Cotton Socks
Skint Supporter
- Feb 20, 2017
- 2,336
I'd just like a government that stops f**king everything up & doesn't make it more shit for most of us than it already is!!!! I know someone whose mortgages have gone from £200 a month to over £1k since the Truss shambles & as I don't feel very sorry for him per se as he's done f**k all to earn that money or have those properties (inheritance) another friend of mine is going to be made homeless as the flats will be sold. If it had been a couple of years later the mortgage would've been paid & he wouldn't be kicked out (I can't blame my friend who owns the flat either tbf. as he's rented it at at vastly reduced rate).Can I ask what you guys think the new Labour government will actually do? rather than vague 'repair 13 years of damage' nonsense, what will they spend, how will they raise it (what will they stop spending or who/what will they tax more to pay for it) and what will the impact be? I have been scouting around, reading about the Five Missions etc... and unsurprisingly it is like trying to nail jelly to the wall. I would be really interested to know what will be significantly different (other than it's not being done by the Tories) and by how much?
My rented accommodation is less than market rates but I've lived here for years & I've managed to negotiate the rent increase (that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Truss) to something that's 'sort of' affordable. My consistent payment of rent on time, in full every month & the fact that I deal (& pay for) all the minor things that go wrong here & try to save the owner money on things I'm not prepared to pay for, to the point that I've wasted my time & someones on here to save them money when they're being ripped off (they didn't listen and got ripped of) makes the owner reluctant to charge full market price & have to deal with god knows what if I can't afford it & move out. Their new house has been purchased by remortgaging the one I live in during lockdown. Better the devil you know & all that.
Not very many years ago, but has seemed to have been forgotten about was a 'Save our Schools' campaign due to how much the schools budgets have been cut, the budgets still haven't risen in real terms & I don't think the government are even bothering to say that they've given an 'increase' in spending as everyone knows its b''locks. There are no Sure Start centres anymore & midwife appointments before and after birth are bare minimum as there aren't even enough midwives in the hospitals to help with an actual birth, so I'd expect them to work out how to prevent a further decline in that.
In my view at this precise moment, it's not about improvement it's about someone coming in and putting the brakes on to stop it getting worse. I don't expect miracles & a flourishing economy in a couple of years time and foodbanks to be diminished over night.
I don't want a government that thinks it's fine to ditch the ECHR because they don't like the part that stops them doing what they want to. Does anyone have a clue what a UK HR act is going to be? All I can see is rights being diminished, the right to protest is the 1st one that springs to mind. I can't even say that law was brought in due to a 'moral panic' as no-one cared/cares about protests as long as they don't end up in a breakdown of society and if that happened then there surely should be important questions as to why it's happened rather than how we can stop protests.
The Criminal Justice Bill that came in to stop raves with the outlawing of something stupid like repetitive beats being played in public was bloody stupid & I had to explain this to Jnr the other day, that in theory if we have an NYE party with more than 20 people present & played repetitive beat that it could lead to me being arrested sounded ridiculous (I'm not having an NYE party, he's just interested in the history of the rave scene). It sounded even more ridiculous when he asked me what was considered a repetitive beat. Can you get away with playing The Beatles on the 1st track and then The Prodigy on the next, which beat is repetitive when they are so different? That law was bought in due to a moral panic though with the people (and the tabloids) being afraid of a load of twatted ravers. No such moral panic happened with protests as far as I'm aware so why has the protest law come about?
I just want some sanity & not a bunch of narcissistic gaslighting knobs running the country. If its a Labour government next they may well be a bunch or narcissistic gaslighting knobs but it would be nice to find out, rather than continue down this path steered by a bunch or narcissistic gaslighting knobs!
Sorry, that was long and I haven't actually answered your question!