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What was the argy-bargy in the South Stand about then?

Stinky Kat

Oct 27, 2004
Club needs to pay more attention to the "steward" issue than they currently do that's for sure. They ruin matchdays for many and word has got around and it's biting at the turnstiles now. Chosing to ignore this is the clubs usual response and frankly, that's not good enough in the current climate.


Bravo - well said sir/madam

portlock seagull

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2003
I'm amazed you spend £25 ( or whatever the student rate currently is ! ) You're funny!!!! Really, you are. :jester: But this doesn't make sense. Are you suggesting students set the rates at the Albion? Can someone please qualify this statementand decide to worry about the away fans standing rather than getting behind the team - think you may have your priorities wrong So now you're in charge of everyone's priorities! :tosser:!!!!

What makes you think the stewards are not employees of the club Because they're employed by Ecovert?

Bully for you - you managed to write to Ken Brown - have you even thought of following it up ? Ah so it's STILL my fault, because I torpedoed your utter drivelling comments? What makes you think I didn't follow it up? How many times do you have to write and follow up before it's acceptable whilst we're at it Mr PompousWriting to other people as part of your campaign about standing at matches See previous comment, you really are making yourself look a tit? A single letter is hardly going to change the world is it ! Depends on whether the postman delivered it, what it concerns, who the receipient is.....look we're talking about standing at football matches, not serving a writ - do I have to come and shove it up Ken Brown's arse before you're happy? FFS...

You clearly DO have a chip on shoulder as regards the stewards - as evidenced by your further posts in this thread. Chips better than the sack of potatoes you're carrying round Get over yourself - they're people going about their job, in most cases doing it well and getting just over minimum wage to do it. They certainly don't deserve the crap a mindless moron like you is giving them.Why do people like you always come out with that get over yourself line just because someone disagrees with them, especially when it can equally be said of you? If you don't like the stewarding then complain to Dick Knight or the Safety Officer Richard Hebbard.What if he doesn't reply like Ken Brown.....? Time is money and you couldn't afford mine. In life sometimes you have to accept you're beat. I suggest you do likewise my friend

My last response to you Prestene, I can't spare you any more time.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
My last response to you Prestene, I can't spare you any more time.

"What makes you think the stewards are not employees of the club Because they're employed by Ecovert?"

That statement alone shows you to be the brainless fuckwit mong you really are !!! As for the rest of your drivel - no fact or substance at all !

I guess you're not responding anymore because you can't back up your arguements. Hopefully you'll try your one man campaign by standing up all match - I'll wave to you as you're escorted out :bigwave::bigwave::bigwave:
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Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
It's not a one man campaign at all. Not by a long shot - read through the entire thread and you will see that there are many others on here who believe that the behaviour of some of the Stewards at Brighton is poor. Whether you like it or not, either the club has a no standing policy or it doesn't - you cannot simply say "It's OK for the away fans to stand, but not the home fans"

I too think that there are several (not all) amongst the Stewards at Brighton who do the job purely because they think it gives them that little bit of power or control over others for a couple of hours (something which they quite clearly don't have in their day to day lives.)

I take the Derby Cup game as an example (I think this was the game they kicked out a guy with one leg as well but that's another matter.) Three or four Stewards stood pointing into G/H block, and then got the Old Bill over to start taking Video. All this whilst the Derby fans chant homophobic abuse (something it says on the back of the programme will get you ejected.

The fact is they haven't got the balls to go and tell the away fans to sit down. Better still - leet them stand, and let those who want to stand in G/H block stand too. You simply can't have one rule for one set of fans and one for the other.

It's not a one man campaign at all. Not by a long shot - read through the entire thread and you will see that there are many others on here who believe that the behaviour of some of the Stewards at Brighton is poor. Whether you like it or not, either the club has a no standing policy or it doesn't - you cannot simply say "It's OK for the away fans to stand, but not the home fans"

I too think that there are several (not all) amongst the Stewards at Brighton who do the job purely because they think it gives them that little bit of power or control over others for a couple of hours (something which they quite clearly don't have in their day to day lives.)

