I think what Dougal is saying is that, in the event of teenage pregnancy, it is more often than not the girl that gets shafted (so to speak), and left holding the baby, while jonny-irresponsible runs off and lives long and merrily.
Dougal is suggesting that the current campaign of highlighting...
Following on from my post on the 'McGhee and Booker gone' thread;
"My tuppence worth:
- McGhee - I wasn't in the McGhee out camp, but have no problem with him going. Bit shocked about Booker though.
- Have we sacked him? Is it mutual consent? Is it amicable? Has McGhee done the honourable...
My tuppence worth:
- McGhee - I wasn't in the McGhee out camp, but have no problem with him going. Bit shocked about Booker though.
- Have we sacked him? Is it mutual consent? Is it amicable? Has McGhee done the honourable thing and quit, thus saving the club a shedload of money?
- Timing -...
This is what the internet was made for! I havent enjoyed a link so much since 'BadgersBadgersBadgers' came on the scene.
I am indebted to you.
In advert news - the specsavers-does-the-matrix one pisses me off!
Buy one get one free? Man turns into woman? Even wearing the same glasses so they...
Job done indeed.
Opening day nerves methinks - you can't underestimate Paraguay.
For my money - I waschuffed to bits when Downing came on, but he frustrated the hell out of me (falling over once or twice - bottled at least one tackle) - made you realise just how good Joe Cole is...
3 points...
dowie lied about heading north - jordan had waived a compensation clause in his ciontract becasue Iain Dowie said he wanted to go north with his family.
a personal / legal writ against Dowie claiming misrepresentation. The rest of his rant was lost behind the rabid saliva accumulating on his phone.
he sent a flunky to serve a writ on Dowie DURING his press conference at Charlton. sSN phoned up Jordan, and there has been about 20 minutes of ranting.
Cor - my query was MUCH simpler...
got it to work by the way - cheers MYOB. just waiting on my 2GB memory stick now.
will have a play with WINAMP and see what i think.
All of my tracks are off CDs - so this means they will be unprotected?
So in theory I should be able to whack the files as they are onto my memory stick (after the jiggery pokery to get the right folders set up) and they should work?
Might still look at getting WINAMP instead - just for...