Alex Alex Dawson oo! oo!
Primary data is fact
In order to have that right though, you'd first need to be eligible to actually be a tenant of a council house. I don't imagine single blokes in their early 20's, with no dependants, would have been high up their list of prospective candidates.
I think your correct about the eligibility criteiria but not sure that tenants actually had a right to purchase their council houses until the 1980 Housing Act. Prior to this Councils were able to sell houses/flats to tenants but, as Hiney said, the numbers sold was very low. Birmingham Council sold about 10% of their stock during the '60s and the first London sale was in Harold Hill, where my mum's relatives are from, in 1967. Horace Cutler, who felt that local authorities shouldn't be in the business of providing social housing(?), took this further when he was leader of the GLC in the 70's and was a housing adviser to MT after she became leader of the Conseravtive Party.