Well as I have lived in Doncaster for the past three years I will come to its defence. I was up this way in the seventies for four years and it was a grim time. Modern Doncaster has been transformed. Best market in the country (you will not have seen the like in Sussex) and those lucky enough to travel up last year for the Donny match will have noticed the Stadium next to the lake and plush offices /housing. I live a few yards from the one time home of Douglas Bader and all the houses around here are made from the beautiful local stone. As for the people, they are generally great. They were even polite enough not to take the piss out of us when watching the Swindon debacle at the local pub.
You'll see in this thread i've already stuck up for the north, but just shows how a town can change. The way I walked back to the station from Doncaster with my mates was through an old dumping field, and then through run down streets like you see on Coronation Street, but in a worse state. Evidently money's been spent though on the town.