Would anyone really want these vile individuals in charge of our country?
You are right, it does need to change. A more centre left Labour Party would have walked this election. Unfortunately Momentum have taken over and made Labour unelectable.
The £8.6billion given to the richest 15,000 people in Britain with the Tories tax cut from 50%-45% would have paid for the following -
Would anyone really want these vile individuals in charge of our country?
Would anyone really want these vile individuals in charge of our country?
Using the phrase 'lynch the bitch' seems terminally stupid and may just prove to be.... only the terminally stupid would agree with you...
Yes Jess Phillips is bloody fantastic, we could do with a lot more like her.
Yes Jess Phillips is bloody fantastic, we could do with a lot more like her.
Using the phrase 'lynch the bitch' seems terminally stupid and may just prove to be.
Can you defend it? Of course not.
McDonnell is a nasty f****r.
Would anyone really want these vile individuals in charge of our country?
Yes, that sums it up perfectly.
My middle brother calls that 'poppycock'. He's a sort of angry version of jolly red giant
The idea that people who won't vote for Corbyn are stupid, and the fact we will have a Boris spaff-fest, is the fault of the stupid electrorate is....so....Victorian.
How many times do I have to tell a hard lefter (sorry, ordinary working socialist) that in any election you have to convince the skeptic as well as the devotee, to get the votes to win?
How many times has this to be reiterated before the hard lefter gets it into his hoity toity head that if the skeptics are not convinced it means the policies, or the presentation, or the cut of the leader's jib, or all three are to blame for electoral failure?
How many times (etc etc ... ) will they accept it is never the fault of the electorate when the vote is lost.
Win, FFS. Aim, shoot and win.
No hard lefter leader has ever come close in our national politics. He/she/they never will. Too much baggage, too much orthodoxy (needed, to be accepted as a True Socialist) that cannot be forsworn. Immutable baggage. To 'be there' as a leader of the hard left (sorry, True Socialism) means you had to get there and, like Corbyn and his life, the act of getting there automatically disqualifies you from becoming PM.
Can't stand her.
I would like to put Phillips, Thornberry, Abbott and Lucas on a desert island for a month; it might neutralise their testosterone a bit.
Would anyone really want these vile individuals in charge of our country?
My Income Tax has decreased year on year, thanks to an annual increase in Personal Allowance combined with wage stagnation. I would love to contribute more tax to society but I can't unless I get more earnings!What tax cuts have happened since 2010?
Taxes have risen, a whole load of reliefs disappeared.
Can't stand her.
I would like to put Phillips, Thornberry, Abbott and Lucas on a desert island for a month; it might neutralise their testosterone a bit.
There's rarely been a better post on this thread.
Firstly, Socialism does not sell. Not in its purest form. We are not all equal. We are born of different sexes and races, rich, poor, fat, thin, clever, stupid. Probably by the age of seven you can go in to a class and see there are spiv kids that will make money, geek kids that will go into tech or education, cool kids who'll do something in music, kids who are already drifing in to bad behaviour and then kids who may not be eating, may have a disability or illness, may be abused. The trick is to provide genuine assistance and safety for the vulnerable last group without stifling the creativity, geekiness, entreprenurial spirit and cleverness of the others. Pure socialism doesn't do that. Never has done and never will. It drags EVERYONE down to the bottom level. Or, as in Venezula, it turns the whole country anarchic and the law of the jungle persists, which is a kind of Opposite Socialism.
So fundamentalism is a pretty hard sell and the British public won't stand for it. Never have done and never will. Labour's answer to being wiped out by Thatcher? Let's throw in a scruffy, elderly, bookish sort who'll get the hard left plan back on track. Whoops. So they kick out Foot and then what happens? A slow drift towards social democract begats Militant Tendency, Degsy swanning round Liverpool in expensed cabs, years of infighting, no government. John Smith finally comes along and looks like he'll sort out the party and the country and tragically dies but lighbulbs go on for the first time since Nineteen Effing Seventy Nine. Blair waters down a bit of the rhetoric. He also has a much feared and very effective press team (Campell was the left's answer to Boris's Dom before Boris's Dom was drinking legally). And guess what? Massive election win and a first term that contained progressive policy after progressive policy.
So what do they do when it finally all ends? They put Corbyn in almost as a joke. An oversight. A last thought. To make it more FAIR. Socialism's biggest failing writ large. And he turns the whole party back to 1983 all over again just as the Tories lurch to the right of Thatcher. And STILL there are people complainng that Labour is not Socialist enough![]()
The only thing I'm unsure about is whether it is that we get the governments we deserve or that governments get the electorate they deserve.![]()
Not a million miles from Greg Lake in 'I Believe in Father Christmas'.... The Christmas we get we deserve.
Yep, that's it. It's definitely the fault of all those selfish barstards, and in no way the fault of Labour for not offering an alternative that people can stomach.And there’s the rub, everyone knows things need to change, but don’t want to put their hands in their pockets.
Welcome to five years of hell if you are disabled, disadvantaged, have mental health issues, are young, or for no fault of your own, hit hard times. Welcome to broken Britain... and on top of that the lie will be exposed and Boris won’t deliver Brexit, but will get 5 years in power - well done you mugs!