Cosmic Joker
The Motorik
Aren't rail companies obliged to find taxis now? I remember being put into a taxi at Leeds once to get to Ilkley when the incoming train was so late we missed our connection: the guy from the train company said the company had a legally responsibility to get passengers to their destination - although the people who didn't have a through ticket to other destinations were screwed, the operator only covered people who already had a ticket
Yes, this has always been the case, if you turn up in time for the last train and you already have a ticket, or missed connection on a through ticket due to the Railway's fault, they have to get you home same night. SASTA didn't seem to be making an effort to do at Havant a few weeks ago when I was in that situation coming back from London. Last night I understand the issue was that there were just a lot more people who needed taxis than were actual taxis available, so some extended waits whilst drivers did round trips.
My group had taken bikes on the train from Chi to Barnham to visit the Wilkes Head at Eastergate, so were able get back independently with a longer ride than planned after a few beers, rather than go back to Barnham to join the chaos. Knew it was a possibility, so we all had copious lights and hi-viz about us.