And true to form the WBA morons on Twitter now going after Bong and demanding he be banned for having the temerity to report what he believed to be a racist remark to a referee.
As predicted
And true to form the WBA morons on Twitter now going after Bong and demanding he be banned for having the temerity to report what he believed to be a racist remark to a referee.
A pretty inevitable conclusion. Unsatisfactory for either party. Bong will feel aggrieved at what he thought he strongly felt he heard and Rodriguez aggrieved at being accused of something he felt strongly that he didn't say.
Time for both players to move on from the whole sorry episode.
Not just WBA fans. Some moronic people from all clubs.
Whether he said something racist or not, perhaps this whole experience will teach Rodriguez not to be such a childish little prick. Pinching his nose and wafting his hand in a "peewww you stink!" gesture - unbelievable. I wouldn't expect that from a 9 year old. He's a grown man ffs.
Rodriguez won't feel ''agrieved'' - He will be ''relieved'' that the ''Panel'' were unable to accept that it was proven.
Gaetan Bong knows what Jay Rodrigez said and the fact he could not prove it to the satifaction of the people hearing the case does not detract from the facts.
For me sadly I feel that Bong has been letdown and it sets a bench mark. If you have the propensity to make such remarks then do it outside of earshot and visibility of others and you have every likliehood of not being punished. This will stop others reporting such incidents because they will feel they need clear cut evidence to do so. And if they do that, they will be questioned for not reporting the incident at the time it happens.
I am really saddened by this outcome.
I don't agree. Bong doesn't 'know' what Rodriguez said, he thinks he knows. There are no absolutes in this case, as others have said, it's possible (and I now think likely) that both parties were telling their truth - Bong genuinely thought he heard what he heard and Rodriguez genuinely did not say what Bong thought he said exactly. No one will ever know for sure, but to claim one party is right when it can't be proven is not correct. Rodriguez mayl feel aggrieved if he is telling the truth, even if he did behave like a tool in general. He should also feel very silly for leaving as he did with regards to the death gesture.
Then you and I just have to disagree on this one. Gaetan doesn't think he heard what he heard. He heard it.
We have to move on because no amount of debate is going to change it now but I can't see many people reporting incidents in the future, which for me sets society and football back that little bit further on such issues.
I don't agree. Bong doesn't 'know' what Rodriguez said, he thinks he knows. There are no absolutes in this case, as others have said, it's possible (and I now think likely) that both parties were telling their truth - Bong genuinely thought he heard what he heard and Rodriguez genuinely did not say what Bong thought he said exactly. No one will ever know for sure, but to claim one party is right when it can't be proven is not correct. Rodriguez may well feel aggrieved if he is telling the truth, even if he did behave like a tool in general. He should also feel very silly for behaving as he did with regards to the breath gesture.
One question - have you ever misheard something and been 100% convinced what you heard was right? If the answer to that is 'yes', as it surely must be, how can you claim such certainty in this case without any corroborating evidence?
YES maybe 100 or so times in my life.
Have I ever heard someone say something and heard it correctly - YES every other statement made to me in my lifetime apart from those 100 or so mentioned above
The report
If you read it, Bong knows what was said. His evidence includes 100% sure of what was said.
There is also evidence from two lip readers one for the FA and one for Rodriguez.
I've read it. I've been 100% sure I've heard things before and been wrong, that doesn't make me liar, doesn't make Bong a liar, and crucially doesn't make Rodriguez a liar either. He MAY be a liar, but it is not proven, so therefore the decision is correct, surely.
I've read it. I've been 100% sure I've heard things before and been wrong, that doesn't make me liar, doesn't make Bong a liar, and crucially doesn't make Rodriguez a liar either. He MAY be a liar, but it is not proven, so therefore the decision is correct, surely.
So you accept then that it is possible that Bong misheard? It's not a numbers game.