Also struggling after yesterday - the bacon sarnie machine is about to take a beating...
Dave - did you see the workers in the South stand site? One of them tried to launch the ball at the posts to return it to the game... cue airshot, comedy slip and much pointing and laughing....
(this could be older than the sun, but I make no apologies)
> On the 12th day of Chavmas my true love sent to me:
> twelve chavvers chavving,
> eleven prammers pushing,
> ten lads joy-riding,
> nine ladies drinking,
> eight midriffes showing,
> seven scallies stealing,
> six teens...
What he said - crossing media simply doesn't work in my opinion. Something has to give in terms of quality. In this case, my esteemed yet unhappy comrade from H block has hit the nail on the head. The right CD player will have its own individual character, which enhances the sound. Same with...
Seeing as the LDC and their mates have their hands on all this cash, can we not invoice them for our costs on the enquiries so far? Seems clear to me they can at least start making repayments...
I'm going - doing the corporate thing, but my guests have been carefull selected on the basis of drinking credentials... Last time I went out with them on a jolly, I was getting panicky phonecalls the next day from the wife of one because he hadnt come home... turns out, after spanking all his...
"Can you add in Brighton and Hove Albion or would that be to much to hope for if not we can have your ground"
I don't get it?
Also, isnt bidding the team up to £9.6million missing the point a little bit?
How to truly vex BHA fans by Lewes District Council:
1. Have a member of their party involved in the sale of the clubs home.
2. When the club try and get a new home, oppose it from the outset.
3. When this opposition has failed, oppose it some more (do not be disheartened by overwhelming...