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Are the Coalition f*cking it up ?.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
I think comparing notes is ESSENTIAL to bring this episode to a satisfactory conclusion.

And then, of course, NSC will judge on who has had it worse.

I apologise To Simeon " I may have over reacted ". That by the way is what I want on my Tombstone. I do not wish he had a bad time and just bit. Simeon as he knows however knows all the buttons to press to get me to react. I do wear my heart on my sleeve and that is a major fault of mine, especially to people in all fairness do not give a f*** :laugh:

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
I've even considered becoming a rent boy..........BUT I'M TO OLD :lolol:

I have looked into this Tony and I think there is a market for Men in their late 40's as a Headmaster type role giving out discipline to young Men. There is definately an opening there.

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
Isn't it a bit early to tell? They've been in power 5 months and have effected some bold plans to cut the defecit, however I don't think the effects (positive or negative) are going to really hit home for a while yet. I've never been a
Tory supporter, but in retrospect I'm quite glad labour lost the GE.

Well Labour had 13 years of blaming the previous Coservative Government for anything that went wrong while they were in power so i would say that they need more time than just the 5 short months they've had to try to rebalance the countries finances left by in disaray by an irresponsible Government who were only interested in looking good to the voter and gave absolutely no thought to the long term future of this country and how we are going to pay for important things like healthcare and policing in the years to come.

However you will always get those who think that Labour were great and that the Conservatives are evil as they have been brought by Labours short termism when it came to public spending, and their constant whining that its someone elses fault but their own despite their failing to secure public spending levels to more manageable levels and by failing to hold reserves in case of a recession despite having years of growth in the economy (growth based on increasing house prices, as well as personal & public debt and little else - bubble a bubble that was always going to burst).


Jul 13, 2005
South Wales (im not welsh !!)
I have looked into this Tony and I think there is a market for Men in their late 40's as a Headmaster type role giving out discipline to young Men. There is definately an opening there.

Thanks Gareth, I much appreciate the research you have done on my behalf, in trying to get me gainfull employment as a Rent Boy, there is a market for men in there late 40s, and as i understand it, they earn good money for there HARD work, I unfortunatly wont be able to join that elite sector of workers, as i am............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

55 and still to freaking OLD!!!!! :lolol::lolol::lolol::thumbsup:


New member
Jan 3, 2007
The cons are blaming Labour and whining that they are going to have to be harsh to get finances back on track. What a crock of shit, they would be doing this irrespective of the state of the country. They are doing what everyone knew they would and they haven't disappointed. Blinkered Tory supporters are still blaming Labour fro the mess the cons are making of it now, defies logic. We all know what cons are like, old boys network, looking after their own, the total opposite of what public service implies. I do acknowledge that Labours MP's did a fair bit of that sort of thing with expenses though.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Political seeds are sown well before the time of a new administration. Labour picked up a mess from the Conservatives decades ago. Thatcher inherited a mess. Major stewarded through to the start of a boom. Blair inherited it. Blair and Brown overcooked things and didn't save for a rainy day. The coalition have their work cut out for them. Early days, but f*cking anything up remains to be seen, surely?

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
so what are you saying ? that people are investing in ftse shares that are wortheless but there is nowhere else to put money ??your statement is bollocks anyway there are plenty of bonds/commdities or other financial instruments where you could invest.

Sorry Bush I had to go out and only just saw this.

Of course there are lots of Bonds and funds etc but making decent short term profit at the mo is quite hard. I know a few people (traders) who have been given a few million to do some currency trading from people who would not normally touch the stuff.

And generally I understand a lot of savers have taken a punt on the stockmarket in the hope of better returns rather than suffering the crap rates offered by banks and building societies.

Who wants to tie up their money long term? after all as you say with the Tories we will all be millionaires when they sort out Labours/ New Tories f*** up.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Political seeds are sown well before the time of a new administration. Labour picked up a mess from the Conservatives decades ago. Thatcher inherited a mess. Major stewarded through to the start of a boom. Blair inherited it. Blair and Brown overcooked things and didn't save for a rainy day. The coalition have their work cut out for them. Early days, but f*cking anything up remains to be seen, surely?

I'm not saying they are going tofuck it up. I think they know exactly what they are doing; deliberately stockpiling wealth in the upper echelons of society whilst similtaneously restricting the freedoms and incomes of the average working and underpriviliged person. It's what cons do.

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
and this information is from where? do you know people in that have been told, or managment planning this (across how many companies)?

If you check the news the past week its been widely reported that job cuts are going to happen in the private sector as they think the Public cuts will effect them and they will have no option.

I speak to a quite a lot of businesses and quite a few say that if things don't improve soon they will cut staff especially if the VAT increase hit home.

Sorry if its not what you want to hear and I hope it doesn't happen but....


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Political seeds are sown well before the time of a new administration. Labour picked up a mess from the Conservatives decades ago. Thatcher inherited a mess. Major stewarded through to the start of a boom. Blair inherited it. Blair and Brown overcooked things and didn't save for a rainy day. The coalition have their work cut out for them. Early days, but f*cking anything up remains to be seen, surely?

There's truth in this - but of course, if there wasn't dissatisfaction with a previous government. What is interesting is that, contrary to popular belief, it's not the state of the economy that's the deciding factor. And governments don't always inherit total chaos.

