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All parts of the world are feeling the effects of globalisation and the digital revolution both economically and culturally. Wealth distribution mirrors that of the early Industrial Revolution. Unlike the 1800s - the presence and growth of artificial intelligence might just f*** everyone over except the establishment, billionaires and despots. Liberal democracy is teetering in the face of such onslaughts.You have to be joking, all elected governments do what they are told to by big business and the economic market. The only time I can think of when the government did what it thought was in the general population's interest was the Labour government that replaced Churchill and the Tories. The only reason this happened was because they were scared of a working class that had just been demobbed after winning a war, so we had all the concessions and reforms to improve the lives of the masses. Once the threat of armed revolt passed the meaning of reform did a 180 and we saw the dismantling of all those gains.