I take the Derby Cup game as an example (I think this was the game they kicked out a guy with one leg as well but that's another matter.) Three or four Stewards stood pointing into G/H block, and then got the Old Bill over to start taking Video. All this whilst the Derby fans chant homophobic abuse (something it says on the back of the programme will get you ejected.

The fact is they haven't got the balls to go and tell the away fans to sit down. Better still - leet them stand, and let those who want to stand in G/H block stand too. You simply can't have one rule for one set of fans and one for the other.

You really do like to look at things selectively, obviously to suit an agenda. If that's what makes you happy, typing all this stuff about Withdean stewards only having the nads to reproach home fans (?? like we fear or are biased to away fans? Yer, away fans are the coolest, we, er, really want to be in their gang :jester: )

The dude with one leg was, as was duly noted by everyone who witnessed that event, drunk off his ass - but you don't mention that rather important vignette in your agenda.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
It's not a one man campaign at all. Not by a long shot - read through the entire thread and you will see that there are many others on here who believe that the behaviour of some of the Stewards at Brighton is poor. Whether you like it or not, either the club has a no standing policy or it doesn't - you cannot simply say "It's OK for the away fans to stand, but not the home fans"

I too think that there are several (not all) amongst the Stewards at Brighton who do the job purely because they think it gives them that little bit of power or control over others for a couple of hours (something which they quite clearly don't have in their day to day lives.)

I take the Derby Cup game as an example (I think this was the game they kicked out a guy with one leg as well but that's another matter.) Three or four Stewards stood pointing into G/H block, and then got the Old Bill over to start taking Video. All this whilst the Derby fans chant homophobic abuse (something it says on the back of the programme will get you ejected.

The fact is they haven't got the balls to go and tell the away fans to sit down. Better still - leet them stand, and let those who want to stand in G/H block stand too. You simply can't have one rule for one set of fans and one for the other.

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
You really do like to look at things selectively, obviously to suit an agenda. If that's what makes you happy, typing all this stuff about Withdean stewards only having the nads to reproach home fans (?? like we fear or are biased to away fans? Yer, away fans are the coolest, we, er, really want to be in their gang :jester: )

The dude with one leg was, as was duly noted by everyone who witnessed that event, drunk off his ass - but you don't mention that rather important vignette in your agenda.

There is no agenda.

I merely state the facts regarding the different attitude the Stewards have towards the home/away fans.

Also, the ignoring of homophobic chanting - some really pleasant ones on Tuesday.

Shame you can't actually respond to the facts. But then you only type what suits your agenda.:jester:

Sadly, these debates always follow the same pattern with the resident stewards.

The "only doing my job" / "we're all fans" line which is rebutted by the question why the away fans aren't policed as vigorously. Then we get the usual defensive lines about the view being awful amd stand appalling. This is simply rebutted with the comment "tough shit. Rules is rules according to you". We then get the usual comments about having an agenda, being morons blah de blah.

Oh, and the stewards also seem to get an absolute delight out of winding people up on here. NMH and Champion 7 especially come across as a right couple of aggressive bullies. I don't know either of you in real life but if you're anything like you are on here then you really shouldn't be stewards. Your attitudes absolutely stink, your people skills are minimal and discretion seems to be a byword for you taking the maximum pleasure out of bossing people around. Great way to foster better relations, methinks not. You give other stewards a really bad rep. Seriously, your attitudes stink.

When are you stewards going to realise that your trotting out of regulations and the like simply doesn't wash when you quite clearly pick and choose which rules to obey and which stands to apply them to?


