Have you seen Spinal Tap?
(Or have I just been wooshed?)
You've got me worried now. It must be of an extremely disturbing nature if you can't even bring yourself to let it's malevolent influence darken the doors of your garden shed but instead have cast it asunder and banished to a safe distance atop your shed's roof.
As an added precaution I might also suggest sprinkling the threshold of your shed with a line of salt. The belt and braces approach is always the best I find.
Probably my most watched film! I was even born on the same day as Christopher Guest, I’m that much of a fan! Saw that at the Royal Albert Hall in the early 90s, fabulous stuff.
Love Gruupo Sportivo and have that album.![]()
At last someone else, whenever I mention Gruppo Sportivo I just get blank looks.
'But it wasn't his vomit'
Blind Faith
Must say the album cover looked “wrong” to me even when it came out ...
Absolutely this one, sprang straight to mind. Just wrong.
Another vote for Blind Faith here.
As already mentioned Blind Faith...
Blind faith was the first that sprang to mind when I read the OP, and it still is risqué , or was then, now, everyone just assumes peado. What did people think then?
Love Gruupo Sportivo and have that album.![]()
Do you keep it on or in your shed?
Anyone who can't dig this needs to give their head a wobble.
At last someone else, whenever I mention Gruppo Sportivo I just get blank looks.
XTC Skylarking