I genuinely believe that if any previous PM or Chancellor, of any political party, was fined for breaking the law, they would resign.
I won't hold my breath.
I won't hold my breath.
Maybe next time people will question what’s being said? These guys clearly didn’t care about it whilst making the rules with more information.
I genuinely believe that if any previous PM or Chancellor, of any political party, was fined for breaking the law, they would resign.
I won't hold my breath.
Is that your only take on this? In the meantime, over 300 people died yesterday,
The cynic in my wonders if BJ and his team knew this was coming, and leaked the stories about Sunak's wife last week. As that, coupled with his fine here, pretty much rules him out of being successful in a leadership contestSunak surprises me.
BoJo not so.
No they didn’t.
And with testing there’s no reason people couldn’t go to funerals to say bye to people, shut parks, shut kids play areas etc
Our own experience of a coalition was a disaster with Clegg getting into bed with the Tories when, historically, you'd have thought the libdems were more aligned towards labour philosphy!
How or should I say who, is going to pay Johnsons fine? He's strapped for cash remember?
How or should I say who, is going to pay Johnsons fine? He's strapped for cash remember?
I genuinely believe that if any previous PM or Chancellor, of any political party, was fined for breaking the law, they would resign.
I won't hold my breath.
The law-breaking itself, is a resigning matter on any level of political decency, and by all previous precedent.
The lying about the law-breaking in Parliament is a mandatory resigning matter under the ministerial code.
There is literally no moral, constitutional or legal justification for Johnson to stay in his post.
He'll 'apologise', for the 'misunderstandings / errors of judgement / any offence caused' and suggest 'the country wants everyone to move on'..