Oh dear, this bloody democracy is so annoying isnt it, what with all these upstart labour members deciding on policy and then voting for leaders who will actually implement them.
Funny the founder of momentum went to a top U.K. private school.
Think Boris may well come to regret that 'your hand may have quivered'hand gesture at his People's Government address to the nation
Why is that funny?
Bingo, exactly my point. One of the biggest ever Labour loses and it’s nothing to do with their policies.
The Momentum style policies will continue to be rejected. Too much, too extreme. But the Tories will mess up at some point, might be 5 years, might be 10. Shame that the poor suffer more whilst the hard left applause themselves.
Funny the founder of momentum went to a top U.K. private school.
Bingo, exactly my point. One of the biggest ever Labour loses and it’s nothing to do with their policies.
The Momentum style policies will continue to be rejected. Too much, too extreme. But the Tories will mess up at some point, might be 5 years, might be 10. Shame that the poor suffer more whilst the hard left applause themselves.
Funny the founder of momentum went to a top U.K. private school.
Or Abbott, campaigns to close private schools and sends her kid to one. Joke
What! it isnt exactly your point but completely the reverse. These "soft" left policies, not at all extreme (standard in many other countries) are" extremely" popular.
Everything to do with their policies.
People clearly did not want to be dragged back 40 plus years to nationalised industries, millennials would not know what they are and older people knew how bad they were. Also the labour "vision" would have taken 5 to 10 years to implement at an alarming cost.
And he was a shit leader as well
Yet she still managed 70% of the votes in her constituency...
Do you honestly and truly think that if the Labour Party goes into the next election with the same policies it will win? Being popular and actually voting for something are completely different things. Socialist policies like Jeremy's are great in principle but not in practice......
And I was far more scared of Corbyn getting than Brexit....
You haven't noticed the decline and marginalisation of Trade Unions over the last 30 years then?Remember the Union barons holding the county to ransom, rubbish uncollected and left in the streets to rot. Seems too many of us do
Brilliant. The worst Labour result since the 30’s and still deluded. Four day weeks and sweeties for all. Just seen momentum rep on Sky with head in sand. Watching Labour the next six months will be just fantastic
Remember the Union barons holding the county to ransom, rubbish uncollected and left in the streets to rot. Seems too many of us do