Not Andy Naylor
Well-known member
Brovion - well played, sir.
How much money do you reckon Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, and Arsenal make out of fans who never come to a game?
I do hear what you are saying, however there is no LAW that says if you live somewhere you are OBLIGED to be a fan of that local team.
before coming to Brighton I lived in Melksham in Wiltshire and the local team was supposedly Swindon. To be honest, at the school I went to, the main team people supported was Leeds as they were the sucessful team at that time and there were also a few Liverpool supported Swindon.
I just fail to see why people get upset about people living in Brighton and not supporting them....what the hell does it matter?
It just makes no sense whatsoever to support liverpool when you grew up in some village in mid-sussex
I guess you're the type of person who doesn't reallty see the difference between a Kia and a Bentley aren't you. Fair enough, if you have standards that low enjoy it but most of us are quite proud Falmer will be that bit different
interesting point if it wasn't completely irrelevant to the fact that the stadium pitch view will be just the same...... oh and just for the record i drive a Bentley