Any tips or recommendations?
El Gouna in Egypt seems like a good one, although I'm a bit unsure of these purpose built type resorts...
Looking for a beach type holiday, but am currently overwhelmed y choice....
No worries - the WINAMP suggestion below is a good one. The problem with the way I said was that it only really works if you want to copy everything. Picking out individual tracks is nigh on impossible due to the way they are stored on the ipod (its all compartmentalised and file names are...
Oh yeah - turn off 'auto synchronise'... and if it asks you to synchronise, say no... (i once stupidly synchronised an empty itunes with a full ipod.... wipe-tastic!).
Good question... I know a 'pain in the @ss' way to do it, but would be curious to know if theres a proper way.
I assume you mean to download tunes from someones ipod to your itunes?
The way I do it is to connect the ipod, exit itunes and go into the ipod as a seperate drive (via windows...
For my own sanity, and for the interest of the 100 or viewers who may or may not care, I get it now.
Basically, a contractor will put a job to tender, and build a case for the whole development and submit it to the council. In this case there are 2 contractors competing.
Not uncommon, and...
Possibly - but they both refer to Brighton City Council as Lead Consultant...
Having said that, LDC are only complainants, not consultants...
Must think more before posting....
No - actually, thinking about this more, both apps are shown as £46m stadium developments.
Surely we couldnt go...
My mate works in the building trade, and his firm is thinking of tendering for the stadium work.
Anyway, he has just sent me a page from some publication they use ( listing jobs for tender.
It looks as though there are two entries for the stadium, both showing detailed...
Excuse my nerdiness, but I looked into this...
The lass singing backing vocals on Tijuana Lady comes through mostly through the left stereo channel... So, if your system has a right side bias or is set up differently, her husky tones could be lost... you're either using a new stereo, or you've...
Poos that require minmal wiping.
The piece of chicken from KFC that has practically NO bone in it (breast piece).
When driving, putting the clutch in and revving aggressively, thereby covering tailgaters with diesel smoke.
Each referred to as - 'The Money Shot'
You'd be asking a lot of Carole & Frutos, but otherwise its worth a pop... I'm happy enough with Mayo in there as long as he is not expected to support Fruity too much...
The proof is in the pudding I suppose...