The Merry Prankster
Pactum serva
I read both the Telegraph and the Spectator and I think the Mail is an obnoxious, bigoted, bile filed, lazy, arse wipe of a newspaper.
The EU does not have any takes money indirectly from tax payers/businesses via contributions made by their governments or levies additional taxes on directly from consumers by adding levies to the tax system in member states (like VAT) making goods and services more expensive than they should be.
So, the EU is merely passing back some of the money they have taken from hard pressed consumers, businesses or employees in member states. Ironically in the UK at least it is those consumers, employees and businesses who have never had a say on (a) how their taxes are taken and spent by the EU, and (b) how the EU spends the money. going forward there will be more tax raising to come.
EU calls for 'Tobin' tax in a move to raise direct revenue | World news | The Guardian
You will no doubt consider the distribution of some of that money to your bank account as worthwhile, civil servants always do.......but then you are conflicted. You are not going to provide an impartial view on the EU when your livelihood is connected to that institution.........Turkeys don't vote for Christmas do they.
I read both the Telegraph and the Spectator and I think the Mail is an obnoxious, bigoted, bile filed, lazy, arse wipe of a newspaper.
hahahahahaha are you f***ing sure ?? we are one of the small minority that do follow the rules.
hahahahahaha are you f***ing sure ?? we are one of the small minority that do follow the rules.
The sad thing is , we'll be mug enough to actually pay, the french just tell them to f*** off and hear no more about it, we're still wait for compensation over the lamb burning, how many years ago was that ?
I read both the Telegraph and the Spectator and I think the Mail is an obnoxious, bigoted, bile filed, lazy, arse wipe of a newspaper.
Its very simple abide by the RULES. Jesus wept you carry on ignoring the laws and rules and you carry on getting fined. I am filled with absolute horrer that the UK will be stuck in a perpetual hell of a tory goverment with no EU looking after us
Have you ever noticed how its always the laws that help us plebs out that get vetoed ignoed or opted out of?
A very strange comment to make, because Britain was a wonderful country when it was ruled alternately by Conservative and Labour Governments "with no EU looking after us". I know, because I was there. It was only when the EU began to poke nose in that it all went horribly wrong and our wonderful land ceased to be our own and became such an ugly place to live.
Double this
And here's the sensationalist Independent's report:
UK may be fined over failure to honour single market agreement - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
It's partly to out-manoevre UKIP, but it's partly so he can re-negotiate and back-track on some of the treaties so we regain some of our sovereignty. It's a gamble, but if he can stop the unelected bureau-Eurocrats in Brussels from dictating to us how we should live our daily lives and give back the UK some of the power to run itself, then he may actually win a package which might suit the British people better than the totalitarian dictatorship which is currently developing in Europe. The British people might then actually vote "yes" to staying in. If Brussels remains intransigent and the treaties unchanged, then the British people might vote "no", but then Cameron would have his mandate to withdraw, and let Britain take its chances with the rest of the world, like it used to. Who knows, other disaffected members then might think they could do the same so that there develops a more realistic Europe as a market and allied force.
Yours is an attitude I find unfathomable , are you british ? If so, I cant understand why you sound positively gleeful that our fish stocks have been ravaged by foreign fishermen , decimating our fishing industry .So, the fun comes if diddy David can persuade the French and Germans that his reforms are the way forward and he gets what he wants.He than has the tricky job of selling it to his rabid back benchers who want out at any price. So this could split the Tories even more. Mind you, If I was Merkel,Hollande etc I'd tell him to piss off anyway and say go have your referendum and if you want out then go and say " Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish "
This is very true. Very true. There is a news channel I used to watch which runs articles on the various european wide rulings which occur. The rulings generally seemed to have the main objective of benfiting and making life easy for european citizens and are generally plain common sense. They ranged from big ticket items like the Schengen agreement to little things like minimum requirements for bicycles on trains. At the end of the days broadcast there was a sarcastic voice (with eyesrolling no doubt) which pointed out the UK had vetoed the idea or deferred a decision for, in the case of the bicycles, 15 years. A lot of mainland europe puts it's people first, the UK does not.
Yours is an attitude I find unfathomable , are you british ? If so, I cant understand why you sound positively gleeful that our fish stocks have been ravaged by foreign fishermen , decimating our fishing industry .
Are you feeling ok mate ?![]()
The sad thing about this dispute is that the legislation has not been enacted in Northern Ireland. The obvious reason is that cheaper energy will come in from the Republic of Ireland and the Unionists oppose it. So let me put it to you, in this instance the real issue here is that the Unionists wave the flag and we pay the bill.
I'm good thanks. I have said before I wish we had the UK attitude of the French. They dont like something they're out on the streets telling their government to do one or setting fire to British lamb. If the Brits were felling screwed over by the French would they be out igniting croissants and hurling french sticks off the white cliffs of Dover? No. Shame, as frizbee-ing a meat-feast off a cliff when you're pissed off with the Italians looks like fun.