Yes. They smell of yoghurt.
Two faced honky white bread cracker.
Yes. They smell of yoghurt.
Two faced honky white bread cracker.
There's a point in there. Chinese History Month? Indian History Month? There would be a lot of ground to cover for these significant populations in Britain. But no, we import some crap overcompensation scheme from the US, with a vastly different black experience to the UK's. Coming over to drive a bus of your own volition is not the same as being shipped to Alabama to pick cotton in chains. This country is round the twist, and we are just driving more wedges in society due to peoples middle class guilt and lack of common sense.
I agree with you I have to say,
The attitude of "Why should my precious Tabatha have to learn all about those scary Black people, the school has an agenda, Oh No"
Yeah, the school does have an agenda, to teach your kids not to grow up to be as narrow minded as you!
Hit a nerve, Spanish?
What a cnt you are. Shame your teachers did not expend some energy on teaching you not to be a smug no nothing cnt with no answers, just smarmy posturing.
What a cnt you are. Shame your teachers did not expend some energy on teaching you not to be a smug no nothing cnt with no answers, just smarmy posturing.
Hmm. Yes I would much rather have you making educational decisions than a teacher or the Education Authority , Your level of reasoning and well thought out social commentary make you an ideal candidate to provide a well balanced, nourishing education for the future generations.
Tiny bit aggressive there. Certainly doesn't give any credence to the argument that people with your attitude are narrow minded reactionaries does it?
two smug sarcastic posts one after the other? are you some sort of Smarm Tag Team? God I am on the ropes here grapple fans, I submit.
Are you the one who keeps getting banned for being a bit of a prick?
Must be lovely at parents evening with you there! You are the sort of parent teachers dread!
two smug sarcastic posts one after the other? are you some sort of Smarm Tag Team? God I am on the ropes here grapple fans, I submit.
i expect you are the sort of bloke parents dread.
certainly has. I dont think this is unreasonable to question the wisdom of what I am seeing being taught. Apparently though wisdom and worldliness translates into making glib smarmy comments from a position where this does not affect you.
That does make sense. He's saying you're a pedo.Make some sense man!
That does make sense. He's saying you're a pedo.
It isn't smug is it it is just opposing your narrow minded view. You are right when you said it doesn't affect me, I couldn't give a tinkers f*** what your kid learns in school but I would let the teachers get on with it. Trust me, your kids will be better educated by the teacher than by a bigoted loudmouth know it all like you.
Good day!