Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
The wind was very strong yesterday. Even wearing a woolly scarf and waxed raincoat couldn’t keep the cold out.The last couple of days are a good reminder of why Labour's energy policy needs some work. The wind hasn't been blowing enough and the sun isn't shining enough, so even in this low demand part of the day 63% of our electricity (about 27GW) is coming from gas fired power stations.
Just under 8% of our electricity is coming from wind, hydro or solar.
Energy Dashboard - real time and historical GB electricity data, carbon emissions and UK generation sites mapping
Live and historical GB National Grid electricity data, showing generation, demand and carbon emissions and UK generation sites mapping with API subscription
My solar panels are still generating an odd watt or two, even though it’s nearly dark with cloud cover. Don’t be so quick to write off Green energy.