Alex Alex Dawson oo! oo!
Primary data is fact
They have been sent to Companies House already. They will make them available for download (for £1 for each company) when they've processed them. They're not there yet.
Just to clear up a couple of misunderstandings that have already been posted on here.
Cash is NOT the same as profit/loss. Tony can keep the club solvent (i.e. having enough cash). A cash injection does not impact on profit or loss. Any interest on a loan would impact on profit/loss, but the loans have been interest free.
Any investment in the training ground infrastructure will be a capital item and shown as an asset on the balance sheet and does not affect profit/loss until the asset starts to be depreciated. So, new investment in the infrastructure at the AMEX or in the training ground will not be a contributory factor to the increased loss.
Finally, these new accounts are for the year 1 July 2012 - 30 June 2013. Anything that happened after that date will not be in the figures, but there may be a note saying that XXX happened after 30 June 2013 and will be accounted for in the current year's accounts. This only happens if XXX is a big thing - for example, last year there was a note (known as a "post balance-sheet event") that said that Tony had converted £40m of debt into shares.
Quite so, and there was no depreciation from either in the previous (ie 2011/12) accounts because neither the stadium nor the training ground had been completed. I assume the latter (as it's still on-going) will not appear until 2013/14 or maybe later but there will be some stadium depreciation here; assuming it's being done at over 25 years, I'd guess at £4-5M and this is discounted for FFP purposes.