Is it PotG?
Thrifty non-licker
Whilst there's you kicking a man for having a medical condition. Bravo!!!
Medical condition? Are his ears wonky, resulting in lopsided spectacles?
Whilst there's you kicking a man for having a medical condition. Bravo!!!
Medical condition? Are his ears wonky, resulting in lopsided spectacles?
point is there is such a policy, not the merits of it.
yes houses should be lived in. how about people that are long term ill, out of country or waiting for sale, awaiting planning? there seems an assumption that people sit on a valuable housing stock doing nothing, when there is likely good reason for a property not occupied for such a long time. there is property being bought as investment, they will probably be occupied except some edge cases. do we want policy driven by a few hundred flats? we need proper housing policy.
The point is, that's about the best dig Tory acolytes can come up with. Not really a good case to support Johnson's PM bid though...... typically uncharitable.
The point is, that's about the best dig Tory acolytes can come up with. Not really a good case to support Johnson's PM bid though...... typically uncharitable.
Medical condition? Are his ears wonky, resulting in lopsided spectacles?
I see you couldn't be bothered to read the link someone else gave you. I'll give it to you again:
He is being treated for a muscle weakness in his right eye and using corrective glasses as part of the treatment.
It would be absolutely BONKERS if Corbyn was to come out and say how he would vote/campaign in a second referendum. I'm genuinely STAGGERED people want to know or think he should declare it.
Have we learnt nothing from the last few years?
Let him go to the EU and negotiate a deal he can work with. Put it to the people, stay completely neutral and then work with the outcome. It's so simple. He still would have every need to negotiate the best deal he can as it may well be what he needs to run with.
Why would he declare his stanceImagine if his 'side' 'lost'. What would people demand? that's right. Resignation and then and then and then.....
Yesterday's debate was depressing. It is a sorry state of affairs when the two people presented before us are the best this country has to offer. 3 if you count the presenter. Boris is totally untrustworthy and Jeremy doesn't have the capability to capitalize on it.
Pretty much how I see it.
The stance surely should be:
1. Go and negotiate the very best POSSIBLE deal. Not a fantasy, but the best achievable agreement.
2. Put that deal to a second vote.
3. As an individual voter, he should then vote for whichever of, the agreed deal or Remain, he feels is the best outcome for the country. He shouldn't be expected to know which of those he would vote for, when one of the two options is as yet undefined.
What is the alternative? Are his opponents suggesting that he should vote for one pre-determined thing, even if the outcome of negotiations is such that he feels voting the other way was in the nation's interest?
Don't be so obtuse.
Does his condition mean he cannot keep them straight?
I have seen many photos of JC where they are straight, and I would have thought at such an important occasion that all possible measures would be taken for perfection.
Pretty much how I see it.
The stance surely should be:
1. Go and negotiate the very best POSSIBLE deal. Not a fantasy, but the best achievable agreement.
2. Put that deal to a second vote.
3. As an individual voter, he should then vote for whichever of, the agreed deal or Remain, he feels is the best outcome for the country. He shouldn't be expected to know which of those he would vote for, when one of the two options is as yet undefined.
What is the alternative? Are his opponents suggesting that he should vote for one pre-determined thing, even if the outcome of negotiations is such that he feels voting the other way was in the nation's interest?
The thought of any world leader taking him seriously is a tad concerning.
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Very well summed up Boris really is not that bright and Labour should be exposing and making him look like the buffoon he is. As well intentioned as Jeremy is I think he has missed a real opportunity to expose Boris for what he is.
There was one brief moment he had Boris on the ropes with selling out the NHS to the Americans but it was one blow amongst a lot of light jabs when he had a chance to knock Boris out cold
2nd Tory candidate suspended this week for anti semitism , but it's only Labour who are anti semitic