New member
Sep 15, 2007
Whilst I agree with the sentiment of many on here (you can add me to that one man campaign), I can't help feeling it often seems like a kind of telling the teacher - "they're allowed to stand, why don't you make them sit down?". I don't want to see the away fans being forced to sit down, I really don't. If there's absolutely no way for the home stewards to adopt their brains and drop their "I'm in charge" attitude, I'd still prefer it that the away fans did stand.

For a start, we all know standing creates a better atmosphere. This is the main reason why sitting is such a conveniant rule for those in charge, yet the fact that atmosphere turning to violence is such a rare occurence nowadays seems to be continually ignored. The other reason is that at pretty much every away match I've been to I've been able to stand up throughout, if I was forced to sit down by the kind of arseholes that purport to be stewards at the Withdean I would seriously consider whether or not going to football was worth it.

You can take your snivelling "that's the rules" attitude and go and watch tennis. You know as well as everyone else here that standing has been a part of football since the game began. Unfortunately there are a few people at the top who seem intent on ruining the experience, but if most other clubs have realised that a little common sense can apply to the "no standing" rule, maybe it's about time we did at Withdean as well.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
only can be bothered to read this large page to realise this is a lot of horse shit.

IMO H block bring it on themselves, no other block has this problem....and it's not because its a morgue elsdewhere , it is just less of a spac fest with no steward baiting.

As for the stewards , no major issues really , they parade like cocks at half time trying to find smokers like their lives depend on it. Doesnt stop me having a sneaky drag though......they aint that clever ....hence why they are stewards I guess


New member
May 9, 2004
only one person needs chucking out, that so called poet season ticket scrounger

Have you read anything on here? He buys a season ticket and receives no payment for his work with the club.

There is no agenda - apart from the one that you prefer not to admit to.

I merely selectively state the facts you prefer to pick out regarding the different attitude the Stewards have towards the home/away fans, while leaving out every fact that might adversely affect the story. Like the one legged fan, you didn't mention that he was antisocial and drunk, you prefer it to look like a disabled fan was picked on, even though ANY person in that condition can expect the same treatment.

Also, the ignoring of homophobic chanting - some really pleasant ones on Tuesday, and if you were a steward you'd throw out all the away fans rather than making a report. Given, you have no idea that away fans were escorted out for being ringleaders for the poor behaviour, and some for being belligerent drunks.

Shame you can't actually know all the facts. But then you only type what suits your agenda without adding anything that doesn't, or things you have no clue about. Basically, you just let your brain run itself out on a keyboard like you're frustrated.
However, there is a bottom line and a way to get an eye-to-eye agreement and workable situation between fans and stewards, and if you can think a little pragmatically and look around the stadium you will see it working:

There are whole large areas of fans where the stewards are not regularly walking up to people to warn them, or talk to them at all. These fans are reacting to events on the pitch, are not feeling uncomfortable or upset about stewards, are making noise when they feel like doing so, and are distracted by little other than the actual match before their very eyes.

What do YOU think they are doing to achieve that??
Hardly rocket science mate. :shrug:

Sadly, these debates always follow the same pattern with the resident stewards.

The "only doing my job" / "we're all fans" line which is rebutted by the question why the away fans aren't policed as vigorously. Then we get the usual defensive lines about the view being awful amd stand appalling. This is simply rebutted with the comment "tough shit. Rules is rules according to you". We then get the usual comments about having an agenda, being morons blah de blah.

Oh, and the stewards also seem to get an absolute delight out of winding people up on here. NMH and Champion 7 especially come across as a right couple of aggressive bullies. I don't know either of you in real life but if you're anything like you are on here then you really shouldn't be stewards. Your attitudes absolutely stink, your people skills are minimal and discretion seems to be a byword for you taking the maximum pleasure out of bossing people around. Great way to foster better relations, methinks not. You give other stewards a really bad rep. Seriously, your attitudes stink.

When are you stewards going to realise that your trotting out of regulations and the like simply doesn't wash when you quite clearly pick and choose which rules to obey and which stands to apply them to?


