I don't know enough about the curriculum to suggest whether there is an agenda or not. What if there is? Black male pupils are notoriously difficult to teach and there are stats/figures that show they fail badly or do not partake in the the schooling 'tradition'. Maybe, just maybe, this will bring them back into the game or at least give the black pupils something to relate to?
Is it a coincidence that many of the fatalities and gang wars in London are black on black? Is this linked to a poor education? Perhaps the curriculum (the one I know nothing of) is aimed to improve the chances of the black community of fulfilling a life beyond crime? We shall have to wait and see.
Role models are crucial and maybe we need to steer the black pupils away from 50 Cent, Rio Ferdinand and Snoop, but towards Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama.
Too many questions in there to deal with in one swoop BOF but on the subject of black on black crime (or any black crime really) I would link that subject - like you have rightly done - with the importance of role models, but in my opinion a role model should be your father or an older relative not so much a politician from a country thousands of miles away. The lack of a male parent in many of the families that these boys come from may contribute to this.
I`ll await the usual racist shouts now.