Wilson won in 1964 despite a relatively healthy economy but he was seen as young and dynamic compared to Douglas Home. Thatcher won in 1979 despite the economy being on sound footing (Labour had inherited a mess from Heath) but the public were fed up with strikes, Thatcher retained power in 1983, despite a dreadful set of unemployment figures, but was buoyed by her Falklands success. Blair won in 1997 despite a booming economy and some good rescue work by Ken Clarke, however Major was handicapped by in-fighting and a series of scandals.

Personally, I don't think that the coalition can be judged yet - it's far too early to tell. But I do agree that the cuts won't be as bad as we're led to believe


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Have the coalition already f***ed up? Well, look at their policies so far. Major change to child benefit, announced on Breakfast Time, rather than to cabinet colleagues who when questioned, didn't know. PMQs, Cameron wouldn't answer a simple maths question, ie two people earn £40k each in the one household and only one earns £47k in another. Which household has the higher earnings. Answer = it's the previous administrations fault.

We are going to hear that mantra for the next 5 years and it is a load of crap. Firstly, the reason we are in the shits is because of a global recession. Prior to that, the Government had budgeted for it's spending taking into account growth, which, as we now know, didn't happen because of the credit crunch. Everyone bangs on about the biggest deficit in peacetime. Well our economy is also bigger than it has ever been so it stands to reason there should be more revenue than there was 10 years ago. Increase demand, increase the economy and increase government revenue.

As for the simpletons that claim Labour destroyed the country, perhaps you or your relatives haven't had to make use of the NHS in the last 13 years (cue anecdotal disasters). The NHS was in dire straits in 1997 with massive waiting lists and underpaid badly motivated staff. It is now considerably better although far from perfect. Look at the investment in school buildings which had been neglected for too many years.

Everything Labour did wasn't perfect and some of it was wrong. But they did do a lot to benefit society but of course there are tax payers that resent that.

At the end of the day, the recession was a godsend for the tories as it has given them the chance to do what they always want to do and that is dismantle the state. All that will mean is those that can afford to buy services will do so and those that can't will go without. Not so bad when you are talking about life's little luxuries but a different matter entirely regarding health, education etc.

Cameron nearly f***ed it up by not getting a majority when the election had all but been handed to him on a plate by an inept Brown but as he found a closet tory in the Libdems he has been able to grasp power with both hands. How long he can hold onto it is a different matter and I don't expect this government to run a full term.

As for this rubbish about Quangos, first they were going to close them to save money and now they know that won't happen, the arguement is to make them more accountable but they are already accountable because the Government of the day could close them down. All that is going to happen now is the work they do will be transferred into government departments and will still cost the tax payer. Another tory smokescreen.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
If you check the news the past week its been widely reported that job cuts are going to happen in the private sector as they think the Public cuts will effect them and they will have no option.

I speak to a quite a lot of businesses and quite a few say that if things don't improve soon they will cut staff especially if the VAT increase hit home.

Sorry if its not what you want to hear and I hope it doesn't happen but....

i cant say i've seen anything in the media about job losses coming up, excpet something this week about backoffice at TFL (or tubes?) and IT workers at RBS. though i also recall a few things on companies taking on people for the chirstmas and expect htme to stay on after. your feedback from business sounds like speculation on their behalf. your earlier point sounded like there's specific information, it seems now there isnt, just anxiety and low confidence.

i dont want to "hear" anything, except less bollocks and talking the economy down. Its sad that people are almost willing there to be problems so they can bitch and whine at the current government for another generation.

Horses Arse

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2004
here and there
Well, I've always been a Conservative supporter but I'd prefer it to be further to the right, and consequently I vote UKIP in European elections.
It was said before the election that it was a good one to lose, because whoever won would get the blame for the mess Labour'd left behind. There are millions in this country like Dougal, who never appreciated the damage Labour had done. At least if Labour had been reelected, no-one would have been able to deny where the blame lay, in three or four years time. Ofcourse, the downside to that was that the country would almost certainly have been completely beyond rescue by 2015.

Good one! :laugh::laugh::lolol:

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
i cant say i've seen anything in the media about job losses coming up, excpet something this week about backoffice at TFL (or tubes?) and IT workers at RBS. though i also recall a few things on companies taking on people for the chirstmas and expect htme to stay on after. your feedback from business sounds like speculation on their behalf.

you first point sounded like there's specific information, it seems now there isnt, just anxiety and low confidence. i dont want to "hear" anything, except less bollocks and talking the economy down. Its sad that people are almost willing there to be problems so they can bitch and whine at the current government for another generation.

Unemployment: what the experts say | Business |

PS I'm not a Guardian reader - it was just the first one that came up honest

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Bushy is a good egg. He says it like it is, which most of the time is right.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003

Master Spielberg. MMMMM it has a certain ring to it. Expect to see an advert in the back pages of the Friday ad soon.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003

Tony Towner's Fridge

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2003
What you Labour apologists don't seem to understand is that 12 years of dire management could only be followed by such frugal measures to get the economy back on track. We are all paying the price for Blair and Brown's profligate spending. No sector of society is immune from the errors of the last decade.
Until and unless we get the £ right and our excessive public sector spending under full control we will never ever see a recovery. Stick with it and see where we are in 5 years.
What we do need now are technology and business start up tax breaks to really get the private sector engine working and generating wealth the tax revenues from which can be spent on affordable public sector projects.
Very simple unless you want to print money willy-nilly like the last lot did!
A bit like our household spending, if you ain't got the money you can't afford it and don't buy it!



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