So, all the stewards who take the time to talk about your issues have a bad attitude, and we should just agree to let you aisles ... regardless of other fans... ignoring the dangers to yourselves and others if there's surging on steep lego stands.....and all the other factors that affect health and safety and general crowd order. How about we let hoolies come in with weapons and missiles?
That'll be just like the good old days! :clap2: :drool:

There are whole large areas of fans where the stewards are not regularly walking up to people to warn them, or talk to them at all. :

Yeah. The away stand for one. You know. The one where you let them stand all the time.

Never mind, you keep ignoring the fact that you clearly apply a different set of standards there and do keep with the absolutely intransigent and dare I say it, sneering attitude on here. It so obviously works to keep a workable situation and one in which you help to win hearts and minds.


So, all the stewards who take the time to talk about your issues have a bad attitude, and we should just agree to let you aisles ... regardless of other fans... ignoring the dangers to yourselves and others if there's surging on steep lego stands.....and all the other factors that affect health and safety and general crowd order. How about we let hoolies come in with weapons and missiles?
That'll be just like the good old days! :clap2: :drool:

Oh, great response. Pity it doesn't address the post you quoted at all.

Where have I asked to stand in an aisle? I haven't so kindly stop pretending that's what we've asked for.

Where have I asked you to let hoolies in with missiles? I haven't so stop pretending that's what we've asked for.

What we've asked for is for the likes of you and your sneery mates to either apply the rules uniformly and force away fans to sit or let us stand as you let the away stand do.

No surges, no hoolies, no health and safety nonsense. I'm not sure how else to put this that might be any simpler to understand.

Yeah. The away stand for one. You know. The one where you let them stand all the time.

Never mind, you keep ignoring the fact that you clearly apply a different set of standards there and do keep with the absolutely intransigent and dare I say it, sneering attitude on here. It so obviously works to keep a workable situation and one in which you help to win hearts and minds.

Did your mummy try "winning your heart and mind" when you misbehaved?
Did schoolteachers answer your reasons why YOU think you should be allowed to flaunt their rules, by "winning your heart and mind"?

How about you go shoplifting, start trouble in a nightclub, or stroll down the middle of a busy street or highway, and see how the shop security, club bouncers, and protectors of our laws in this city try to win your heart and mind! :laugh:

Did your mummy try "winning your heart and mind" when you misbehaved?
Did schoolteachers answer your reasons why YOU think you should be allowed to flaunt their rules, by "winning your heart and mind"?

How about you go shoplifting, or strolling down the middle of a busy street or highway, and see how the protectors of our laws in this city try to win your heart and mind! :laugh:

Let's see:

Sneery attitude? Check
Attempts at humiliation? Check
Ignoring completely the question that was put to you? Check
Irrelevant and inaccurate analogy? Check
The inevitable smilie at the end? Check

I think we've got an NMH post, folks.

So, to continue your awful analogy, the protectors rigorously enforce the laws on shoplifting on people from Brighton but ignore shoplifters from outside this fair city. Can I assume that is the situation you would be happy with?

oh, great response. Pity it doesn't address the post you quoted at all.

Where have i asked to stand in an aisle? I haven't so kindly stop pretending that's what we've asked for.

Where have i asked you to let hoolies in with missiles? I haven't so stop pretending that's what we've asked for.

What we've asked for is for the likes of you and your sneery mates to either apply the rules uniformly and force away fans to sit or let us stand as you let the away stand do.

No surges, no hoolies, no health and safety nonsense. I'm not sure how else to put this that might be any simpler to understand.

i mentioned that away fans have been selected where they are ringleaders, or drunk. Did you and can you read? Or aren't you just selectively ignoring the answers that don't suit you?

Here it is again, from post no.114 above; .... "Given, you have no idea that away fans were escorted out for being ringleaders for the poor behaviour, and some for being belligerent drunks".

And, I observed that much of block H and J were indeed standing for almost all of the match.
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