in to creating your little computer there before spouting on about popultion increases, or acknowledge there will be haves (you) and have nots.


Nov 22, 2010
you really are quite ignorant. the reason why many idigenous tribes are wiped out is because they've spent centuries warring and the advent of the gun meant one had the ability to fullfill their ancient bloodlust. we are naturally a territorial creature and as populations enlarge and resources become scarce we be come violent. doesn't matter if its West St over a bird or the serengeti over grazing pasture. if you did really want to live away from trappings of the western world, why havnt you gone off to join some south american or african community?
you might also want to look up what has happened to argicultre in the past 50 years, the current population could not have been sustained two generations ago. also look up the amount of resources that went in to creating your little computer there before spouting on about popultion increases, or acknowledge there will be haves (you) and have nots.

Im sorry but if your denying the fact that there is enough food on earth to feed the world, then its you whose the ignorant one. We have starvation all over africa, why when there is enough food on earth to feed everyone? Americas dustbins alone would feed africa. We have a problem with distribution of wealth because of corruption, lies and silly laws. Remove these issues ad we'd be living off the land again. Unless you reckon Tesco and Sainsburys feed the world?


New member
Apr 23, 2011
You stand up for yourself and show whoever wants to control you that you are an equal and you'll stand your ground. If you fail you'll learn next time to be stronger.

In a world without police, law or land ownership there probably wont be a next time. You'll be dead, probably killed at night in a surprise attack. If you're lucky you'll simply be driven out.

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