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  1. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

  2. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Brilliant speech from SNP MP Mhairie Black last week, warning that we are sleep-walking into Fascism - one of the most eloquent and powerful parliamentary speeches I have ever heard
  3. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Excellent post. Mention to a Daily Mail reader that someone is receivng social security benefts, and they'll almost certainly imagine a track-suit wearing character out of Shameless, happily unemployed and drinking booze and chain-smoking all-day while watching trash on an 80" flat-screen TV...
  4. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    I don't understand this; the Brexitters told us ad nauseum that EU migrants were taking British workers' jobs, so now we've left the EU and the migrants have been 'sent home', why aren't British workers now queuing up to do these jobs? If you say it's because the wages are too low, we were also...
  5. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Tragically, I don't think it ever will for a lot of these people. However bad things continue to get, the Tory sycophants will continue blaming the BBC, senior civil servants, Leftie lawyers, the 'vindictive' EU, the 'obstructive' House of Lords', people in dinghies in the English Channel...
  6. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    The attitude to civil servants displayed by Rees-Smugg (and the Daily Mail - the Tories' Pravda) is yet more Tory hypocrisy - for the last 30 years or more, they've preached 'labour market flexibility', yet when a group of workers want some flexibility, the Tories order them back to the office...
  7. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    "I'm sorry my crass, offensive, ill-informed and bigoted comments offended any snowflakes or the Woke, but I do not agree with Cancel Culture ... unless we're muzzling Channel 4 and the BBC, or getting The Mash Report axed."
  8. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    I almost look back nostalgically to the era when there were some decent (genuinely One Nation) Tories, who had a conscience and a bit of compassion for the less well-off, and accepted that the rich, privileged and powerful had a sense of public service and duty-of-care towards ordinary British...
  9. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Up until the 1990s, the Tories repeatedly alleged that the Labour Party was funded by the Russians, and that a Labour government would thus be subservient to Moscow. How things have changed!
  10. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Yup, all about stoking the culture wars, fuelling social division to divert public attention from the insatiable greed of the rich, and keep persuading the 'left behind' that a bunch of public-school-educated City-boy millionaires (Farage, Rees-Smugg) are actually on the side of the...
  11. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    This from a government (and its Pravda-like press sycophants) which condemns 'cancel culture' and insists that freedom-of-speech is sacrosanct :facepalm:
  12. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    The three 'defences' of Johnson I have heard continuously since he became PM, and I still hear today are: a) "All political leaders are corrupt and only in it for themselves; why pick on Boris?" b) "That Commie terrorist-loving **** Corbyn would have been a lot worse." c) "At least Boris 'got...
  13. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    And those who fell for these lies, or chose to believe them because they reinforced their political views or prejudices, now dismiss criticism with the a lazy claim that "Yeah, but all politicians lie; they're all as bad as each other. Wouldn't be any different if any other party was in...
  14. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Rats and sinking ships, eh? "A Conservative minister in the House of Lords has resigned attacking the government's handling of fraudulent Covid business loans." All-in-all it's just another, crumbling Red Wall :lol:
  15. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    True, but when it is actually put in to words by an MP who was there at the time.......
  16. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Sadly, millions of people are still defending him, often by claiming that "All politicians are corrupt or incompetent/Labour or the Lib Dems would be just as bad, if not worse." I've said all along that many of Johnson's supporters are our equivalent of Trump fanatics in the US - he could...
  17. Peteinblack

    [Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

    Apparently, back in 1993 under John Major, quite a few Tory MPs were 'persuaded' to vote for the Maastricht Treaty (which formally created the European Union) because the whips blackmailed them, by threatening to publicly leak details of their alcoholism, debts, gambling addiction, affairs with...

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